Chapter 4

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When I got up the next morning I realize that I wasn't in my room but still in his as if I fell asleep there, the weird part is that he was not there. It seems as if he woke up earlier and went somewhere. Took my phone from the bedside table to check the time, it was only 7:15 AM and Stef never wakes this early. Still feeling a bit tired, I decided I would go back to my room and take a small nap and set my phone alarm at 8:50 AM.

When I got back to my room I didn't hesitate to throw myself on the bed.As I was about to say my phone rang, I took it off the bed to see that it was my mom.


"Hi Maria could you take the kids hospital now. Their mom wants to see them, Steph and Rahfiel are already here", she said.

"Mrs. Mahoney is awake that's good news; I'll be there in about 20 minutes if that's not a problem. Maybe before that I didn't know, but I have to say the shower and call a cab to come pick us up"

"No there is no need to call a cab Rahfiel said he would come and get you guys;  just get ready and tell the boys to get ready because we don't know if she will be awake for a long. Be as quick as possible, Rahfiel will soon be there for he as already left to come get you and the boys."

"OK I'll just tell them and go take a shower as quickly I can."

"Ok see you later baby girl", she said before ending the call.

I then made a quick call to Rogers phone to inform them that they need to get up, take a shower and get ready to visit their mom at the hospital because she's awake; took a shower and in about fifteen minutes we were ready and waiting for them to come get us.

"Did you hear anything about dad, like if he is away or if he will be better soon?", Asher asked.

"No I wasn't informed about your dad and my mom just called and told me that you're mom is awake and that I need to get you guys the Hospital to see her as quick as I can", I said as we walked outside and towards the gate.

We sat outside waiting and in about two minutes Rahfiel's car drove up on the drive way and we got in.

When we got to the hospital Mrs. Mahoney was in her room, it was filled with flowers and gifts from family members it seems and friends. I wasn't a family member so I decided that I would just stand at the door and let the boys have some quality time with your mom.

She then called me over and we had a nice small conversation for about two minutes after which I decided to go and get some stuff from one of the food bars for the boys have something to eat. We got up this morning and we were in a rush so we didn't get a chance to have breakfast or anything to eat.

When I got back to the room the doctors were inside asking for them to leave so that Mrs. Mahoney could get some rest; with that we went to the waiting area.

That's when one of the doctors asked to speak with Rahfiel , they went inside a office room. He was in there for about 3 to 4 minutes and when he got back out he called for Stefan. The way both boys faces looked when they were talking showed me that something really bad happened or was about to happen.

They walked back over towards us and that is when Rahfiel confirmed that his father has passed away and that it his mother won't be able to leave the hospital for the next few weeks.

Tears, pain, hurt, shock, overwhelm, loss, torment, agony, grief and anger; that was all I felt. I have never lost a loved one before, Mr. Mahoney was like my dad, he treated me as an equal even though we weren't related; he took care of me, he helped in making me the person I am today and to lose him is the most regretful thing in my entire life.

I stood there speechless as tears descended down my cheeks; no sound, no movements_____not even a blink just tears running down my cheeks. I am never the one to cry ever, but right now that's the only thing I can do. Normally I would be there for everybody trying to make them feel better and telling them that everything would be OK but right now I need for somebody to tell me that everything would be OK because I am feeling so much pain inside, I feel empty and it's hard for me to even make a sound.

In every book I have read there's always a good, a bad and a terrible story. This one is my story and terrible does not even cut it.

Everyone around me was crying so loud that it was hard for me to even hear my own footsteps. I just walked___ I have no idea where I was going but I just walked. I was trying to do something that would probably make me feel better, Something that could fill this emptiness I was feeling inside there is no way I was going to feel better by just walking but that was the only thing that I could do, the only thing that I could think of at the moment. Mr. Mahoney is gone might be gone because she has of word terrible injuries and I can't do anything about it all all I can do is feel pain and cry.

I just walked without looking back but that wasn't all; if I break down and be sad there would be nobody absolutely no one to tell everybody to be strong. I had to put myself in my feelings aside and think about those four boys that lost their dad today.Those boys didn't lose someone that only treated them kind, they lost their biological father, they lost their breadwinner, they lost the most important male in their life, they lost their dad. There is nothing that I could say to fill that gap, to fill that emptiness today but I could try  to be there for them because their mother is ill and they have no one else to do it.

With that I walked back over to them but Rahfiel was gone. My mom and dad, Roger and Asher were there but no sign of Rahfiel. I know that Rafael and I aren't friends and all but he has absolutely no one. My dad, my mom and Stef are there for Roger and Asher but nobody at all would be there for Rahfiel. Knowing him the only thing he's going to do is go to a bar, get drunk and probably meet in another accident and another heartbreak is not what the family need right now.

I did what I never thought I would do I went searching for him when I got out front door he was already getting in to his car and that's when I yelled "Rahfiel what are you doing, where are you going you need to be there for your brothers!"

"Yeah I need to be there for them who is going to be there for me did it my dad died also I am going to get my mind off things I need to leave right now so please do not try and stand in my way", he yelled pulling the car door.

I didn't own a car so I couldn't have him leave because I wouldn't be to him follow if he did so I ran over to his car and stood by the door which stopped him from leaving.

"OK fine can I at least come with you?", I asked.

"I do not want your pity, so if that's the reason why you are coming you can stay if not be my guest", he said getting into the car and so did I.

I wouldn't say that I was being pitiful I would say that I am just trying to be there for him. I know he's going to try and shut me out but I'm just gonna be there; they're already losing people and him doing something crazy to himself is not the best thing right now.

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