Chapter 6

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We sat there for hours, complete absence of sound; the only thing that we hurt were insects. I was in my own head, multiple things came crashing at me. What would I do after this; now that I've no reason to be at the Mahoney mansion where will I live? Would I have to get a job? Would my parents allow me to stay with them for a while until I have enough money to get me somewhere? What would be my next move. My mind was pulled up from my head and placed on the deck beside us. Never in my life have I felt this helpless. I didn't finish school, after age 13 I stopped going there so I don't have any qualifications; who would want to employ me. Everything I know are things my parents thought me, things I read, and things from the internet........... I've always been interest in entrepreneurship and world history; but I didn't go to college or have a GPA, nobody would want me working in there company.

"Hey you so deep in thoughts you don't even realize that it's getting late and I've been calling you. I see your getting to love my get away spot", he said pushing me playfully with his shoulder.

"I'm just thinking about what will happen. I have nothing and the only person that I was actually living for just died. Well no really living for but I had to change my whole future for him. Leaving everything behind, even school; for that nobody would want to hire a twenty year old school drop out", I uttered.

"Well now that my dad as pasted I'll be the new owner of his company, you can work for me as my P.A if you want. Your the only person that I really think I trust with that job right now. It's not much you just have travel with me, accompany me to my meetings, get me coffee or food when I ask you to, inform me of anything that comes up and so on. Not hard that you would need a GPA for; I'm sure you know your way around a computer and your smart enough to help me with decisions at meetings. The best part about it is that you don't pay for anything when you travel with me and you get five thousand dollars a month($5000)."

"Oh really now, we just started talking and you want me to work for you; I have to ask though. Are you really getting to like me? Right now I wouldn't say no to working anywhere at all, especially when I get an offer this big. Do you know how much five thousand dollars can do for me right now. I could rent somewhere and even get a car after a few months", I said glanced at him with appreciation covered all over him face.

"Don't get too overwhelmed yet, if you do anything stupid you will get fired and you have to be on time at all time. You can't take disadvantage of the fact that we are friends; you have to do your job as best as possible. Now let's get going, I know everybody is worried about you", he uttered.

We then left the lake and drove back home. When we got there my mom's car was parked in the drive way and so was Stefan's care. Rahfiel parked his car, we got out and walked inside the house. Almost everybody was there in the living room. My parents, family members and friend from both Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney', side. The boys seemed to be occupied, they didn't look as sad and downhearted as they were earlier today. They were playing with their cousins; I have to say I really like seeing them like this. I know they aren't entirely feeling okay but I really felt better knowing they weren't crying.

"That's how things are now, you just leave me just like that and go with Rahfiel. Not even consider telling me that you are leaving, you had me worried that something was wrong with you, I searched everything where for you. I called and texted you a million times and you never answered my calls or reply to my messages", Stef shouted walking in my direction.

"Come on Stef you know I would never leave you I'd never leave you if it wasn't for a good reason. I just thought that since you had my parents and your brothers around to make you feel better that I'd just go see with your brother to be there for him. Nothing serious, my phone had no signal I wouldn't ignore your calls are texts Stef; and you this so why are you over reacting now. I'm sorry I left you okay", I said trying to calm him down and explain my self at the same time.

"What about me Maria? Why weren't you there for me? Is it that you have had your time with this brother and now your moving onto to the next. You know what fuck this, do whatever you want to", he shouted.

"Now you dare try disrespecting me Stef, I've always been there for you and now your making me look like a whore. I've been nothing but good and respectful to you so don't you dare say that. I told you that I was just trying to help and that's what you have to say. You are ridiculous", I said walking off and towards the stairs.

I could feel eyes creating marks in my back. I loved Stef more than anything in this world. I would never abandon him for anyone, he has been my friend ever since I came to this house and for him say those hurtful things to me really hurts. I was only trying to help but the only thing I get for it is disrespect. Now I understand why my mom is the way she is, you show people you care for them and they take the opportunity to hurt those feelings you have left in you. It really hurts to have someone you love and care for to act with you in such a way when the only you are trying to do is help. If I was to be selfish I would say that I owe this family nothing and I don't have to even he here. I will definitely not stay here and he disrespected though, I've no reason to even be here anymore either ways. There dad was the only reason I was taken here in the first place and he's gone so should I. I felt really angry at Stef right now but I also have to be here for Mrs. Mahoney and the boys, they haven't done anything to me and I think that they need me around in the time of loss.

I felt as if my mind was exploding, everything was just running through my mind all at once. What would my future really be after this day, what would my relationship with Stef be like after now. He is like my only friend and I really love him. After thinking king and hard about what he said; I should have been there for him. He wouldn't have left me the way left him. I though I was doing the right thing but instead I hurt the only person that I can talk to about anything. I would go see how he is doing but he hurt my feeling too, talking to me like that in front of everyone, making it look as if I'm a whore, cursing at me....... As much I wanted to, I couldn't find the courage to go see him. Not after he said all a those things to me without even understanding why I did what I did.

I took my phone up from where I had thrown it to check my messages to see that I received fifty six message and eighty four missed calls from Stef. Now I would be as mad as he is; from me not being there for him to him not knowing where I was..... both alone and worried. I was definitely going to apologize to him. Even if it means me going to find him and talking to him first.

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