Chapter 8

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I got up super early and got ready for work. I really wanted to talk with Stef last night but I guess he got caught up somewhere. I had already pick out what to where from last night so the I only had to get them ironed. I took a shower and by 8:00 I was ready to leave. When I got downstairs Rahfiel was already there seated in the sofa. He was dressed in a beige jacket suit, white inside shirt and a gray Brogue shoes. I've never seen him all dressed up like this before; he was always wear sweat suits or T-shirt and shorts.

"How elegant, you look well put together Ms. Mendes", he pointed out. 

"You don't look so bad yourself. So good at giving a girl complement aren't you", I said sarcastically.

"The car will be hear anytime soon, I already called the driver to tell him I'm early so will soon be here. Ohh and I'm not a coffee person so don't get me no coffee. Only dark chocolate for tea; and I don't like vegan so none a that either", he uttered.

"Okay, don't you think that writing these things down would be better for me. I don't want to be forgetting anything and get fired so..... that would be better", I said placing my right hand on my forehead.

"You know that's better for reals, I'll email everything by tonight. The car is here", he said glancing up from his phone and at me, getting up from the sofa.

"Okay I'll just get some things from the fridge I'll be out in a sec", I uttered walking into the kitchen and towards the refrigerator.

After doing so I walked to the front door, and towards the SUV parted in the car Porsche. A man dress like a security card was standing by the door and opened it when he realized I was coming.

"So he's the driver", I said to myself.

When I got inside the car Rahfiel was already inside with his head planted in his phone, he didn't even glance at me when I entered. The whole ride was quiet, the only sounds I heard where other cars blowing there horns and music coming from business places as we drove by.

I'm about fifteen minutes we were parked in the parking lot. I was about to get out when the driver opened the door for me. After doing so he went on Rahfiel's side of the car and did the same.

"Come with me", Rahfiel mumbled walking toward a clothes door.

"Okay", I murmured

I followed behind him to an elevator, he press five so I knew that meant we were going on the fifth floor. I'm about am minute and a half, the elevator door opened. We walked along the hallway and I realized that there was only two doors on this floor. On one door there was a sign stating that this is the CEO's office, on the other door the signed indicated that this room was the secretary room.

"The meetings starts at ten, if you need anything I'll be next door. That's your office though. Ohh and I need a cheese sandwich for breakfast. The food bar is on the third floor, if you get lost you can ask anyone you see for directions. Remember now, only dark chocolate, no creamer just two sugar packs", he ordered before walking into his office and closing the door behind him.

When I entered my office I was really surprised and amazed. The place was look really adequate, I wasn't expecting to even have an office much less one this fancy. I checked my phone to see that it's 856am. I placed my things on the table and went back outside to go get us some breakfast.

When I got to the second floor there was no way I could get lost. Everything was obvious, that floor looks like it's for hanging out, food and having lunch.

When I got to the bar, a guy was there waiting for me to make my order.

"What would you like ma'am?", he said professionally.

"I'll have a cheese sandwich, a dark coffee with only two sugar packs, a latte and two chocolate topped donuts."

"Okay, would you like anything extra with the latte or the dark chocolate?", he asked.

"No that's fine thank you", I replied.

"You mew here, haven't seen you around before", he added.

"Yeah I'm the new P.A", I said leaning on the counter .

"Nice, I hope you stay; I'd like to see you again", he said as a smirk appeared on his face.

"It's my first day I can't possibly be thinking of getting fired that quick", I asked with a small smile.

"Yeah I know but they don't normally stay that long; sometimes just a week and there gone", he uttered.

"Oh well I think I'll be different", I added.

"I hope so because we keep cute faces like yours around here. Nobody ever told you that you have a cute smile", he said as a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Well I haven't heard that one before but thank you. Your cute yourself too", I said pointing at him playfully.

"I have to say the same, I haven't reallly heard that one before either."

"You lying, you can't tell me that you don't have a new girl lusting at your each and everyday. I bet your not even single", said looking at him weirdly.

"Well you have fo believe because it's the truth. I'm a single person; well me and my girlfriend broke up a couple days ago so yeah I'm single. Haven't been with anyone else since then; I haven't seen anyone I would like to shoot my shot with until now", he said smiling at me.

"Oh wow, how direct. I don't think you mean that though your just saying that to make me feel good and it's not like we are even allowed to date co-workers either", I said rubbing my hands against my shoulders.

"Who told you that? The thing is the boss isn't allowed to date anyone working here, employees are free to mingle", he uttered.

"Here everything is ready", the young preparing the food mumbled.

"Thank you I'll be heading off now so see you later I guess", I added taking the bags from counter.

"My names Jacob; can't I at least get your number?", he asked cheaply.

"I'm Maria and no we just met I can't just give you my number like that", I said before walking off.

He was definitely flirting with me; nobody as ever flirted with me before. I was even playing along until he asked for my number. Why would I even give my number to somebody I just met, that would be straight up bitchy if you ask me and that thing about only Rahfiel not allowed to date employees; I don't buy it. Why would Rahfiel lie about that? That's just weird, maybe he was just saying that so I would agree to go out with him or something. He's hella cute but I don't like persons that are so friendly. He maybe tell all those things to every girl that pops up at the food bar; I'm definitely not buying anything he said.

I got back into the elevator and went by Rahfiel's office before I went to mine. The view was awesome, you could see the whole city through his window. Everything was in white. From the sofa to the tables to the vases to the curtains. Even the wallpaper and maths were white. I guess Mr. Mahoney has great taste in designing. My office was awesome but this one is very much breathe taking. The painting were unique, the shelf's shaped like hearts; his office desk was really organized and the place was spotless.

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