Chapter 9

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"So are you going to stand there staring or are you going to bring me the breakfast", Rahfiel said looking weirdly at me.

"I'm sorry but this office is the bomb. It's like really appealing, I had no idea that your dad had such good taste in design. Here just what u asked for", I said placing his breakfast on the table before him.

"Stop whining, I designed this place. Actually I designed the whole building. I was a architect before I was left with no choice but to take over my dads company. See your always judging the book by its cover aren't you?", he uttered before taking a sip of his tea.

"Well it isn't called judging if I didn't talk about you, it could have been anyone else. I just figured that because it was his office before that he was the one who designed it. Nothing for you to think I'm judging your for or even thinking less of you. You never talked to me so you can't possibly think that I'd know you were into architectural work. Why do you have to get so worked up about everything", I said turning to leave.

"I'm getting worked up, you know the funny thing is that you really know nothing about me. I like you okay, I like you a lot. That's the only reason why I didn't talk to you. I new that you and my dad would be together one day and I couldn't bare getting attached to you just to have my feelings hurt. When you asked if I have any crush or person that I like; I only ignored the question because couldn't answer it. I knew you weren't interested in me because of how I treated you when you just came to live with us. I hated seeing you and not having the chance to be with you. We've lived in the same house for years and I still couldn't even bare looking at you because it hurts. The day you first came to live with us my dad asked you if you would rather him divorce our mom and marry you and you said no; she deserved much more than been thrown out by the father of her children for a teenage girl he hardly knew. You never ever asked for anything, you just stayed there being good to my brothers and not causing my mother any heartbreak. I've thought that avoiding you would make my feelings go away but nothing helped, all I had to do was live with it, I tried dating other persons.... The only I got from that is unmatched pleasure and a lesson that you're the only one I'll ever feel that way about. Your beautiful, your smart and your the type of person that speaks the truth no matter what. I fell for that person and I couldn't even tell her because I know that it wouldn't make a difference. When I see you having a good relationship with Stef it hurts me even though he's my brother. Him caring so much about you makes me jealous, seeing you two together makes me jealous. Listen I'm not asking you to love me back or anything, what I want is for you to understand why I acted to way I did with you.....please", explained placing his hand on his face and pushing the chair from around the desk after standing up.

He was walking towards me and I couldn't find the courage to even take one step back. Here comes desire crashing and running at me with a cake, the walls were breaking my down and I was the only brick still standing. I couldn't move, I was in shock and thoughts came running through my mind. I couldn't think straight and I couldn't move; I was as if I was crippled. Breathless, speechless, surprised, astonished, amazed and mostly I felted admiration and devotion. I knew he wasn't being sarcastic or even lying. Looking back at our pass allocations with him, if I really think hard about it I'd realize from before that something was up. He was always looking at me weirdly and would act suspicious when he sees me around Stef. Nothing really made sense until now, the way he behaved with me, the things he said to me in the past days, the way he reacted to Stef's message last night. I should have figured something was up.

"I'm not having the silent treatment and you avoiding me either. If you want to be left alone, that's not possible either; I've been keeping my feelings to myself for way too long for you to just push me aside completely now", he said moving towards me.

"I.... I don't..... I'm not.... I'm not going avoid you...... I just......I'm overwhelmed and it's not....... It's not everyday you confess your feelings to me...... you haven't even confess your feelings to me before at all...... I've never been told by anyone that I'm...... that I'm somebody they always wanted to be with....... You aah I'm just.... It's weird.... It's weird coming from you......" I was then cut off by crashing his lips against mine.

He didn't stop there, he pulled me closer into his chest that I could feel his rock hard abs through his shirt. He deepened the kiss by gripping my hair with his free hands; pulling me closer and closer to him. I've never kissed someone before and he made me feel as if I wasn't missing out on anything. Of course I kissed him back; that I couldn't resist. His lips press closer and closer to mine and my body not resisting and wanting more pressed back passionately.

We stayed that way for about three minutes until we both pulled away to catch our breath.

"I'm sorry I had to", he said gasping for breath.

"It's fine, I think I needed that as much as you did believe me", I uttered still gasping for breath.

We both stood there staring at each other when a knock came from the office door.

"Mr. Mahoney the meeting as began and everybody is there waiting", something uttered from the other side of the door.

"I'll be out in a sec, thank you", he said glancing at me.

"We have to go to the conference room, after that we can either go home or do whatever you want", he said holding onto my wrist.

"Okay, let's go to the meeting and see what happens after that", I added and we both walked towards the door.

We were in the the conference room for about 30 minutes, he signed whatever papers he needed to after reading all the paper work and contracts given to him.

When everyone shook his hands and left the room; he asked me to sit in the chair next to him.

"I want you more than anything in this world. I'll fight for you if it comes to that, I know we haven't been able to talk to each other or anything but that does stop the way I feel about you. I'm tired of hiding my feelings. I love everything about you; from your smiles to your stink ass attitude. The way you roll your eyes when someone says something you don't like. The way you dance crazily when you think no ones around, the way you rub your opposite foot on your ankle when your doing something, the way you........make everybody else happy even when your hurt. I want you to be the only person I wake up with everyday. The person that has my kids in the future, the person that I die with and the one I get married to over and over again. I'll die for you if I have to, just please.......please don't push me aside. I love you", he uttered without even looking away from me. Looking directly into my eyes.

"You really have a way to leave a person speechless", I added as I got up from the chair and stood before him. "You notice so much about me, things I thought nobody even knew much less love about me. Have you been stalking me Mr. Mahoney, should I be worried", I mumbled.

"Maria I'm being serious right now", he said looking away and back at me.

"I'm sorry, it's not easy to have you being like this. It's not easy to have anyone being like me. You just told me you love me and that's even harder. The way you just made me feel is unmatched, nobody..... absolutely nobody as ever made me feel this way. Since we're all confessing our feelings here. I think it's only fair that you know my feelings........When I just came to your house I had a small crush on you. You were hella cute and you usually go around the house shirtless and I use to lust at you a bit.... I tried talking to you but you only ignored me, you had your fair share of girlfriends; I was jealous if I'm being honest. Even when you would bring them home, I would lock inside my room and go nuts. I would take to Stef about you carrying home other girls; I even spoke about how they didn't even look that good", I said moving closer until I was standing between his legs.

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