Ch.41: The News

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After a few weeks or so of getting to know her daughter and after she and I become a thing again, things begin to start happening to her. I don't want to bring in someone we don't trust, so we agree to bring in Meredith, the only trustful doctor we know. And that's when we find out that the cure did something to Katherine. She's rapidly dying of old age, which obviously is something that vampire blood can't heal. But Katherine being herself knows people, apparently.

"You've been to New Orleans once upon a time," she states the night we find out that she's dying, as she sits on my couch, a few streaks of gray already showing. "I know someone that could possibly find a way. A witch. Davina had a bond with me when she was younger. And if Klaus hasn't killed Sophie, Sophie's one of the few witch friends I actually have left. Davina is known for being an extraordinary girl. She might be able to save me."

"You're putting big faith in someone that might not be able to save you from this," I remind her.

"Yeah, well, if she can't, at least we tried. What do you say? One last road trip before my possible impending death?" she replies, and gets up from the couch. Possibly a little too fast for her current condition.

In an instant, I'm at her side. An instinct I'll always have for her.

"Maybe that was a little too fast," she states, as if she knows what I was thinking.

I put an arm around her.

"Let's get you to bed. We'll leave tomorrow," I say, and she allows me to help her upstairs to our room. Now that we're a thing again, we've gone to sleeping together in the same room. A lot like we used to, but without anyone getting between us.

The next day, I let her sleep in a while while I pack our bags and anything else, putting everything in my car, before finally going upstairs to wake her up.

When I get to my room, Katherine's still asleep, so I go over to her to wake her up, sitting on her bedside.

"Kitty Kat?" I call to her to try and wake her up. When she doesn't though, I realize that something is wrong. However, when I listen, she's alive still. That's when I figure it's probably just because of her aging. So, I just get up and head to my car with her. Then I head towards New Orleans to hopefully save her life.

Several miles from Virginia, I see her finally start to wake up. That's a relief, since I was beginning to worry.

"Kitty Kat?" I call, as I look over at her. Then I rest a hand on her arm, looking at the road again. We're not too many miles from New Orleans now.

"Where are we?" she questions, seeming to be out of it.

"We're almost to New Orleans. How do you feel?" I answer her, and then ask.

"Like I've been somewhat drained."

"You've been asleep for a couple of days. I was starting to wonder," I inform her, but don't want to tell her that I've been worried. "It's probably just the old age," I add, not wanting her to have to worry more about herself. 

Once we get to New Orleans, I ask, "What's your plan?" After all, I know it's unlikely to be in New Orleans without an Original finding out.

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