Ch. 20: The House Guest

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It's a beautiful day, as Katherine Pierce and I talk in the living room at my home about her not telling me that if I had used the dagger to kill Elijah, I would've died.
"Too many rules. It's all so confusing," she says, which is a lie since Katherine lies and plays games with everyone all the time.
I give her a look.
"John gave me a choice. I could only choose one of you," she says truthfully.
"And you chose Stefan," I say, which hurts me, yet again.
All my life, Katherine has chosen my brother, Stefan, over me and then Elena, when she thought she met Stefan first, chose Stefan over me. She thinks she met Stefan first, since I compelled her to forget when I met her on the road by the woods one night. It cuts me deep when they keep choosing Stefan over me, but what can I do? I can't do anything to stop them from hurting me. It's just always history repeating itself time and time again.
I turn away and walk to my end table to pour myself a shot glass of liquor to try and calm myself. I will not let Katherine get to me this time around. I have learned from my mistakes a long time ago.

Later, I leave the house to go have some dinner at the Grille with Elena and Ric. In case you don't know, Ric and I are best friends now. I know it sounds weird for a vampire and a vampire hunter to be best friends, but anything is possible in this kind of world. Anything can happen. You're probably wondering why Katherine is around, too. Well, Klaus is in town and we need her help since she says she knows a lot about Klaus. She has history with him. What history she has with him, I don't know. All I know is that we need all the help we can possibly get. So, Katherine is here to help us all get rid of Klaus. Klaus is a vampire-werewolf hybrid called an Original, apparently.

Later that night, when I come back home and I'm reading from a journal, Katherine leans by the couch and tries to read over my shoulder.
"What does it say?" she asks.
"Nothing that concerns you," I reply, putting it down so she can't read it.
"I'm hungry," she complains to me.
"Then go feed yourself," I reply, annoyed with her already.
Suddenly, a few minutes later, I hear her yell, "Damon!" from the cellar in the basement.
When I arrive, I see the dagger coming out of Elijah slowly. Katherine is against the rock wall with a stake in her lower stomach. I leave to fetch something to stop whoever it is from awakening Elijah. I then come back with a fire machine and turn it on. Fire comes out of it, as I walk towards Elijah and the dagger. Then it stops coming out, which means I got rid of whoever was using magic to get it out of him.
I turn around and look at Katherine whom I sense is in pain.

Once we're upstairs and Katherine is on the couch with the stake out of her and healed, I toss her a blood baggie and then use a regular dagger to stab her in the leg.
"What the hell?" she says.
"That's for not telling me that the dagger would kill me," I reply, before I pull the dagger out.

Later that night, I'm in bed reading from one of John's diaries. Katherine is seated by me on my bedside.
"John says he was the only one that knew Emily was a witch. I know you didn't turn her in," I say, looking at her.
"She was a loose end. I like mine tied," she replies.
"I knew it," I reply back.
I continue reading silently, as she inches closer to me.
"You were very rough today. I like this new Damon."
I put the diary on the bed by me and look at her.
"Katherine, there are six other rooms in this house," I say, before I forcefully but lightly throw her off the bed onto the middle of the floor. "Go find one," I add.
She gets to her feet and looks at me.
I pick the diary up and start silently reading again.

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