Ch. 25: The Murder of One

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It's a beautiful day. Ric, Stefan, and I are at Ric's apartment. I hear a knock on the door and smell the familiar scent of human and know it's Elena Gilbert.

I open the door.

"Morning sunshine," I greet Elena.

"Hey, how's Alaric?"

"Indecent. But fine."

"So then, does that mean there was no issues last night?"

"Nope. Slept like a baby, woke up Alaric. No head minds about dead council members."

"Then why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?"

"Well, maybe because you're being all paranoid and control freaky. What'd you bring me?" I ask, taking the bag and sniffing it. "Ooh, chocolate muffins. You know what they say. A way to a psycho killer's heart is through his stomach."

She takes the bag from me.

"They're not for you."

"Fine. Keep convincing yourself you're still mad at me. But sadly, Ric's gonna have to miss Elena time today. You know, lockdown and all."

"Just take it and give it to him and tell him I miss him, okay?"

She hands me the bag of muffins.

"With pleasure," I reply.


I start to shut the door on her.

"Have a great day. Thanks for coming by."

"Dam...," she starts to say, but I close the door on her.

After closing the door, I walk over to where Ric and Stefan are standing by a saw with the Whickery Bridge sign.

I listen to Elena leaving.

"Walking down the stairs, opening the front door, and she's gone."

Alaric turns the saw on and begins to saw the sign.

After we finish making stakes to kill the Originals, Alaric puts his jacket on.

"Looks like you guys have got it under control. I'm calling the sheriff. I want to turn myself in."

Stefan and I look at him.

"No, you don't," I say.

"I have a homicidal alter ego. Unlike some people in this room, I would like to take responsibility for the people I've killed."

"If you wanted to turn yourself in, you wouldn't be saying it out loud. Just saying."

"Hey, listen, out of all the people you cannot psychoanalyze me. I killed Caroline's father, I nearly killed Meredith. Everything's changed."

"Look, you're not turning yourself in. Bonnie's herbs are working, and we have Originals to kill," Stefan says to Ric.

"His morals get questionable when he has revenge on the brain," I tell Ric.

"Klaus needs to die. We finally have the chance to kill him, so you're not turning yourself in," Stefan says.

I walk up to Alaric and give him his ring.

"Here's your ring, Ric. Put it on."

"That ring is the reason I've killed people."

"It's also the reason you're alive. You're going vampire hunting, Ric. Wear it."

He takes the ring and puts it on.

I place my white oak stake underneath a pile of firewood at home. It's night.

"Did you learn anything from the moonstone in the soap dish?" Ric asks me.

"Why? Where'd you put yours?"

We hear a sudden noise from downstairs and I get up.

"What the hell was that?" Ric asks.

I leave the room and walk downstairs.

Suddenly, I see Alaric get thrown down the stairs.

"Ric?" I say.

I look up the stairs and then turn around, only to get stabbed in the stomach by Rebekah.

"Hello, lover," she says.

When I wake up, I'm hanging from the ceiling by chains with my shirt torn, and I'm bleeding from being cut by a dagger; probably the one that Rebekah holds in her hand, as she stands in front of me. I then wince, as she cuts me with the dagger on my chest straight down. She stops though, when Klaus walks in, interrupting her torture.

Klaus makes a comment and Rebekah says, "I am very capable of torture."

"I'm sure you are," he replies to his only sister.

Later, I have a daydream of Elena rescuing me from being tortured.

When it stops, I hear Rebekah walk into the room from the set of doors that are behind me.

"You know how easy it was to get inside your head just now?" she says, before going to stand in front of me.

Klaus walks in on us again. This time I'm very weak.

"Go home," he says to me.

"No," I answer.

He looks into my eyes, compelling me.

"Go home."

I'm compelled so I have to do as he says. I have no control over myself anymore, and I try to break from the chains to obey him.

"Stop. Just stop it already," Rebekah says to her older brother.

She unchains me, letting me go free, and I fall to the floor on my knees.

She looks at her brother with a warning look.

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