Ch. 37: Graduation

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Stefan and Lexi are seated on the couch at the Salvatore boarding house with the music blaring Bon Jovi's You Give Love A Bad Name, Stefan drinking a bottle of liquor.

I walk over and turn the radio off.

"Damon, you remember Lexi," Stefan greets.

"Lexi," I say. "Back from the dead."

At vamp speed, she pins me against a wall, hand tightly around my throat.

"You're just going to sit there while she takes her revenge out on me?" I ask my brother.

"Whatever time I have left here, I don't plan on spending it on you. Got it?" she informs me.

"Okay, okay. Got it," I reply.

She releases me and walks over to stand by the couch, and snags the liquor bottle from Stefan. She takes a swig before Stefan takes it back and drinks some of it.

"Something might've gone wrong with Bonnie's spell and here you are," I comment.

"So, you're saying I should be dealing with the supernatural, instead of spending the day with my ex best friend."

"Are you drunk?"

Stefan takes another swig of the liquor.

"So, this is how we spend the day," I comment, before taking a sip from his shot glass of liquor I had poured for myself.

Later in the day, One of The Five walks inside the boarding house, when Stefan and I are in the living room.

"I got this from my good friend Connor," he says, talking about the gun he has in his hand, as he faces me. He then shoots me in the side of the neck.

"I want to know where Silas is."

"I don't know where he is."

Stefan and the hunter soon fight, and it ends with Stefan ripping his heart out, killing him.

When I'm in my room, Elena, now with her humanity back on, walks into my room.

I watch her enter, as I stand in my room, Jeremy standing at the door.

"Damon, we need to talk," she announces.

"What is there to talk about?"

I walk over to my end table and take out a small box. I then open it and put the cure in her hand, as I stand in front of her.

"Here. Consider this a graduation present."

I wince in pain.

"Are you okay?" she asks me.

"I'm fine."

"Take off your shirt."

"No. Not when he's here."


She walks up to me and pulls part of my shirt off the wound, showing that it has spread to half of my shoulder.

She looks at me.

"Damon, why isn't this healing?"

"Because the bullet is laced with werewolf venom."

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