Chapter 1

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It was a while before Azriel realized what was going on. Yet he couldn't decide what hurt him more. Was it the fact that he felt betrayed or the fact that he never saw it coming? So lets go back to the beginning. Azriel was always an independent individual. He was raised by his single dad and lived a modest life. His head was always in the books or preparing for a game and when he had free time, he would help his dad with the small butcher shop his father owned. Azriel made sure to always do his best so that his dad wouldn't worry but with that came not having a social life. It wasn't until his last year of high school that he made ahis first friend.

When Azriel became a senior he spent more time in the library studying for exams or in the court playing basketball. You see, Azriel is an athlete. He is a tall six foot man with a lean but muscular build. In his junior year he received an early sports scholarship for a prestigious university. So he made sure his grades never dropped because it was the only way he knew it wouldn't be a burden to his father. Not that his father ever complained but he didn't want to add more to his plate either. 

One day as he studied in the library a young man came in and sat next to him and quietly read to himself. Senior year had just begun and the only quiet time he had was the library. Of all the places, Azriel couldn't understand why he had to sit next to him. Two hours go by and the man leaves as if he was never there. This went on for two months. By then, it was now a routine between the two. One day, the young man was there before Azriel and with him were two cups of hot coffee. Without a word, the man slid it over to Azriel and continued reading. 

"What's this?" Azriel slid the cup back over. That was the first time they ever spoke.

"Coffee, usually you start yawning and hour in, so I brought you something to help" the voice was so gentle but deep with a slight rasp. His eyes were a light honey and green and on his head was a magnificent amount of dusty blonde hair. He slid the cup back, "I'm Tristan by the way"

"Well aren't we observant. I'm Azriel" I chuckled. "Thank you, but how do I know its not poisoned?" his voice trailed off.

"You dont." With a blank stare and a sudden burst of laughter he continued, "if I wanted to kill you I would have done so by now."

Azriel watched as the man before him continued to laugh to himself in a low muffled tone since he kept getting shushed by the other table. Soon after, they began to hang out and became close. He would even sometimes sleep over after a long night of studying. 

Once they became friends they would study at Tristan's home. He lived in a huge house with a maid and everything. His parent were really nice and always wanted to feed Azriel something as if he looked like a starved little boy. 

Once they graduated, Tristan decided on the same university. Unfortunately they ended up with classes at the opposite side of campus. They only met up between one of their classes and after that wouldn't see each other again till the following day. Azriel spent the entire first year commuting back and forth to the university but it took a toll on him. 

Once he began his second year he decided to move into the dorms but by then rumors reached his ears. Apparently, stories of him meeting his friend was because he was Tristan's errand boy. Now of course that wasn't true but no one could understand how they were so close. Then there were rumors that he slept with someone to get into the school and that he bullied the basketball team. Him being poor compared to all the elite students that attended made him an outcast.

Now present time, Azriel walks into his new dorm and finds two people already inside. While at first they looked eager, they quickly change their expression and storm out the room. Azriel didn't care and began to unpack his belongings. He closes his door and starts organizing as much he could. After a couple hours someone knocks on his door. It was one of the two people that were in there earlier.

"Come out real quick" the man before him spat and turns on his heel. Azriel takes a deep breath and follows.

"what do you want?" Azriel crosses his arms and waits for a reply.

"Now that I am stuck here with you, we need rules. The other guy managed to get another room so it'll just be us. When we are here together, don't bother me, talk to me, or look my way unless its a life and death situation." He was continues spouting rules without any regard to what Azriel has to say. In fact, watching him pace back in forth makes him look like an angry little hamster. His brown hair bouncing as he talks and every now and then his voice became annoyingly high. He's also shorter than Azriel, hm cute. Wait, did I just call him cute? Azriel shook the thought quickly. 

"Are you done? ...listen, I don't know what you heard but I keep to myself. It'll be like I'm not even here". Azriel turns around and leaves the angry hamster standing there in disbelief. That unfortunately is how the story begins.


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