Chapter 4

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Chuck runs into his room and closes his door. Holy crap Holy crap, his mind keeps repeating. His body finally caught up to what he has been feeling and the bulge in his pants is proof. Pacing his room, Chuck decides its best to relieve himself now and think later. He turns off the light, sits on the bed, and begins to pleasure himself. Luckily he had a good look at Azriels body and is able to perfectly picture it in his mind. A sigh escapes his lips as tingles course his body. The arousal he is experiencing is sending him to another world of ecstasy. How is another man doing this to me?

The sound of a door opening catches Chucks attention which only adds to his excitement. God, I'm such a pervert. A smile tugs the corners of his mouth. "Azriel" the whisper of his name barely leaves Chucks tongue. Panting and biting his lip, something is keeping him from his climax. Ah, just a bit more. Fuck, Azriel. A thought suddenly emerges at the tip of his mind and he doesn't hesitate to try. He reaches under himself and slowly inserts a finger. Never has he done it to himself before. On occasion he had a few freaky girlfriends that liked to push his boundaries but never on his own. So when they did do it, it was surprisingly erotic.

The door next to Chuck's room closes and he hears Azriel settling in his bed with the slight sound of the headboard bumping into the wall. The thought puts him over the edge with a full release in his hand.

A couple of days go by and there is an obvious awkwardness between them. They avoid eye contact and maintain short conversations. Azriel looks over at Chuck making a sandwhich and decides to make the first move. Never having been in a relationship is leaving him wanting to explore what he is feeling. Is he gay? Is he straight? Is he confusing what could be feelings of friendship instead? He needs to know and doesn't want to wait.

Azriel walks over to Chuck and leans against the fridge. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Chuck shifts on his feet "u-uh, yea sure."

"Why did you run away?" Azriel took a step closer to him. He could smell the bodywash off his body. Enticing.

"..." Chuck freezes. Why won't my heart slow down? He slaps himself mentally.

Azriel reaches over placing his hand on Chucks chin. He turns him over to face him and almost closes the gap between them. "Can I?" His lips graze Chuck's sending a fire through his body.

Can't take this anymore. Chuck let's out a breathy "yes" and leans in for the kiss. What starts off as gentle and clumsy turns into a deep lustful clash of their tongues. Each wanting more of the other. Azriel pushes Chuck back and lifts him up to sit him on the counter. Their hands roam each other's bodies frantically searching for warmth. Azriel pulls off Chucks shirt and begins to trail his tongue down his neck. He nibbles the collar bone before lowering down to the nipple. A gasp escapes Chucks lips with a surge of electricity coursing through his body as Azriel sucks his chest.

Chuck grabs Azriels hair and pulls him up into another kiss. Still holding his hair, he slides his other hand and finds a massive...weapon? Holy shit, he is huge! Chuck grasps it firmly in his hand and strokes. The room disappears around them as they lose themselves with one another. Azriel rocks his hips into Chucks hand. Each holding the others hard member, they pant into each other necks. They want more. Need more. Feeling he heat coming off their bodies, they kiss once more not knowing how else to qualm the desire. Their breath mixes between them adding to flames they can't put out. They hear nothing but the sounds of their lewd hands.

Moans escape their lips. They are almost there. "Don't stop" Azriel moans. A climax building in on it itself. Their hands quicken and Azriel almost growls into Chucks ear hungry and ready to devour him. "AZRIEL, AH..." Chuck shouts and in a moment of animalistic response, he bites Azriels neck causing them both to erupt. It was a release they had never experienced before. Raw, feverish, pure desire that seems to overtake all their senses. Azriel nudges Chucks head a bit and they both kiss one more time. "Damn" Azriel smiles into the kiss. "That was amazing" he pulls back to look at Chuck. His face flush red nods in agreement.

Chuck reaches behind himself and grabs paper towels to wipe each other off.  Chuck then looks up at Azriel "I ran away because I was scared. I'm straight, I never did this or felt this way towards another man. I thought if you didn't hate me already, you definitely did now." His words quaking by the end.

"Well I don't hate you. If it makes you feel better, I've never been with anyone. I'm a 20 year old virgin and you're the first to get a rise outta me." Azriels cheeks grew red and he adds, "no pun intended".

Chuck cups the seductive face before him, "let's see where this goes shall we?" He places another kiss on his lips and hops off the counter. "I'm gonna shower...." His eyes trail down Azriels body, "still hard I see."

Azriels covers himself and walks pass him towards his room. Chuck however has something else in mind and grabs a trembling Azriel by the arm. "Join me?"

Almost instantly his eyes grew a flame too hot to contain. "Lead the way" Azriels husky voice replies. He follows Chuck into the bathroom like a dog in heat excited for what is bout to come.

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