Chapter 8

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The sun breaks lights into the room waking up Chuck from his sleep. He barely closed his eyes and it's already morning. Soft breathing with light whimpers catch his ear. Even in his sleep, Azriel is still crying. What happened after he left? Chuck brushes the hair away from Azriels face causing a sigh to slip from Ariels lips. I really think I'm falling in love with this man. I want more everyday. Chuck kisses his forehead and strokes his back.

After accepting his feelings for Azriel, Chuck now questions everything. Was he always gay? Is he bisexual? is he only gay for Azriel? Nothing makes sense to him. Definitely not how fast and how strong his feelings developed. A smile plasters across Chucks face. It doesnt matter, it is what it is. God, my parents are going to flip. He chuckles.

"Morning" a sleepy raspy voice whispers. Azriels sleepy eyes look up at Chucks smiling face.

"Morning, how you feelin?" Chuck places a peck on his nose losing the smile.

"Well, I want nothing to do with that asshole. I thought I could salvage our friendship but that's never going to be possible." Azriel digs his face into Chucks chest. "I hate him, he betrayed me." Azriel cries all over again.

This time Chuck wasn't going to let Azriel gloss over what happened. It has to be something more for him to be this torn. "Tell me what happened." Chuck shifts under Azriel a bit.

"He..." Azriels voice trails off. The words choking him, he tries to catch his cries that now won't seem to stop. "He tried to rape me but his roommate found us in time. He tied me up and I couldn't fight back. I lost all my strength. I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't accept it. I don't know what would of happened if that person wasn't there. He untied me and watched over Tristan to make sure I could leave." Azriel breaks down once more.

Chuck let his partner cry himself into another sleep. I swear that man isnt going to live passed today. He slips out from under Azriel and puts the cover overs him. Chuck closes the blinds to darken the room and closes the door behind him.

Chuck readies himself and makes a few texts to gather the information he needs. As quietly as he can he leaves the dorm and goes to find the bastard that dares to call himself human. It's eight in the morning  by the time he reaches Tristans door. "Open the fucking door asshole." Chuck banged until the roommate answered.

"I'm assuming your friends with the guy that left here last night?" The guy was rather hefty and intimidating in looks.

"No, I'm his boyfriend." Chuck seething with anger was surveying the empty room behind the guy.

"He is locked up in his room. Hasn't stepped out since the incident. Go, I'll keep a look out for you." The guy steps aside for him to pass.

Chuck tries to open the door to no avail. So with all his strength he kicks it instead breaking it off the hinges. Tristan jumps out of his bed sending his headphones to the floor. 

"You're dead."

Chuck grabs Tristan and delivers punch after punch until blood spews from a broken nose. Tristan fights back but little does he know, Chuck was martial artist and leisurely took boxing. With every heavy punch his tears stream heavier. "If you ever come near him again, I won't stop until your breathing does. You hear me?" Chuck leaves the room with bloody fist.

He feels the anger within him taking control. A control he was barely holding on to. If he stayed then he would have killed him.

The guy that stood there keeping watch nods his head in shook and pats Chuck on the shoulder. "I saw nothing, you was never here."

As if the words came from God's mouth, the tension leaves Chucks shoulders. He never used his fist outside of an official match because he knows how heavy hits are. Today, however, a side he has never seen broke free and it scares him. It scares him that he reacts that way over a man he has only been with for two weeks. Granted they have known each other longer than that but they weren't on good terms till recently. They weren't romantic until two weeks ago. How can Azriel stir such emotions from him?

Chuck makes his way back to his dorm and goes to the bathroom. He steps in under the hot water allowing everything to melt away. I will protect him if its the last thing I do. Blood tinges the water by his feet as it washes off his hands. A realization creeps up the corner of his mind. I never knew how rape could be that scary, even within the same sex. The door opens and a rush of cold fills the bathroom. It pulls him from his thoughts.

"Babe, can I join you?" Azriels hoarse voice echoes in the bathroom.


Azriel steps in and hugs Chuck from behind. Azriel is only taller by a few inches but Chucks a perfect fit in his arms. "Where'd you go?"

"I needed to blow off steam so I went to find a punching bag."

"Chuck please tell me that you meant a real punching bag."

"If you consider an individual named Tristan to be a real punching bag, then yes." Chucks voice echoes. 

"Well, he did have it coming but I don't want anything to happen to you or getting hurt." Azriel turns Chuck around.

"and I'm to sit back and watch it happen to you instead? NO! He doesn't get to get away with it. Period!" Chuck finally lets out everything he was holding. "Dammit Azriel, do you know how powerless I felt when you told me that? How much hatred built up in a matter of seconds?" Chuck looks at his bruised hands. "I wanted him gone."

Azriel remains silent listening his partner spill his feelings for him yet couldn't help but think how he made the right choice in choosing him.

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