Chapter 3

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Ever since the guys were kicked out, being in the dorm is nice. It finally feels like a place to call home after a long day of classes and practice. Azriel gathers his towel and amenities before hitting the shower. He turns on the shower and allows the steam to fill the bathroom. With water pelting against his skin, the stress of the day melts away. His lean muscles relax under the water pressure and the smell of soap infuse into the air. Lavender and eucalyptus spread through the bathroom and clung to his skin. He was always teased for his choice of soap but it was the only thing that relaxed him. 

Azriel wraps a towel around his waist and squeezes as much water out of his hair as possible. He grabs his clothes and steps out to find Chuck stepping out of his room. 

Chuck stares at the man before him. Damn, he thought. Wait what? Did I just think that? Chuck continues to stare with his eyes following the water dripping from Azriels long dark hair. His skin, tan from playing basketball, his muscles accentuated by the light bouncing off his damp skin, and eyes as dark as coal. Everything screams perfect but of course Chuck will not admit it. He is straight and to think such thoughts is bad enough. 

"Can I help you?" Azriel breaks Chuck from his thoughts.

"Uh, no, carry on." Chuck speeds past time him with flush cheeks. I am an idiot, he slaps himself mentally.

Azriel walks to his room confused as to what just happened. Lately, he catches Chuck staring and turning red or keeping his distance but always in the same space as him. When before Chuck always avoided him and would get angry if Azriel was around.

 Azriel had a long day. The bullying was on another level. Emotions creep back up despite the amazing shower. Sighing, he throws on some clothes and leaves his room. Whenever he feels himself breaking down he leaves to the basketball court and sits under the stars to think or cry. Tonight is no different. 

Chuck moves his feet as Azriels passes him by and watches him leave. He looks at the time and sees it is a little past midnight. It wasn't the first time he notices Azriel leaving but this time he decided to follow. Making sure to keep a distance, Chuck follows Azriel to the basketball court and waits to see what he was going to do. Azriel sits in the grass and begins to cry into his lap. Chuck's heart broke a little. Coming out of hiding he approaches Azriel.

Azriel crying into his lap feels the weight of it all crush his soul. He is tired. He wants it all to end but he knows dropping out would mean losing everything he worked so hard for. Foot steps approach him and his skin fills with goosebumps. Turning around he sees Chuck.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chuck asks with a gentle voice as if to sound as empathetic as possible. He sits next to Azriel and looks up to the sky.

"What do you care?" Azriel snaps. They never speak to one another. Even though the last two weeks Chuck changed towards him.

"Listen, I just want to say I'm sorry. Instead of giving you a chance, I believed the rumors and gave you hell. I deeply regret it. I want us to start over. Can we?" Chuck looks over to Azriel with pleading eyes.

"All this time and now is when you apologize?" Azriel looks into chucks eyes not with anger but with hurt instead.

"I know. I'm really sorry. It's hard for me to apologize and I thought my actions showed that i'm sorry but I guess I really should have said it, huh?" Chuck looks up to the sky again, "will you accept my apology?"

Azriel lays down on the grass and exhales. It's better if they makes amends. Chuck really has been acting better towards him. There hasn't been anything malicious from him at all. Maybe people really do learn from their mistakes. "Okay... I forgive you."

Chuck lays back and props himself up on his arm facing Azriel. "So friends?" The wind blows, Azriels now dry hair across his face. Even under the moonlight this man is sexy. Chuck reaches over and gently moves the strands of hair and tucks it behind the ear when he realizes what he is doing. " sorry." Chuck panics and runs away back to his room.

Azriel lays there staring into the stars not comprehending what was happening. Why did Chuck just do that? He closes his eyes and vividly pictures Chuck next to him once more. Chucks brown hair had blonde highlights that reflected off the moonlight. His light skin flawless and his brown eyes with a hint of grey specks gives him an appearance almost other worldly.  Man, he really is a cute little hamster. Azriel couldn't deny that Chuck is good looking. He made his way back to his room feeling oddly calm but now with a different matter on his mind.

The room is still and quiet with light sounds coming from Chucks room. Azriel closes his eyes and falls asleep. Sleeping in his bed, a hand reaches over his face. A caress moves his hair out of the way leaving a trail of warmth on his skin. Azriel opens his eyes and turns to face the owner of that hand and sees Chuck leaning over him with a smirk and lust filled eyes. Azriel grabs Chuck by the neck and pulls him down into a kiss. Both unable to breath as they ravish each other in the kiss. Azriel begins to pant as he pulls away. A small growl escapes Chucks lips and he climbs on top of Azriel. He lifts Azriels legs and playfully bites his inner thigh. A burst of pleasure surges his body and just as Chuck leans forward into another kiss the alarm goes off.

Azriel wakes up to the blaring sun and a major boner with jizz filled undies. "what the hell?"

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