Chapter 5

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Vrr Vrr Azriel stares at his phone a little sad that it's not Chuck. Ever since that day they got hot and heavy, they send each other text about anything and everything. Then when they are together they ravish each other until they get their fill.

"Hey Tristan, wassup." Azriel slides the key into the door and walks in. Chuck waves from the living room.

Nothing much. Just got out of class. 2 more days till I move into the dorms. Can't wait cuz mom is driving me nuts.

"Yea, it's exciting. I'm sure your mom is a mess. She was always so overprotective" Azriel laughs catching Chucks attention.

Chuck watches the myriad of emotions flickering over Azriels face. Who is he talking too? A tinge of hurt passes through him.

So what have you been up too?

Azriel pauses and looks over at Chuck and smiles, "nothing really. Just study and practice. I actually have a game this weekend. So maybe stop by the game after you unpack." Azriel walks into his room and comes out with a towel.

Okay sounds like a plan.

Azriel motions over to Chuck to follow, " alright bud I'm gonna shower, I reek. Hit me up later." Chuck walks up behind Azriel and bites his neck. Azriel moans slightly into the phone before hanging up.

"Chuck, I think he heard that." Azriel turns around to hug him.

"So what if he did. Who was that?" Chuck snaps failing to not sound jealous.

"Jealousy looks good on you." Azriel kisses Chuck on the nose.

"Shut up, I'm not jealous." His fair skin gives him away every time with how red his cheeks are.

"He is a close friend of mine that also goes here. We went to high-school together. He is the only person to never bully me despite our different....." Azriel catches his tongue as the obvious hurt spreads across Chucks face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way."

"I really am sorry, I hate what I did. Especially after realizing how you make me feel. If I would of paid attention to you from the start we probably would of been like this sooner." Chuck digs his head into Azriels chest.

"Or not...hey, look at me. Things happen for a reason. I believe that. Even if u gave me that chance it might have not happened. I'm just happy that it did. That's enough for me. Now stop pouting and come scrub me clean." Azriel drags the now sad hamster into the bathroom with him knowing it'll be more than just scrubbing.

Tristan stares at his phone wondering what the hell he just heard. There had to have been someone there with him and that simple thought annoyed him which was evident by the tight grip on his phone. Tristan looks around for his towel and went to the bathroom. He is mine. He turns on the shower and turns off the light. As he lathers himself, Tristan closes his eyes and imagines his hands are those of Azriel. It is a habit he has had for a while. He fell in love with Azriel when he first saw him at the library. He just never had the courage to say anything. Thinking back now, Tristan hits the bathroom wall, "I should of said something." His heart grew tight.

The big day finally is here. Tristan is ready to go and see Azriel during the game. If he finishes fast enough he can make it by half time. Looking at his watch every few seconds, he makes it to his dorm and proceeds to unpack. His mother, God bless her, began to unpack with him. He accepts the help and finishes just in time to make a run for it.

The game was close but the wolves (home team) were up by 5. Tristan stands by the sideline and tries to scout Azriel. A rush of excitement fills his soul when he sees his crush running over to the bench and grabbing his water. Tristan proceeds to run and stops short when another guy with brown hair walks up to him and ruffles his long hair making his man-bun collapse. Watching them laugh and chit chat Tristan walks over and cuts in between them.

"Guess who's here" Tristan stands with wide arms.

"Hey, you made it." Azriel hugs Tristan while giving Chuck pleading puppy eyes.

Chuck rolls his eyes and waves goodbye.

I have a cute little hamster. Azriel smiles to himself. "So did you just get here?" Azriel chugs some more water.

"Yea, I'm gonna stay for the rest of the game so we can hang out afterwards. Cool?" Tristan looks around just noticing the guy from earlier was gone.

"Um yea, sure. Sounds good. Okay game bout to start." Azriel pats Tristan on the shoulder and joins the huddle.

Chuck watching from a distance  could sense there was something more to Tristan but attributs it to it being a protective friend. Given the history of bullying that Azriel has, he could simply be a good friend. Chuck slaps a smile on his face and approaches Tristan.

"Hey, Azriel high-school friend right?" Tristan turns around to find the same brunette that hugged his Azriel.

"Yes, and you are?" Tristan doesn't hide the disgust from his voice.

"I'm Chuck, his roommate. Azriel speaks highly of you. I'm glad he has a friend like you in his life." Chuck replies emphasizing the word, friend.

"Well being his ONLY friend of course I'd always be by his side." Tristans anger was visible and Chuck is enjoying every bit of it.

"Well, I'm here now so I'll take some of the burden off your shoulders." Chuck smirks and walks away.

Tristans blood pressure hits its limit and the seething hatred towards the brunette trying to claim what's his is the last straw. I'm confessing tonight. Tristan sees Azriel making a shot and claps all while thinking of how to make things go his way.

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