Chapter 2

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Its been about two months now since Azriel moved into the dorms. His schedule kept him rather busy but it wasn't enough to keep him away from the insanity of his roommate, Chuck. The little angry hamster that he is, made it a point to disturb Azriel as much as possible. From bringing in frat boys to party to having loud sex at all hours of the night, he was relentless. There were days like today when he would wake up for school and find them awake still playing video games in the common area with dusted off lines of coke on the table and rolled up bills. Beady eyes following him as if they were superior despite them looking ridiculous bore holes into him. Yet they look as if they had gone mad and were about to foam at the mouth at any minute.

"Hey, your blocking the game moron." One of the wide eyes jocks yell to Azriel while jerking his head side to side to view the screen. 

"Hey Chuck, can I talk to you for a min?" It was out of control and at this point it needed to stop. Azriel looks at Chuck hoping he will just follow. Thankfully he was the only one that wasn't high.

"Uh, are you dying?" Chuck replies as if to remind him not to speak unless it was life or death but he didn't care.

Chuck follows into the room and watches Azriel close the door slightly. "When is this going to stop? I know what you are trying to do and to be honest I can continue ignoring it but what will happen when it gets out about the amount of drugs that passes through this place? It'll bring us both down and I will lose my entire scholarship. I know you don't partake in them either so what is the point of allowing it in here?" Azriel pacing his room back and forth, grabs the bottom of his shirt avoiding eye contact. 

"I already know, I've been trying to get them to stop but at this point they won't listen. If I were to tell on them then it still gets us all in trouble anyway." Chuck was actually being genuine. Guess he also saw how this was spiraling. 

"Fine, no one likes me anyways so I'll be the one to kick them out. Make sure your not here when I do. Then our dorm stays locked at all times, whether we are here or not." Azriel sighed knowing how this will add to the rumors about him but he didn't care. It was better than losing his scholarship.

"Listen just because your going to do this, doesn't make us friends" The angry hamster storms out of the room visibly angry, grabs his jacket, and slams the door behind him.

The boys that sat there jump from freight then slowly turn to face Azriel. This was as good a time as any and Azriel wasn't about to pass it up. "GET OUT!" He shouts with the best and deepest voice he could muster. The boys  fly out of their seats, hurriedly grab their things and leave. It was funny to watch really. Maybe it was because of the white powder in their system but they look like electrified rats and in a state of panic and confusion. 

Shaking his head, Azriel let out a long sigh. Relief flooding through him knowing that things were going to change. He grabs a few paper towels and a cleaning spray to wipe down the table and anything else those ridiculous bastards touched. The more he cleaned, the more he feels his mood improve. With a garbage bag in his hands and picking up beer cans from the floor, Chuck walks in. He locks the door behind him and silently helps clean the mess he helped create. Neither of the two said a word the entire time and both return to their rooms after.

Vrr Vrr Vrr  "Hello" Azriel put the call on speaker and threw himself in bed. It's Tristan. It was a while since they had spoken. They mostly sent text here and there but ever since the new semester, it became rather difficult. 

Hey man, so guess what? It's gonna take a about a month but I'll be moving into the dorms.

"What? Really? That's awesome. It'll be nice to have a friendly face around for once" Azriels voice was a mix of pain and excitement.

Azriel, are you okay? ...You know I don't listen to the rumors. I know the real you. Keep your chin up, you deserve to be here just as much as everyone else.

"Thanks. I know. You're a good friend. 'kay, gotta go. Keep me posted." Azriel hangs up with a knot in his throat. He knows he had done nothing wrong. He understands that he deserves to be there but its difficult when everyone treats you like the plague.

If he walked down the halls, people would snicker or throw spit balls. Others would bump into him on purpose and spill drinks or food onto his clothes. Some would even throw money at him and call him a beggar.  It is non stop on a daily basis. Tears well up in his eyes and into his pillow he muffles his cries.

On the other side of his door, Chuck could hear the conversation Azriel's having on his phone. He closes the fridge, opens a soda and froze when the conversation mentions the rumors. Chuck always thought they were true. It never occurred to him to ask about it to confirm anything either. Instead he assumed the worst. Chuck lost himself in thought when he notices it had went quiet. Softly tip toeing to the door, muffled sobs echo in Azriels room. It was the first time Chuck felt the guilt from the things he did. "What have I done?" he whisperes. With a heavy heart he walks back into his room with regret keeping him company. 

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