Chapter 11

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It is the funniest thing really when you see a stranger and suddenly think they were put on earth especially for you. Emma felt that way when she first saw Tristan. 

It is the beginning of her junior year and she is in charge of guiding the new students in orientation. Emma plays her role as the loving and caring student willing to help her fellow under classman. She plays it so well in fact that some were inclined to believe that it was her actual personality. Some were quick to pick up the fake oozing out of her.

Emma spots Tristan in the crowd and makes her way to him. Love at first sight or at least something like love. "Hi, my name is Emma. Are there any questions I can help you with?"

Tristan being the eager freshman in a new environment had plenty and thus began the friendship between the two. It is almost comical how she quickly twist her personality to suit Tristan. The only person that never fell for her act was Grace. 

Grace is Emma's childhood friend and the only one that knows her true character. Grace however is nothing like Emma. She is quiet and more reserved. She stays out of the spotlight as much as possible and is always in honest in anything she says or does.

A year later Tristan and Emma are still friends. He is beginning his 2nd year and Emma is finally a senior. She was so certain that this was it. She felt that Tristan was going to confess to her but instead she is noticing how his eyes always follow a certain individual. She brushes it off every time until the day she decided to follow him.

It's game night and Tristan is pacing back and forth waiting for someone. Its a member of the team and after a few exchanges they head out. Emma follows them and flew in a fit of rage when she over hears Tristan confessing. She catches his name to be Azriel and vows to do anything to get him out of the picture.

After tailing them a bit more she follows Tristan to the dorms. Her anger is short lived when Azriel rejected Tristan earlier but it didn't seem to be it for her crush. She watches Tristan knock on a door and exchange a few words with Azriel when she sees something she was not expecting. Chuck, as in the heir to Hearst Industries. 

Chuck Hearst is well known on campus because of the influence his family has in the marketing industry. They even have their hands dipped in congress. That very same Chuck walks up behind Azriel and sucker punches Tristan. Not knowing what to do with this information she leaves. 

A few days go by and Emma finds Tristan on a bench crying. It is the first time she sees his face bruised and a fractured nose. Tristan refuses to say what happened but she chalked it up to the sucker punch she had witnessed and her anger raged once more.

Midterms came and went and Emma had yet a way to get Tristan to notice her feelings for him. Then came the realization that its too late. Tristan drops out and disappears. Emma thought that she would get her revenge and planned a way to get back at Chuck for what he did.

Christmas was fast approaching with finals knocking students off their asses. Emma put on her nice girl act and makes sure to bump into Chuck when he ran out of the classroom. It was step one in getting them acquainted.

"Its Emma by the way."

She watches him run away after helping with the paper she dropped.

She keeps an eye on him and learns who his friends are and manages to tell them about a party she is throwing. Surely they would invite Chuck.

The next step is having her way with him, taking pictures and showing them to Azriel. Her plan is taking everything away from Chuck, including his name. She wants him ruined. Emma spots Chuck at the party.

"Oh, paper boy!"

She grabs a beer to replace the one she conveniently spilled and pops a mixed pill. As he drinks away she watches waiting for him to become more susceptible. Emma helps him upstairs and drags him into bed. She removes her shirt and undoes her skirt. Touching his body she takes a deep breath wishing it had been Tristan instead. Just as Chuck manages a few words and kisses her, Azriel walks in ruining the plan or did he?

"Who the hell are you? Why did you come in here?"

If she plays her cards right this will be enough to get them to break up. Chuck vomits his guts out just barely missing Emma's clothes. Azriel turns to leave them when Chuck ruins everything by convulsing. Everything she  worked hard to accomplish is destroyed by one simple seizure.

Now the party is over, her plan failed, and nothing is achieved. The police show up to show face but with some of the police on Emmas fathers payroll, the party, drugs and underage drinkers were overlooked. 

"Emma are you okay?" Grace gave Emma a bottle of water.

"Everything is ruined. That idiot I guess reacted badly to the drug." Emma drinks a bit before heaving a sigh.

"What drug? You gave him something?" 

"Yea, I needed him to be cooperative." Emma stands up and goes into her room while the rest of the guest leave.

Grace already felt that their relationship needs to come to an end. Everyday Emma goes down a darker path but today Emma crossed a line. Grace's hands are shaking. What if he dies? That thought keeps beating her brain. I should say something. Certain that its the right choice. Grace makes her way to the hospital. She sees two people with Azriel and assumes they are Chucks  parents. 

"Are you Mr and Mrs Hearst?"


"Hi, my name is Grace. There's something you should know. You too Azriel."

Just as she finishes her story, officers come to question Azriel and Chucks parents. The parents and Azriel tell him everything they knew. Grace mentions as well what Emma told her.

 "Mr. and Mrs. Hearst, may I have a word." The doctors pulls them aside.

"Doctor, how is my son?"

"Well, Mrs. Hearst. I am afraid he had a drug overdose, if he hadn't thrown up before his seizure, he would have died. However the reaction left him in a coma. We pumped his system and have him on fluids but now its up to him to wake up." The doctor steps away allowing the parents to visit their child.

After listening to what the doctors said the officers ask Grace if she is willing to write a testimony. Looking back at the distraught family, she agreed.

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