Chapter 9

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The semester is finally almost coming to an end. Finals are in full blast and Azriel hasn't spoken to Tristan since that day. Tistan never made an attempt either to contact Azriel. It's for the best really. Things naturally settled and Azriels relationship with Chuck grows stronger.

Chuck scribbles the last of his answers on his exam and rushes out the classroom. He hasn't seen much of his boyfriend lately since exams started. He swings the door open and runs full force into someone passing by the hallway. "Oh my God, so sorry." Chuck helps pick up the papers that he knocked out of the person's hands.

"It's okay, thank you." The lady smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Im Emma, by the way."

"Oh, hi Emma. I think that's everything. Sorry I gotta go." Chuck hands her another paper and leaves.

Emma bit her lip at the man running away. Don't worry, I'll catch you.

Running in the cold is never a good idea. Frozen cheeks and dripping noses were everywhere and Chuck is no exception. He makes it to his dorm but Azriel is no where to be found. Ugh my feet hurt.. Chuck jumps in a bath and submerges his body into the hot water. Ah this is nice.  Chuck falls asleep in the warm comfort.

"Babe, you here?" Azriel calls out.

Chuck opens his eyes to Azriel already undressing.

"What are you doing?" Chuck shivers at the now cold water.

"How could I not accept such a sexy gift waiting for me in full display." Azriel ties up his hair as if he was going to put in work.

Chuck stands up allowing the water to drain and turns on the shower. Chills race through his skin once more. Azriel slips in and already has his hands busy on Chuck. Yea, I'm ready. Chuck looks into his eyes. He is certain. This is the person that he needed in his life. He is the person that makes him want to be better. It doesn't matter if he is a man because at the end of it all, it's What his heart wants.

"Everything okay?" Azriel pulls Chuck in close.

"...I love you."

Azriels eyes widen with joy. He kisses him feverishly. Chuck breaks their lips apart, "can't breathe".

"I love you too." Azriel says panting. "I was waiting to tell you on Christmas but I guess you beat me to it." It's safe to say they didn't really shower after that.

"Hey babe, when is your last game?" Chuck walks into Azriels room only wearing his boxers and crawls into the bed.

"Tomorrow actually. why wassup?" Azriel finishes drying his body and joins him under the sheets.

"My parents invited you and your dad for Christmas dinner." Chuck ducks his head under the blanket and starts kissing Azriels chest.

"When is it? Hey...stop that tickles." Azriel shoves the bobbing head under the blanket.

"Next friday night so it's perfect." Chuck continues his kisses but this time a bit more to the nether region.

"Well are you free this friday? ...What the... are you still hungry? Theres no food down there." Azriel lifts the blanket to find Chuck about to take him into his mouth.

"A little privacy please." Chucks pulls the blanket back down. "What do you have in mind friday?" 

"My dad wants to meet you?" Azriel smiles as the blanket suddenly flies off.

"Is that how he said it? What does that mean? Did you say something? Azriel why are you panicking?" Chuck takes a deep breath.

Azriel cries out laughing. HIs poor hamster didn't know what to do. "He has an idea but I never actually came out to him and you're the one panicking, not me." Azriel sits up and grabs Chuck, "can I introduce you as the man I love?"

"Only if I can introduce you as mine." How could he not love such a wonderful man. Chuck kisses Azriel.

"I guess this Christmas we are coming out huh?" 

"I guess so." Chuck pushes his boyfriend down and goes back under the blanket. 

The week flies by in no time and dinner with Azriels dad was finally here. A nice gift bag sits waiting by the door that Chuck prepared for his future father in law. It was the last he could do as a gift. Standing in front of the mirror, Chuck tosses yet another shirt unable to decide what to where.

"Babe you ready?" Azriel walks into Chucks room and discovers a sea of clothing. "Oh my god, what are you doing?" Azriel laughs at his poor boyfriend fretting over his shirt. If he didn't know he was gay then, this would of told him.

"I don't like my clothes. They either say, I am trying too hard or I just slept with your son." Chuck tosses another shirt and now stands topless with an empty closet.

"Babe, wear the purple one I like. You look good in everything regardless. Besides the second thing wouldn't be wrong either." Azriels leaves the room. "Hurry up so we aren't late"

Chuck kicks his shirts around until he found the purple one. Technically its the first shirt he had on but then had second, third and fourth thoughts. I'm way too nervous.

They reach the house around seven and sit in the living room for some wine while the chicken finishes in the oven. 

"So dad, now that you've met Chuck. There something I want to tell you." Azriel smiles at Chuck and grabs his hand. "We are dating and I'd like to ask for your blessing. "

"Nice to finally put a face to the person that's made my son so happy. He talks a lot about you and it's clear in his voice how he has changed. He is finally living for himself. He has always been so considerate of me since his mother left us." Mr. Mcavoy looks over at his son and lovingly adds, "its about time you brought someone home. Man or woman, as long as your happy?" 

"Yes dad. More than you know." Azriel gives Chucks hand a squeeze.

Chuck turns into a tomato prompting laughter from both father and son. 

"On that note, I can kill you if you hurt my son and sell you at my shop."


Laughing hysterically, "I think dinner is ready. Lets eat!" Mr. Mcavoy gets up and makes his way into the kitchen.

"Was he joking?" Chucks voice trembling in nerves.

"...No idea" 

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