Chapter 12

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Azriel falls into the chair behind him "a coma!" His hand bloody from the bite Chuck inflicted mid seizure trembles. His chest tightens and his breathing quickens. Pain. Nothing but pain engulfs him. Why, why is this happening?" Azriel understands now that Chuck wasn't cheating but his anger found a new direction. He wants Emma to pay. He wants her to hurt the same way he is. Azriel barely hears his name being called as his eyes roll up into dark unconsciousness.

*blink blink*

Light filters into Azriels eyes. A nurse beside him checking his vitals smiles.

"How are you feeling?" The nurse moves a light to and from his eyes.

"I don't know. What happened?"

"You had a panic attack and fainted. The lady beside you caught you before hitting your head." The nurse walks away.

He looks at his now bandaged hand and tears begin to flow once more. I can't lose him. Azriel gets up to find Mrs. Hearst. The emergency room is buzzing with all kinds of noises and nurses making rounds. He stops one of them and asks for directions to Chuck's room.

By the time he arrives, Chucks parents were by his bed. His mother was crying and his father was on the phone arguing with someone in hushed tones.

"Is it okay to see him?" Azriel whispers into the room peeking his head through the door.

"Oh honey, of course. Please come here. If it wasn't for you my baby wouldn't be here right now. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for how we treated you at Christmas. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Mrs. Hearst began crying harder than before.

Azriel walks over to her and hugs her thin frame trying to comfort her as best he could. "No, you don't need to apologize. I understand your reactions as parents. I know the worries that must have overcome the both of you but nothing would have changed me being there for your son. I love him." Azriel begins to cry, "it may not be the ideal relationship you envisioned for your son...but I love him all the same. He saved me from myself. He is the light that I needed in my life and I promise to only make him shine brighter." Azriel squeezes her in his arms.

Chucks father had hung up and was listening to Azriel. Heaving a long sigh he walks up to him and pulls him away from his wife and into his own arms.

"Okay I get it now. I accept it. I'll acknowledge the relationship but understand that it won't be an easy road. Being in our social group there is a lot of criticism and pressure and if he is to be open with you then you need to stay strong beside him." Mr. Hearst let's go and continues, "thank you for saving our son."

Azriel smiles, "I won't stand anywhere else but by his side sir." He looks over at Chucks sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. "Can I have a few minutes alone with him?" Azriel caresses Chucks face.

"Okay we will be right outside." They step out of the room but leave the door slightly open.

"Hey babe, it's Azriel. I heard that coma patients can still hear their surroundings so I hope you can hear me too. I'm sorry I doubted you when I first walked into the room. I was so angry when I saw Emma naked next to you. But then I realized it not that I was angry, I was scared. Your the first person I've ever been with and loved. All my first are with you but that's not the same with you. You was straight when we met. You had experience with woman. So seeing you with Emma felt like a dagger. It conjured a fear I didn't know I had and that's you realizing your not gay and leaving me. Babe I don't want to feel that way anymore so starting today I'm giving you all of me. I won't leave your side unless it's what you wish. I'm so in love with you babe. I'm not letting you go so please come back to me." Azriel cries softly into Chucks hand he is holding between his own.

Soft whimpers fill the room and then silence. Falling asleep beside Chuck he continues to cry in his dreams.

A few hours later, Azriel wakes up with a blanket over him. Mrs. Hearst is sleeping in a chair on the other side of the bed and Mr. Hearst is nowhere in the room. Azriel looks at the time and it six in the morning. It is officially new years eve. Azriel walks out the room to call his father and tell him everything that's happened.

An hour later, Azriels father arrives with a change of clothes and some amenities. "Thanks dad", Azriel hugs his father trying to keep himself from crying.

"You're welcome son. How is my son in law?"

"No changes but at least he is stable." Azriel takes a deep breath.

"Son in law? Are you Azriels father?" A strong but tired voice walks into the room. Mr. Hearst reaches out his hand.

"Yes, I'm Philip Mcavoy. Are you his father?" He shake his hand.

"Yes...have you met my son before?" Mr. Hearst offers Mr. Mcavoy a seat and walks over to Azriel to give him a hug.

"Yea, I met him before Christmas and had dinner. My son brought him home to introduce him as his partner. It was a beautiful dinner. Can't remember the last time my home was that lively." His words trail offer as he looks over to Chuck.

Mr. Hearst shifts in his seat feeling the guilt of his past decisions. "May I speak with you in private?" Both fathers step out of the room and go for a walk in the hallway. "How are you so calm about your son being gay? Did you always know?" Mr. Hearst blurts out the second they were far away enough.

"Well to be honest I am terrified because I know how cruel the world still is but my son went through a lot with his mother leaving us. He had to grow up faster than he needed to. This was the first time in years I've seen him happy. So when he came out to me with Chuck how could I have said anything but yes." Mr. Mcavoy smiles at Mr. Hearst and shrugs his shoulders in defeat.

"Well I guess I could understand that. I overheard a bit of what your son was telling mine last night and it was then that I truly felt how much he loves him. I was so angry when they told me over Christmas dinner. I wouldn't accept it. In a way I felt that it made him less of a man and me as well. I now see that it takes great strength to walk that road and they need all our support." Mr. Hearst eyes begins to well up.

"I'm scared to lose my son before I can tell him that its okay to be happy. He was such a ladies man that this suddenly threw me off the rails but now I just want him awake and happy." Mr. Hearst begins to cry. It's the first time he cries since the incident.

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