Chapter 6

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The games energy put even the most grumpy person at ease. Laughter and shouting fill the stands and a very anxious Tistan awaits among them. Finally the buzzer goes off announcing the end of the game and the wolves won by seven points. Everyone jumps out of their seats and chant "Wolves, Wolves, Aoooooo". The team gathers jumping around howling at the crowd. Tristan smiles at the joy in Azriels face. He was the one to make the last couple of three pointers that helped them win. His teammates lift him up and carry him out towards the locker rooms.

Nerves settle in and Tristan can feel his stomach doing flips. I can do this. I have to tell him before it's too late. Tristan looks down at his watch an takes a deep breath. Jeez I feel nauseous.

Azriel walks out to the court and spots Tristan pacing back and forth. Hmm, what's wrong with him? "Hey you ready?" Azriel waves over at Tristan.

"Congrats man, great game. I'm surprised that Chucky guy isn't attached to your hip right now" Tristans sarcasm rolls off the tongue as he looks around.

"It's Chuck, are you okay?" Azriel walks towards the exit and Tristan follows suit. Why is he acting like this?

"Whatever, anyways, I have something I want to talk to you about. I'm a bit nervous but I hope you hear me out." Tristan takes the lead and walks over to a nearby bench outside. The sun set outside and the campus is quiet.

"You're scaring me. You've been acting weird. What's wrong?", Azriel turns to face Tristan a little better.

"Okay, just promise no matter what we are still friends." A tear rolls down his cheek.

"Of course, Tristan. You're kinda stuck with me. Your my best friend."

Shit he did not just friend zone me, fuck. "What if I want to be more than that?" Tristan fumbles with his fingers looking everywhere but at Azriel.

"..." Azriel sits back taking in everything he just heard.

Tristans takes the silence to continue. "I have been in love with you since I first saw you at the library. I never expected anything and I was happy being just friends. I was happy knowing I was the only one you could confide in but..."

"But what Tristan? Was I the only one thinking that your my best friend? Why didn't you tell me this sooner? If you was happy with our friendship then why tell me now?" Azriel looks up at the sky and sighs heavily. "Is it because you met Chuck?"

Tristan stops fumbling his fingers taking a deep breath "...maybe. Please don't hate me".

"I don't hate you. I just feel stupid for never noticing." Azriel grabs Tristans arm, "let's walk".

Azriel leads Tristan to his thinking spot. I messed up. He won't see me that way unless I make him. Tristans mind jumps back and forth desperate for a solution.

"Litsen Tris..." Azriels words fall against Tristans lips. It lasted all but a second before Azriel pulls away. "Are you kidding me right now? I didn't answer you fast enough so you force yourself on me?"

"Azriel I'm sorry. I didn't mean too."

"The hell you didn't. Go back to your dorm. I need to cool off." Azriel walks back to his room crying the whole way there.

Chuck leaps off the couch when the door opens ready to greet Azriel and freezes. "Babe, what happened?" He runs to the door, locks it and turns around to hug Azriel.

They hug each other and Azriel cries until he could finally speak. They sit on the couch and Azriel starts to recount the events. Chuck balls his fist to contain his anger, "how do you feel? I know I have no right to ask, I'm sorry."

Azriel reaches over to a now trembling hamster. So cute. "Why do you feel you have no right?"

Chucks voice catches in his throat, "we aren't dating...right?"

"So was I alone in this relationship too?" Azriel combs his fingers through Chucks hair. "Can I not say you're my boyfriend? Or at least say it between us since you might not be ready to come out. It's only been two weeks but I'm certain of what I feel."

Chucks eyes water and he let's out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He leans in for a kiss, "you can shout it from the roof tops for all I care because you Azriel Mcavoy are mine."

Azriel closes the gap between them. An explosion of passion ignites and off the shirts go. Azriel leans Chuck back and removes his sweats. He bends over and kisses Chucks chest trailing down to his abs. His tongue traces the defined outline of Chucks body. A moan escapes his lips as Chuck trembles beneath him.

Azriel bites the edge of the boxer briefs and pulls it down while his hands pull from the side. His eyes never break contact from chuck. Springing free, a very eager and erect junior throbs in anticipation. It's the first time for them both. Neither has had sex with a man and Azriel just never had sex at all. This time they both knew they are going all the way.

Azriel takes Chuck into his mouth, his breath almost cold against his hot member. Chuck gasps arching his back. Azriel removes his own pants as he continues to devour the man before him. With one hand stroking himself, Azriel  slides a finger into Chuck to prep him for his rather large size. "Ah...babe...feels good." Chucks voice deep and sexy. Azriel continues and slowly inserts a second. Almost instantly he could feel Chuck grow in his mouth. He moans against the shaft in his mouth sending vibrations through Chucks body. It was all Azriel needed to see how much Chuck was enjoying himself. A third finger slips in and with bit a pressure Chuck jerked forcing himself to pop out of Azriels mouth. His release flew onto his flesh pooling between his pecks. Panting he looks at Azriel and finds a mischievous smirk accross his face.

" Grab the condom from my pants." Chuck manages between breathes.

"Why do you have condom on you?" Azriel rips it open with his teeth and glides it on.

"I was going to seduce you tonight as a reward"

Chucks breath is cut short by Azriel thrusting himself into the warmth of his boyfriend. I am falling so hard. Azriel bends forward for a kiss.

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