"hello there."

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i was walking to the store to get my usual snack. it was raining, i didn't care though. i actually enjoyed the rain. i loved it. it was my peace. i was still walking when i bumped into something, i looked down and saw a small box. i heard small gentle meows coming from the box i had bumped into.

i squatted down to reach the box. when i opened it there was a black kitten. i smiled "hello there." i got a faint "meow" back from the small kitten. it made me happy for the first time in a while. i sort of related to this little cat believe it or not, we were both on our own in this big cruel world of ours, thrown out, tossed aside, and abandoned just like that.

i picked up the cat and got a closer look at it, she was a girl and she has a cute heart shape on her mouth. "meow" came from her heart shaped mouth once again and i couldn't help but think the worst like, what will happen to this kitten if i leave her all alone like this? i didn't think before i put her inside of my hoodie pocket i made sure she could breathe and not fall out at the same time.

i was right by the store i was heading to so i hid her while i walked inside. the usual lady working the night shift greeted me, "hey y/n you're back again?" she chuckled. i laughed as well "awh you're already getting sick of me saku?" i fake pouted. "not at all girl, you've been in here two times today already. are you really back again for mochi?" "well of corse i'm here for the love of my life!" i laughed and opened the freezer door by all of the ice cream. i almost dropped dead right there if it weren't for the kitten in my pocket, THERE WAS NO FUCKING MOCHI.

a tear droplet fell from my eye as i walked out of the store without saying a word. "y/n? again?! i told her to order mochi 3 days ago!" "SORRY Y/N!!" she screamed as i walked out of the store bummed out. i then remembered something, i needed to get cat food too! ughhh tonight was not my night. oh yeah i'll just ask my neighbor he has a cat so it should be fine.. i hope so.

i arrived home and by the time i got home it was sprinkling. i walked up my apartment stairs and knocked on my neighbors door. while waiting i pulled out my phone and saw the time, it was 1:00am damn he probably won't answer then. as i was turning around sighing.

i heard the door unlock and open. i was startled at first but then i turned around i put my hand on the back of my head awkwardly "sorry to uh wake you so late but i was wondering if i could barrow some cat food?" i pulled the kitten out of my hoodie pocket to find that she had fallen asleep.

his eyes started sparkling, like he was in a trance or something. "u-uh i'm so sorry. i'll be right back" he said smiling. i mumbled a slight thanks. it was 20 seconds before he came back with a medium size of cat food. "ah this is what i have left over i hope this works for you." he said smiling. "thank you so much i'll pay you back don't worry!" i started jogging off before he shouted something "hey wait!! what's your name?" it took me a second for it to click he wanted my name i hadn't slept the night before so i was a little more than tired. i started to speak up, "y/n, l/n." i smiled. "and yours?" i spoke. "chifuyu! chifuyu matsuno!" he said grinning widely.

next chapter will be longer. if i continue sorry if i made any mistakes<3.

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