laughs and kisses

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it was a little silent ever since we had gotten ice cream, i was hoping for the fog to clear up between us. now i was a bit worried, i wonder what he's thinking right now, how does he feel? is he mad? is he sad? i honestly couldn't tell. it had always been hard to read mikey in any situation, he could be mad but laughing about a banana peal on the ground.

i didn't want to smother him either, so i had been keeping my distance while we were walking to the closest goodwill. i feel terrible about lying, but he would have been in a terrible mood if i had told him the truth. i should have just told him if i'm being honest, it's really a 50/50. it would probably be the same outcome either way.

i'm usually a blunt person, just not so much when i know or care about the person. fuck it, "manjiro?" i ask looking at his side profile still walking. "y/n." he replies looking at me, now making eye contact. i'm panicking now, not visibly of corse, but internally i was stabbing myself over and over again. poker face and go, "are you okay?" i ask giving a light smile.

"i'm tired of this tense silence just speak up, k?" i continued still looking at him. he stared at me for a second and then proceeded to speak, "i just needed to think for a bit, now what's up with you?" he replies while asking me. "what do you mean?" i ask literally on edge because he probably knows i lied straight to his face, i mean he obviously fucking knows i just didn't wanna address it anywhere near my presence.

"i think you know what i mean?" he talks giving me that sweet smile i had given him before. fuck him. i sigh, "don't be a baby about it," i continue before he could reply to my comment, "i lied straight to your face. i am very sorry, but you'd be mad the whole night even if i hadn't told you." i say finally giving in looking straight ahead of me. he chuckles, "i know you lied. i just wanted to know who the guy was, love."

"you didn't even know if they were a guy or not." i say annoyed at his closed mindedness but i also couldn't help but smile at "love" . "not the point, now get to it or i'll be mad." he says flicking my limp hand by my side. i huff, "yeah yeah okay, it was this guy kazutora." i say. "oh, the guy you said was your boyfriend when we had first met?" he asks curious.

"yes, sadly." i say embarrassed about when i had lied when me and him first met, what was i thinking anyways? "who is he to you?" mikey asks putting his hand in my back pocket like before. the feelings this man makes me feel are insane, i feel like a bottom right now, and i'm not proud about it. "more like "who was he", he was my childhood best friend, and now he is my ex." i say thinking about all the memories i had made with him.

i chuckle, "and now he's my crazy ex stalker." i finish. "i'm always here to deal with him, y'know?" he says looking at me from the side. "no, i don't want anything to happen to the both of you. if i wanted to deal with him i could, i just don't want to hurt him, not physically at least." remembering how i used to punch him in the face after every break up. he wouldn't ever hit me back though, so now i feel i at least owe him a clean face.

"if i ever were to run into him, i wouldn't care about whatever you had said before. i don't know why you care about him anyway." he says looking away. "i thought i had told you not to act like a baby?" i say annoyed looking to the side away from mikey. "you took that seriously?" he asks stupidly. i ignore him not wanting to cause any more issues.

a cold hand grabs my chin, "then, i'm sorry y/n" he looks me in the eyes. i love when he acts like this, i unintentionally smile while looking into his eyes. he kisses me, i immediately kiss back. but before any action was put into it, a voice was heard. "get a room you two!" i hear a guy say while laughing. i try to pull away but mikey pulls me back in, shoving his tongue into my mouth, intertwining it with mine.

this kiss felt too good to pull away from now,

i accept his warm tongue into my mouth, he turns his head to the side to deepen the kiss even more, i grab onto his shirt enjoying the pleasure. there's a hand on my waist and a hand inside of my jacket on my back, entrancing my bra under my shirt with his fingers. our noses bump into each other bring me back down to earth, i pull away overly embarrassing by my actions, and in public of all things.

this time he had actually let me pull away as he did too, "maybe we will, thanks for the suggestion." he says pulling me closer by the waist and smiling. i was astonished. i kneed him in the dick and made my way speed walking to the thrift store in view, smiling like an idiot on accident. my face felt warm, i hate him so much, but i can never realize how much i actually hate him.

i hear him groan behind me, and then he chuckles. "love you too!" he yells smiling still chuckling while running over towards me. i can't help but look behind me, i see the man's face that had been watching us the whole time in an O-shape, i died right there laughing and running. when mikey catches up with me i try to contain my laughter and smiling. "that was totally unnecessary." i say trying to be serious.

he pokes my stomach and all of my laughter comes out, "SCREW YOU MANJIRO!!" i say in unconditional laughter. "HE SURE THINKS THATS GONNA HAPPEN Y/N!?!" he laughs along with my uncontrollable laughter while holding his stomach. i cover my face while still walking, my laughter slowing down. he jumps in front of me walking backwards, trying to pry my hands off of my face, at some point he successfully does.

he showers me in kisses all over my face, while saying the words, "i'm - sorry" between every kiss while laughing. he's such a child at heart, i can't help but laugh with him. "okay okay!! stop it stupid!!" i say grabbing his hands and pulling him beside me. but then i see the thrift store to the side of us and run towards it, opening the door and running in. "hey!!! wait!" he yells following after my running figure.

this is what i got out!!!!!! SORRY IF ITS CRINGE OR ANYTHING IVE NEVER REALLY WROTE ANYTHING LIKE THIS...!! BUT I LOVE YOU ALL SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO SHORT OR IF THERES ANY MISTAKES!!!!!! i hope you are all doing alright by the way!!! sorry if i didn't get to all of your comments on the last checkup wattpad is laggy asf💀💀. AND I WOULDVE WRITTEN MORE BUT IM TIRED AND I CAN ONLY EVER WRITE AT NIGHT BC MY FAMILY IS ANNOYING ASF.

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