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"take it." he said shoving the jacket over my chest. "why? it's not even cold out." i asked confused about why he wanted me to wear his jacket so badly. "because i said so." he said still holding the jacket over my chest.

i started speed walking away from him. we had decided to take a walk and go do something random since we were bored. he started trying to catch up to me, i then started running. "y/n!! come back!" he shouted catching up to me.

to be honest i could've kept this up all day but there was really no point in trying to escape mikey. i slowed down to a normal walking level. he caught up with me and started nagging me on and on about the jacket, i mean what was so important about his stupid jacket?

a group of guys came into my view. they were walking straight towards us, but that's normal because this is a sidewalk. they were all staring at me and i hate being stared at by a 'crowd' or a group i should call it, especially if they are men.

i noticed where they were staring, i felt so disgusting. an arm slithered around my waist, and covered me with a jacket. sometimes i was really grateful for mikey. he glared at them and they all looked away at the same time, sweat dropping down their ugly faces.

was mikey really that scary?? i had always seen him as harmless, except that one time when he beat the shit of that scar faced guy. he was always sweet, and annoying. annoying, but in a good way.. kinda.

they passed us. "it's because i don't want people looking at what's mine." he answered my question quite late. "who said i was "yours"?" i said making quotations in the air. "isn't it obvious? i did y/n." he said smiling brightly, way too brightly.

sometimes i just wanted to touch his face, it was so touchable. what am i even saying? "you're face is so red y/n!" he said laughing, leaning on my shoulder. "you know what?" i threw the jacket back at him, "people can look at me all they want." i said smirking.

he walked beside me quietly. "fine then, i'll just beat the shit out of everyone who looks at you." he stated with a blank face. "huh? you cant do that mikey." i said staring at him, he looked like he would actually do it, but at the time i didn't care. i walked ahead of him confidently.


we decided to go eat at a restaurant, it was a more up beat place with a lot of people. we got seated outside, not many people were out here, but theres a fair amount of people. the waiter came to our table, and damn he was fine, well fine enough to be my experiment for today. i wanted to make mikey jealous. why? because i had never seen him too jealous.

the waiter smiled at me, mikey immediately looked tense. "what can i get for you today ma'am?" he said eyeing me, i was internally barfing. i kept my cool, "i'll take f/f and a f/d thank you sir." i smiled at him making eye contact. the waiter blushed slightly and turned over to mikey, "what can i get for you." the waiter asked mikey. "i'll get what my girlfriend got, thanks." mikey said obviously fake smiling.

"alright i'll be back with your food." the waiter said glaring at mikey. "mikey stop telling people we're together." i said staring at him. he leaned back in his chair, "why?" he asked carelessly looking up at the sky. "just because you're jealous doesn't mean you can say stuff like that you know?" i said looking away from him.

but my plan was slowly working, and i was quite happy. "i can say what i want, y/n." he replied to me. i rolled my eyes still not looking at him, and started humming a chase atlantic song. the waiter came back with our drinks, "you like chase atlantic?" the waiter asked. "yeah! they're like my favorite." i said chuckling, looking at the waiter. "say, what's your name?" he asked me.

"y/n." i said smiling, i could feel a certain someone's eyes on me, and his presence was gushing with anger, and jealousy. this made me smile more. "and yours?" i ask. "marcus." he said smiling at me slightly blushing.

"i like that name-" before i could finish mikey punched marcus in the face. i was shocked for a second. i didn't think he'd go that far. he started beating the shit out of him, while sitting on top of him. people were staring and i could hear them talking.

"mikey!" i said pulling on his arm, he just kept punching him, i thought he was gonna kill the poor guy. "MIKEY!" i shouted pulling on him, he wouldn't budge. i knew what to do but i wasn't sure of it. i leaned down in front of mikey, lifted his chin up, and kissed him.

he stopped doing everything, for a second he was still. he then started kissing back. it was rough i could feel his jealousy and madness. it felt so right to kiss him, my stomach was storming with butterflies and my face was probably redder than a tomato.

i pulled away, "now cmon!" i said pulling his arm up, making him follow me. we started running down the sidewalk, i didn't know where we were going, but we were going.

i didn't expect me and mikeys first kiss would end up like that. i didn't even think we would ever kiss.

sorry if there's any mistakes<3.

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