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i woke up and my curtains were closed so it was somewhat dark in my room. i really didn't feel like getting up, at all. i stared at my ceiling blankly wanting something to happen. i rolled over and grabbed my phone and went back to the position i was in before.

the time was 1:24pm. i put in my airpods and started playing my calm playlist, 'hentai by cigarettes after sex' started playing i was relieved that i didn't get a song that didn't fit the mood or an ad about state farm. i took my ring off and started fidgeting with it.

the cat jumped up onto my bed, but this time her approach was sweet unlike last time. she climbed onto my chest and started licking my face, her tongue felt bumpy and weird, i started giggling. it's almost like she knew that i was sad or going through something. then something popped into my head. what if i name her angel? i like that.

"hi angel." i spoke in a soft tone. i started petting her head and she started purring. we laid like this for a while, until my phone started going off. it was an unknown number texting, till finally they called. my music had stopped so i was kinda sad that this person ruined this moment between me and my precious cat.

i answered the phone and waited for the other person to speak. "hey y/n-chin wake up!" i already knew who it was, and of corse it had to be him. how did he even get my number? "what do you want manjiro. and how did you get my number you psycho?" i stated in an annoyed tone like usual. "emma my little sister. i saw a picture on her wall of you and her and she gave it to me, after talking about you all night!" he stated in excitement.

i really hope it wasn't an embarrassing one.. why do i even care i barely know him. "EMMA!!!" i screamed into the phone. "ow that hurt-" he started to say but then emma started speaking which cut him off, "IM SORRY HE WOULDNT LEAVE ME ALONE AND HE STARTED TORTURING ME!!!" she said screaming also. "guys stop screamin-" i cut him off. "WELL NOW IM GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN I SEE YOU!!!" i shouted.

"STOP SCREAMING!!!" mikey finally shouted. we both went silent for a bit, "HEY EMMA WANNA GO GET SOME FOOD TODAY?!?" i shouted once more. it sounded like mikey threw his phone across the room and something caught it. "hey are you that girl mikeys been talking about all night?!" a mans voice i didn't recognize said. i could hear faint cuts of mikeys voice and wind blowing harshly into the speaker. "if he followed the girl around all day, then yes." i said.

"WELL HES LIKE INLOVE WITH-" he got cut off until the phone got returned back to what seemed like mikey. "IM NOT INLOVE WI-" he also got cut off by emma. "NO HE TOLD ME HE WAS INLOVE WITH YO-" after she got cut off it sounded like mikey got the phone back and slammed a door and locked it.

he was panting harshly it sounded like he had just ran a marathon or something. "hey- y/n-" he said in between breaths. "yes- mikey-" i mocked him and started laughing. "shut up. i'll be at your house in 20 minutes get ready okay? alright. bye bye!" he said as he hung up. that bastard! by now my cat was in the corner of the room, probably scared from all the screaming.

"you hungry, angel?" i asked the scared kitten. she stayed silent but walked over to the door scratching on it. i felt she was mad at me so i just opened the door for her and she ran to her food bowl waiting for the magic to happen. i grabbed the bag of cat food and started pouring some into the bowl. i also grabbed her old water and filled it up with fresh after dumping the old. like yesterday her food was gone and she was no where to be seen.

i placed her bowl of water down and walked away going to go get ready.


after i had taken a shower i got dressed and everything and as i was putting my pants on there was a knock at the door. "HANG ON!" i started hopping to the door with one leg in my pair of pants and the other trying to fit in the other leg, after i got my leg into my pants fully i zipped them up and buttoned them. i opened the door to see mikey smiling big as always showing his pearly whites, i was oddly relieved to see that smile and face. hah sike! maybe.

"hi y/n-chin! you ready?" he asked happily. i sighed and while walking back to my bedroom where my dresser was and grabbing a pair of socks i ended up grabbing a mismatched pair but whatever. "hang on." i said to him. i walked back to the front door and sat on the couch to put my socks and shoes on. i had finished putting on my socks, when mikey had my shoes in his hand and handed them to me. i smiled internally.

i tried grabbing the shoes muttering a small thanks, but he was still holding onto them staring at me. "cmon y/n-chin wheres your manners?" he said sternly. "says you." i said under my breath. he started to pull the shoes back when i said that. "fine!.. thank you.. blondie." i snatched the shoes from him and he started patting my head?? i'm not a child? what an annoying guy why was he even here anyways?

sorry if there's any mistakes<3. i was bored so i decided to write some more.

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