"tell me."

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you cant leave us. you're too weak, y/n. you're nothing without us. we wont let you go. don't leave us.

i jolt up. that stupid dream again. i'm panting, and sweating. i let out a deep breath, and look to my side, mikeys sleeping right beside me. huh? oh yeah, we were watching a movie. guess he fell asleep too. i don't know how he didn't wake up from me jolting up, but i'm glad he didn't. i really wouldn't want to explain something like this to him.

i get up slowly making sure not to wake him up. i walk over to the kitchen. i open the cabinet where my cups are placed, i grab one, walk over to the sink, and fill it up half way. i get a big drink and lean on the counter, looking up at the ceiling.

this kitchen took forever to clean, me and mikey were so tired we just put on a movie and tried to stay awake watching it, but we failed. there was still towels on the floor, we used a lot of them. i'm going to make him do my laundry with me, no way in hell i'm doing all this laundry by myself.

i took another drink of my water finishing it, i turned around facing the counter, and turning on the faucet, rinsing the cup a bit. i felt a pair of warm strong arms wrap around my waist. i jumped up and gasped. "what the f-" i started to say.

"y/n." mikey said laying his head in the crook of my neck, "can you come lay back down?" he said in a low sleepy voice. i didn't think he was fully conscious. "i don't want to be alone." he said quietly.

i sighed and took his hands off my waist, and grabbed his hand. i led him to my bedroom, and laid him down on my bed. "goodnight mikey." i said starting to walk off. he grabbed my wrist as i was trying to walk away.

"stay." he said quietly, he pulled me into the bed and turned making his back face me, still holding my wrist slipping his hand into mine. i didn't fight back. i just laid there holding his hand quietly while he slept looking up at the ceiling, i soon fell asleep.


i woke up warmer than usual. i felt arms around me. i laid there for a second. i didn't want to get up, because i knew who's arms i was in. i got up slowly removing the arms from my waist. my cat had been staring at me like she was waiting for something so i suspected she was hungry. i walk to the kitchen, grab her food, and poor some in her bowl. i grab her old water for yesterday, poor it out, and then refill it. i placed down her water bowl, no surprise she was gone and so was her food.

i grabbed an already made coffee from my fridge. i drank that until it was gone, i was still really tired but at least that "helped" for now. i was thinking about what kazutora had texted me, and if i should stupidly go, or smartly not go. i went back to my bedroom to grab my phone, i picked it up and saw a text from emma.

i opened the text,

lovely blonde<3:
hey y/n, do you know where mikey is?
he didn't come home last night.

yeah he's at my house, he's sleeping don't worry.

lovely blonde<3:
thank you y/n.
please look out for him.

i don't know why she wants me of all people to look over this man child, but i guess it wouldn't be much of a problem..

i was still leaning on the side of the bed when a head plopped on my right shoulder. "who ya texting?" mikey asked. ughh, i didn't wanna wake this annoying man up yet. i turned off my phone, "no one." i smiled cheekily. "who?" he looked like he wanted to know. "like i said, no one, at least not anyone you need to worry about." i smirked walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"hey! that's not fair, i'd tell you who i was texting." he frowned also walking into the bathroom. i handed him a tooth brush, "it doesn't work that way stupid." i said turning on the water and wetting my toothbrush a bit.

"i still wanna know." he said also wetting the toothbrush i gave him. "i don't care what you wanna know." i said brushing my teeth looking down at the sink. "*brush* please!" he said mumbling through the toothbrush.

"mhhhmmh." i said mumbling back acting like i couldn't talk. i spit in the sink and washed off the toothbrush, i walked off leaving him in the bathroom. i walked in my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans, and a shirt that would show a bit of cleavage.

i walked out heading towards my dresser. mikey was already out sitting on the bed. i was almost to the dresser, until mikey tripped me. he caught me, "mikey what the hell?!" i said annoyed and tried to get out of his grasp. "what do you want?" i asked still annoyed.

"tell me, y/n." he said. "make me, mikey." i said thinking i had got him there. "really? okay." he said, and then started tickling me nonstop. "MIKEEEY!!! NO PLEASE STOP! ILL TELL YOU!!" i said laughing so hard my stomach hurt. "are you sure?" he asked smirking. "YES PLEASE!" i shouted, kicking, and moving around.

"since you're asking somewhat nicely." he said, and stopped tickling me. "now tell me y/n." he stated. i was panting trying to catch my breath, i was about to bolt away, until i noticed he was still holding me. "let- me— go." i said panting, trying to get out.

"nope tell me first." he said cheekily. "it was emma." i said laughing. "no really tell me." he said looking at my laughing figure. "no really!" i said still laughing. "here i'll show you." i said, he let go of me and i stumbled to my phone still laughing.

i opened my phone and sat down beside him, "see. mikey you got so serious over nothing!" i said falling over on my bed laughing. he stared at me for a second. "why'd you wanna know so bad!?" i said still laughing at him. "no reason, at least i know now." he said smiling at me. he was so interesting, and i couldn't grasp why.

sorry if there's any mistakes<3.

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