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he pushes me against the bathroom door, deepening the kiss he has me locked in. i wanted to hit him, or pull away and kiss baji again, but i just couldn't make myself pull away. when me and mikey first met i thought he was just some stupid guy shouting some cheesy pick up lines at me, but he was very attractive so i freaked out, but now he's more than some cheesy attractive guy.

i think i'm just now realizing it, i really want mikey to be my boyfriend. seeing hina and him kiss, something snapped in me, maybe my heart. of corse i'd never say that aloud. there was a possibility though, just tiny but big enough. we pull away catching our breath, "why didn't you kiss hina like that?" i question sarcastically.

"why didn't you kiss baji like that?" mikey taunted back smirking. "actually, i kinda did." i say smirking back at him. "i kiss way better than jacob from twilight." mikey says rolling his eyes. "do you though?" i ask wiping my lips off. i swear i saw what i call my life flash before my eyes, mikey grabbed my face, and kissed me. it was a pretty quick kiss, but i still was taken aback.

i stared at him a little confused with some shock on my face, "don't ever do that shit again. k, y/n?" mikey said to me with a blank face. i'm guessing he was mad that i wiped his kiss away, it may have been about baji too, who knows. he left the bathroom, me standing there like an idiot with what i hate to admit, blush.

i chuckle to myself looking in the mirror, standing in the same idiotic position. "wow." i say under my breath, and start walking out of the bathroom. i had put on a new face in the hall. when i get back to emma's room, it sounded like everyone had decided to play hide-n-seek next, sounds fun enough.


here i am sitting in a closet, with none other than mikey. he had insisted, and begged for me to hide with him, i sigh standing here in the dark. "did we really have to hide in the most obvious place ever mikey?" i whisper. no answer. "mikey??" i whisper shout....


mikey pops up scaring the shit out of me. while being scared, i stepped back tripping over a shoe. why am i always fucking falling??? in hopes of pulling myself up i grab onto mikeys sleeve, he starts falling with me. "AH!" we both scream tumbling out of the closet. "PFFFT!" baji bursts out laughing.

we hid in a closet by the living room, revealing me on top of mikey's chest in front of  e v e r y o n e. "that's where you two hid? we really couldn't find you both." mitsuya says chuckling. i quickly stand up, how embarrassing, this is terrifying. emma and hina have there mouth agape but that quickly turns into a stupid smirk.

mikeys on the ground laughing his ass off. i kick him, and hear a groan of pain. now i'm awkwardly smiling, "okay, it's really not what it looks like." i put my hands up sighing. "pssh, yeah right." chifuyu says clearing his throat sarcastically looking to the side.

"totally." i heard almost everyone say in sync clearing their throats after. "really? i'm so sick of you guys." i sigh trying not to laugh.


after all of that we decided to play uno, which led to mikey and me cheating to win every game, nobody found out. we would take turns winning, but switch every so often so it wouldn't be as obvious. how we cheated is very detailed, well at least for the most part. everyone eventually got enough of us winning and all passed out in the living room watching scary movies.

i'm the only one left awake, it's always like this at sleepovers at other peoples houses, i just can't seem to sleep at all. i have hina holding onto my leg sleeping, and emma laying down on my stomach snoring. i'm staring at the ceiling with my phone on my chest, i'm bored and hungry, but i'm scared to get up for multiple reasons.

just when i thought i was out of options, mikey sat up, "y/n..." he whisper shouted. "yeah?.." i whisper back confused. "wanna go get food?" he asks. i was quiet for a second, "where at?" i ask. "uh i don't know i want a burger." he said getting up carefully stepping over the sleeping people on the big pillow pit we all made.

"you read my mind, now help me up." i whisper raising my hands up for mikey to grab. he grabs my hands and yanks me out of hina and emmas grasp. what an idiot, they're gonna wake up now. not to my surprise emma sat up, me and mikey had to think fast. we quickly acted like statues just far enough away for emma to not notice.

she rolls over and falls back asleep. i flick mikeys head, very annoyed, and point at the door across the room. we start tip-toeing over to the door, it felt like we were criminals trying to escape a bank we had just robbed. thinking about this almost made me laugh. we finally reached the front door after tip-toeing like a couple of clowns, he grabs his keys off the key hook thing, and we both walk out of the door.

when we get out we let out all of the deep breath's we had kept in, we look at each other and start laughing. "we probably looked so dumb." i say trying to control my laughter. "you looked so mad when i dragged you up!" he laughs along with me, i feel so happy. i grab his sleeve, and drag him over to his motorcycle.

he only smiles, and lets me drag him along.

i'm very sorry that i kinda just disappeared on all of you, somebody very dear to me passed away recently. i'm sorry this isn't as long as you all had probably been expecting after such a long wait, but sadly it's short. thank you all so much for 20k reads!!! you are all angels. i love you all so much, i'm sorry if there are any mistakes i'll go over it in a bit i promise<3.

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