teenage blonde baby.

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"y/n-chin, y/n chin! look!" mikey said excitedly almost too excitedly, he was pointing to a window full of snacks but the one he was pointing at was dorayaki.

you're probably wondering why i'm still with this teenage blonde baby. he followed me out of the restaurant and plus he stole some of my food i ordered! i was more than mad and had been ignoring him ever since he pulled that childish thief act. but he did pay for my meal surprisingly enough.. it was kinda sweet i admit.

but now i was stuck with him probably for the rest of the day maybe even the rest of my life if that. he was now tugging on my shirt collar almost choking me to death. i finally spoke up "yeah what about it manjiro?" i said in an annoyed tone.

"can we go in there pleaseeeee pretty pleaseee!!" he said pulling me around. "okay! i'll take that as a yes let's go in the store!" he said taking my hand into his and pulling me into the store before i could even respond to his question. i still needed to get the cat stuff for her well-being but i guess mikeys snacks are more important at this moment.

as we entered the shop completely he had grabbed an arm full of dorayaki. was he going to eat all of those?.. he better give me some or i'll push him into traffic with a bucket of popcorn. "y/n-chin could you help me please?" he said frowning.

gah that face. THAT FACE. "oh sure?" he let go of my hand and put another arm full of dorayaki in my arms. i was astonished by how much dorayaki he was buying. "thanks y/n-chin!" he said grinning widely. "would you stop calling me that already?" i said with an irritated tone. "neverrrrr y/n-chin." he started skipping like a little kid to the counter.

he dropped all of the dorayaki on the counter and so did i. the cashier looked shocked like we had given her a dead body. "a-are you sure sir?" she said shocked. "well yeah? i'm sure miss." he said.

she hurriedly started scanning the large amounts of dorayaki. i zoned out on a specific name in front of me that read 'wanted: Kazutora Hanemiya' ah kazu where'd you go wrong. i stared at it emotionlessly unavailable for a second.

"that will be 64.89 sir." she said. mikey pulled out his wallet and paid the money. how rich was this kid? she started to put it all in a bag, when she was done she handed it to him "thank you for visiting us. have a nice day you two." she spoke. "thanks." he grabbed the bag and i started walking out with him following behind me like a puppy.

"hey you looked sad in there. what happened?" he spoke with almost a soft voice. "oh what? uhm i was just zoned out not sad." i nervously laughed a bit. "whatever you say.." he replied. i was kinda thankfully he stopped there for multiple reasons.

"are you gonna follow me to the store too mikey?" i sighed. "of corse y/n-chin!" he said while putting his arm around my neck. "great. just great." i mumbled under my breath. "what was that y/n?" he asked with curiosity laced in his happy voice. "hah nothing." i said rolling my eyes.


we had finally arrived at the store i needed to go to. i pulled out my phone as we walked in it was exactly 5:00pm. i had spent all of my day with mikey, it wasn't the worst day you could possibly ask for.

i walked in and mikey was talking about some guy named draken i wasn't very interested until i heard the word 'gang' so i started to speak up "so is draken in a gang?" i asked curiously. "yep! he's in my gang to be exact." he replied. "what's your gang called..?"
i asked starting to get really curious. "tokyo manji gang, toman." he said back to me.

i dropped the item i was holding which was the cats bag of food. "oh is that so?" i said a little confused. did he really own the whole gang kazutora used to be in? i never really got involved with his friends and gang stuff. he always told me to stay out of it, or he'd make up some stupid excuse, or just lie.

he wasn't always like this but it started two years after i met him it was the day he went to juvie. he started ignoring me a lot, and when i did see him he'd blow up at me for something i did years ago. i broke up with him after that. he started showing up at my apartment i used to live at until i moved. i wanted to forget about it all but obviously that wasn't going to be easy..

"y/n? you there? y/nnnnn" he pulled me out of my thoughts. "y-yeah sorry about that." i went to grab the bag of cat food i had dropped but he bent down at the same time as me and our hands touched i lost my balance during this act and was about to fall flat on my ass.

he grabbed my wrist in time but i hated that he had to save me this whole day, although he did kind of remind me of an angel. i don't know where i got the angel thing from but it feels natural to think of him that way? i barely even know this guy. he's probably like this with every girl.

"that was close. you sure are clumsy." he said to me like he enjoyed saving me.. or rather my ass. but it was the thought that counts right? "yeah that was close. i'm sorry you've had to catch me all day.." i said standing up rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment, i mean this was really embarrassing. letting a stranger save me i should do better than this. i'm usually not like this so i really need to snap out of it.

"i think i got everything down." i said while pushing the basket to the front. "hey y/n-chin? can you push me in the basket!" he asked happily like a little kid. "you'll probably be too fat.. but alright." i mumbled the first part but then agreed seeing his happy face. "what was that y/n-chin?" he asked looking confused. "oh nothing mikey! just get in you loser."

as he was climbing in the basket he said something i couldn't fully hear "i'm not fat." but i got the word fat out of it so he must've heard me. is he mad at me or something? i shrugged it off and grabbed one last thing i needed to get the cat. as i was turning back mikey said something "do you have a boyfriend or something?" he sounded like he needed to know. i don't know why he actually wanted to know i had met this man child today?

i wanted to mess with him a bit since i probably wasn't going to see this guy again. "yeah he's the best! why do you ask mikey?" i said acting happy. "no you don't." he stated in a low voice. i really don't know what this guys problem is.. did he already figure me out? i cant read him too well. his face is blank now. "hah yes i do?" i said trying to convince him. "what's his name then?" he asked in an annoyed tone. i had never heard him like this and i was internally panicking. i said the first guy name that came off the top of my head, my last love. "kazutora." i said now cursing myself in my head.

out of all names i had to choose that obsessed jerks name. he looked unreadable, but his aura said otherwise. i stood in place looking at him i felt an uneasiness within me. "oh nice." he said and looked away. he climbed out of the basket when we reached the place to pay. he helped me unload the stuff in the basket and he was silent.

we were walking out of the store, and i was wondering if he was going to walk me home and help with all this stuff or ditch me after hearing i had a 'boyfriend'. but he didn't say a word after we walked out and started walking to my place i noticed that i had been following him all this time and we were going in the right direction.. i was wondering how he knew where to go but didn't speak up. i did a little more thinking about it and realized the first time i met him was at the apartment complex i lived in, and plus i hadn't spoken up about if we were going in the wrong direction so i guess it was just kinda common sense.

when i was thinking he started to say something, "break up with your boyfriend y/n."

sorry if there's any mistakes<3.

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