leaving a kiss on his grave.

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"night, y/n." mikey said, waving. "goodnight, mikey." i said waving, and walking up the first pair of stairs to my apartment. "text me when you get inside!" mikey shouted. "shhh!" i said, putting my finger over my mouth. "okay just get home already!" i said, turning around and walking up the steps. mikey started laughing and then started up his motorcycle, driving off.

i had finished walking up the steps, and started walking to my apartment. i unlocked the door and walked inside, closing it behind me, and locking it. i sat my keys down on the table by the front door. my cat came flying at my face, i dodged her, and held out my hands to catch her. i caught her, "everytime angel!" i said spinning her around in the air.

i kissed her forehead and sat her down on the floor. what should i do now? my phone buzzed in my back pocket, i grabbed it and unlocked it.

you ok?

yeah i'm fine.
are you home yet?

almost, i stopped at a store.



knew it..🗿
i'm tired gn

night m'lady🤵


i smile at my phone and go to take a shower.

after getting out of the shower, getting dressed, brushing my teeth, and everything else, i feed my cat a little bit of food. walking back to my room, i jumped onto my bed, and got comfortable. i plug my phone in, roll over and stare at the wall for ten minutes, before passing out.


i wake up after having another nightmare. i sit up and look around my room, with my hand on my heart. i grab my phone, it's 5:06am. i get up and get dressed sloppily, grabbing my shoes and putting them on, and grabbing a jacket. i walk down the hallway, i reach the front door, grab my house key, and walk out the front door.

i needed to visit someone.

someone dead but that's not the point. when i arrived at the graveyard my little brother lies in, i walk to his grave, and sit down on the back of his grave. i look up at the sky, "hey, ayato. i've missed you." i say, getting expected silence back.

"i met someone, someone you'd like. he's annoying sometimes, and i barely know him. i don't know if i should trust him, or push him away, before i get attached." i say acting like i'm not already a bit attached to the blonde. "he loves dorayaki, he's also a gang leader, but he's sweet to me. i think you'd get along with each other."

"i've been having nightmares lately. i thought they would've cleared up a bit, but seeing i'm here right now talking to you, i think you can tell they haven't lightened up." i say, smiling still looking up at the night sky. a tear rolls down my check.

"i wish i could see you. i really miss you." i say trying to stop tears from spilling. "i love you. i'll be back soon imagine." i say standing up, kissing my hand, and putting my hand on top of the grave. i slowly walk away, slipping my hands into my pockets.

"bye bye." i whisper to myself leaving the graveyard. i wipe the tear that slipped away, and put my hand back into my pocket. mochi. mochi should make me feel better, or maybe going to eat at the crazy lady's cafe. if it's open that is.

i'm not very far from the cafe anyways. i start walking on the sidewalk, looking at the cracks in the concrete, and the little plants growing from some of them. i feel a cold water droplet fall on my hand, i look up and it's raining.

it felt perfect for this kind of mood. the only thing in my head is the rain, the sidewalk, the cafe, and the little plants growing in between the cracks of the side walk. i'm still staring at them and i pass a really pretty, pink flower. it had white coming from the inside, but went into a light pink pretty much like an ombré.

i wish me and that flower could trade positions. sooner or later a jerk will step on it though, it could be on purpose, or on accident. it's not like it matters. it started pouring by now. i'm soaked. i don't mind too much. scratch the cafe, i'll just go to a park. i wouldn't want to get the lady's floor wet, and then her seats. it kinda just seemed like a hassle. i didn't really feel like talking to anyone either.


laying down on a slide, and staring at the sky. i didn't know my morning would turn out like this. the sun had started to come out, but it was still pretty dim in the playground. there's a lot of tall trees covering the front that led to a forest. maybe i should do something today, i would probably feel better. what should i do though?

maybe i could hang out with emma. i haven't hung out with her in like a week, and i'm starting to miss her. i wonder what mikeys doing right now. i don't know why i would want to know. i'm just a little curious. he's probably sleeping, i would be too right now if i didn't have that nightmare. i just wish it wouldn't have woken me up. i know i won't be able to go back to sleep either, this really sucks.

sorry if there's any mistakes, and i'm really sorry i haven't updated. i've been moving so it's kinda been chaotic. i'm sorry this is so short too<3

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