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i had finally gotten to the cute cafe i wanted to go to after all that shit i had just went through i was finally here at last!

i opened the door to the cafe and was very kindly greeted by an old lady shouting "I TOLD YOU ILL PAY MY TAXES WHEN I WANT TO YOU SCAMMERS!!!" i stood there dumbfounded for a second. "oh hello sweety come in!" the old hag said with a warm smile. wasnt she just screaming at me about taxes?

"i'm sorry i startled ya hun! these damn tax people won't leave me alone!" she said while wiping sweat off her forehead. "oh i see.. do you have a booth by any chance?" i asked. "oh yes right this way." she said still smiling at me. i followed behind her as she led me to a booth in the back. i looked to the right of me and guess who was laying there sleeping?

the yellow mop of hair that caught me. i ignored it hoping he wouldn't wake up anytime soon. she sat me down at the table in front of him. oh great! just my luck! i thought sighing to myself. "what can i get ya to drink darling?" she asked kindly. "i'll have a iced tea thanks." "alright i'll get that for you, make yourself at home!" she walked off.

i started zoning out and looking around the place. there were cute decorations everywhere and a lot of natural light in here it felt nice i was staring up at the ceiling when a head collided with my head. "ouch! what the hell!?" i said in an aggravated tone rubbing my head. not to my surprise it was the blondie. yeah the blondie that caught me. i hate this i really really hate this.

"hey aren't you that clumsy girl i caught?!" he said excitedly. "no what are you talking about?" i said annoyed. "yeah you are! wanna sit by me by any chance?" he said once again excited. "i really have no clue what you're talking about.. and no i don't wanna sit by you." i started looking out the window annoyed and frustrated. i just wanted some peace and quiet but i get this. "okay since you're so lonely i'll sit by you." he said getting out of his booth and sitting across from me.

"you look sad. are you emo?"

"pfft, do i really look emo to you blondie?

"blondie? you made a nickname for me how cute!"

before i could reply to that comment the old lady brought me my tea and a milkshake for the blonde. "you two are so cute! are you two together?!" she said happily. "no-" i was cut off by a frustratingly annoying voice. "yes, we are." he said cheekily. "ahh this is too adorable!" it seemed like she was over joyed by this and i didn't really wanna break a lady on the verge of deaths heart into two pieces, so i didn't speak up.

instead i glared at him and kicked his leg under the table. he made a painful noise and then played it off. i went to kick his leg again and he caught it with his legs instead. my leg was stuck in between his. i thought about kicking him in the balls but my foot was also stuck under the booth chair.

he started smirking seeing i couldn't get my leg out. i didn't think a short person like him could hold my leg that well. it's not like i was weak?? i'm actually very fond of fighting, and at that i don't lose. so why could he hold my leg down this well. i let out a deep sigh. i realized i had zoned out when the lady put her hand on my shoulder. "what can i get you to eat?" the oldy said to me.

"oh can i have a bit more time please?" i asked. "yes take your time sweety! i'll be back in a bit." she walked off. i opened the menu and started looking for something that peaked my interest. a voice came into my train of thought.

"what are you gonna get to eat love?" he said smirking still holding my leg. i put my hand over his mouth so i could think about what to get. he started mumbling into my hand. "can you please shut up for a second? and we are not dating got that? great!" i went back to looking at the menu. he had finally shut up until.. HE LICKED MY HAND! "WHAT THE HELL!? THATS SO GROSS!" i shouted at the dumb blonde in front of me smirking. "you taste good and you smell like coffee!" he said smiling wide with his eyes shut as if he had accomplished something great.

"you know i really hate you. like a lot." i sighed still looking at the menu. "nope you like me!" he said flicking my head "you were blushing when i caught you!" he said. "ow- wait what?" i thought he didn't notice and i wasn't even sure if i was blushing.. but i guess i got my answer. i really just want to die in this second. i looked him dead in the eye and said, "shut up before i beat the shit out of you." i said blushing a bit and finally finding something to eat, i decided on

"i'd love that. i haven't gotten your name yet cutie! what is it?"

i was really debating on if i should give this annoying bastard my name but my mouth moved on its own. "y/n l/n."

"hey your name would go good with my last name!" he said smiling.

"yeah yeah, whatever what's your name? not that i want to know." i said looking off anywhere other than his beautiful— ugly face.

"manjiro sano. but you can just call me mikey." he said with a hint of happiness laced in his voice.

it was kinda cute how he got excited over names.

sorry if there's any mistakes.<3

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