eat or sleep

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i opened my eyes to a living room, mikey's living room. we got a bunch of snacks, and watched a bunch of movies until we couldn't stay up anymore. we made a big pile of pillows and blankets and slept on them. i fell asleep on my back and ended up on my stomach.

i tried to get up, but something heavy is laying on my back. i laid back down giving up for a second before trying to get up again. i already knew it was mikey. all of these pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, but somehow mikey finds a way to lay on top of me.

i tried getting up again, i heard a somewhat growl/groan noise, and then got pushed back down. so the child was awake. "mikey get off of me, i need to get to my phone." i say rolling my eyes with my face on the pile of random comfortable things. "nooooooo." he replied yawning and stretching.

"i'm gonna kick you." i said about to raise my foot and kick the shit out of him. "y/n?" i heard a girl voice say. i gasp, "EMMA!" i say pushing mikey off of me, and running to emma. "hey!" i heard mikey say as he hit the random comfy stuff. i attacked emma with a hug. "you're exited." she said hugging me back smiling. "when did you get here?"  she said still hugging me.

"uhhh... maybe around 5 am? well maybe later than that i have no clue." i said trying to remember. she pulled out of the hug, "yeah, but the real question is what's going on here~" she said giggling and pointing between me and mikey. i heard mikey laughing into a pillow. i walked away from emma, and sat down as hard as i could on mikey's back while he was laying down laughing.

i heard his laugh grow louder, probably out of pain. i cross my arms, "oh nothing." i say smiling brightly. "actually-" i pushed mikey's head back into the pillow he had his face in before he could finish talking. i heard mumbling coming from him but ignored it. emma had been laughing since i sat down on him.

"well i gotta go run some errands, try not to kill my brother!" she says laughing and walking out. she pops her head back into the room, "and try not to get pregnant~" she said laughing running off. "ITS NOT EVEN LIKE THAT EMMA!" i scream back, falling off of mikey's back face first into the pillows.

i could feel the pillows shifting indicating that mikey had sat up. "you almost killed me!" mikey said throwing a pillow at me. "shut up." i said mumbling through the pillow. i sit up and fall back into my back, staring at the ceiling. mikey came into my vision leaning over me, "i'm hungry y/nnnn." he said whining.

"you're always hungry." i say closing my eyes. he reopened my eyes, "are you calling me fat y/n?" he said frowning. i grab his face and turn it into a smile, just like how he reopened my eyes. "checkmate." i say pushing his head away from me and sitting up. i grab my phone, the time is 3:27pm.

"we slept for awhile, huh?" i say showing him the time. "i guess we did.. now let's got eat please." he begged, hugging my waist still laying down. "cant you just go eat without me?" i say trying to remove his arms and hands form me waist. "either way or we're going back to sleep." he said still clutching onto me.

"what do you mean by "we're" i don't have to go do anything." i say air quoting we're, trying to remove him from me, still. "this is what i mean." he pulled me down making me lay with him. "let go mikey." i say annoyed. no response. "fine we can go eat." i say trying to remove his hands from my waist.

he shot up, "YAY! YOURE THE BEST Y/N!" he said shaking me over, and over again. "not like i had a choice." i mumbled. "does emma have something i can wear though?" i say looking at my poorly picked clothes from last night. "not sure. i do though." he said smirking. "mikey. i'm being serious." i say looking at him.

"i am too." he said looking back at me. i didn't see this ending in my favor.


i'm looking in the mirror with what mikey picked out for me from his closet on. it didn't look bad, it's just i didn't like him getting his way so easily, and then emma would pick at me about it forever. whatever i'll just let it go. i open the bathroom door and make my way to the kitchen where mikey was.

i walk into the kitchen expecting to see mikey sitting where he was last, but i don't. it's lifeless in here... "y/n." i heard mikey say. i turned around to see mikey holding his phone up at me. "MIKEY! DELETE IT NOW!" i say running after mikey screaming. "NEVER!" he replied laughing and running away from me. "MIKEY PLEASE! DONT POST IT OR ILL KILL YOU!" i say still chasing him.

"uhm.." he replied standing on the opposite side of the couch i was on. "what do you mean "uhm"!?!" i say. he turned his phone screen towards me. it was an instagram story, the picture of me in his clothes, with the caption as, "she's so cute in my clothes😁".

"really mikey, REALLY MIKEY?!?" i scream jumping onto the couch making my way over to him. "IM SORRY!" he screamed running away. "ILL BUY YOU MOCHI!" he screamed running. "wait really?" i ask and stop running. "yes! i promise!" he said smiling. "okay let's get going, hurry up." i say dragging him out of the house. "it was that easy?" he asked looking at me.

"what do you mean?" i asked looking over at him. "oh nothing.." he said looking away from me. these sanos i swear. i sigh and continue walking with mikey.

i love all of your comments sm they're funny as hell. sorry if there's any mistakes i'm too tired to read it over completely<3.

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