"no, spin the bottle y/n."

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after 20 or so minutes of kissing each other's cheeks, we started the second round. my heart is racing at this point, mikey hasn't said a word this whole time, he's just been staring at the bottle. i don't think he expected it to go this way at all, i mean what did he think he was getting into anyway?

it's not a game of choice, but a game of the odds. i had kissed the following so far; mitsuya, smiley, and baji. i'm worried that mikey will lash out at the next very taunting word i say, i don't really think he'd go as far as to lash out at any of us, but then again i could always be wrong.

chifuyu is the one to start off the second round, spinning the bottle, and it landing on baji. BAJI? i have to see this, they actually don't look bad together, that is if they're fruity or something. they both stare at each other in awe. a lovely yuzuha pushes their heads together, making their lips touch against each other in the slightest.

they quickly pull away, baji cursing at yuzuha, and chifuyu pretty much speechless. they're adorable, they both have pink dust spread across their cheeks. enough about the two gays in the room, it's now mikeys turn. draken tells him that it's his turn, and he simply spins the bottle. it lands onnnnnn... hina? oh, well okay then.

now i was getting that aching feeling all over, uneasiness you may call it, or maybe something bigger, like jealousy. no, no, no, that can't be? me jealous? no. hina and mikey are gonna kiss? i think a piece of my heart just chipped off, and i'm sure takemichis did too. do i really like mikey enough to get jealous over him? how low of me, he's not even mine to get jealous over.

i stare down at the floor, gripping my hand into a fist, i really need to control myself. i'm bitting my lip, i feel stuck, stuck on a feeling that shouldn't be there, a feeling i dread. i look up to find them lip-to-lip, i feel angry, i feel all sorts of things right now, but what is it that i can really do? nothing. i'm watching from what seems like afar, but is actually right in front of my face.

i feel disgusting for feeling this way, it really is a not so pretty feeling, not even pretty to see in action. it doesn't even matter anymore. "hey y/n, it's your turn." i hear a voice call out, the voice belongs to chifuyu. i don't feel up for this anymore, i feel like throwing up, and running away. i smile, "i need to use the bathroom, i'll be right back, go on without me." i say about to stand up.

"no, spin the bottle y/n." i hear mikey say. i turn to face him, i see a blank expression living on his face. "but-" i was cut off frustratingly, "i said, spin the bottle." mikey said once more, with the same blank face i was trying to avoid this time. i really feel like puking, sliding down a door, and then catching myself on fire.

cant he just leave me alone? i guess i had it coming this entire time actually, i've been the only one making him jealous, making him snap. that's how it should've been in my mind, i never once thought that he could take control of the strings i was once pulling, but now i feel more like the puppet.

it's not like i can just give in so easily though.

i can just reverse this feeling, making myself on top once more, how it should be. i sit back down in place, and spin the bottle. it starts to slow down, reaching its final spin, it stops at baji. just the crazy person i needed for this, i grab bajis face, and start slowly making out with him. he didn't seem to mind, i actually think he got the message, seeing how mikey ordered me to sit back down.

after about 30 seconds of making out, i pull away, and lick my lips. i smirk, "i've got to go to the bathroom now." i smile at mikey, stand up, and walk out of emma's bedroom.

i close the door behind me, i think looking back on all of their faces, mostly shocked, but there was one particular face that stuck out in my mind. mikey's face, it was glorious, he looked so unavailable at the time, but i could tell he was seething with rage.

maybe it was his eyes that gave it away, but who knows, i'm too happy to think properly right now. i get to the bathroom, and close the door behind me, locking it. when i look in the mirror i don't know what i see, it's foggy, all fuzzy. i don't feel a lot like myself these days, but that fog and fuzz, it's been disappearing, and clearing up slowly.

now that i think about it, i'm not so sure if i feel happy that i made mikey that mad, normally i'd think of it as an accomplishment, but right now it feels almost like a punishment. i love mikeys smile, so why'd i push it away? "why" is a frequently asked word in my mind, why is it like that, why has everything led up to this moment?

i hear a knock at the door, "hang on!" i say fixing my self up, trying to look in the least bit presentable. i sigh, and open the door to see mikey. he's here to kill me, right? "what do you want?" i ask a little bit annoyed. he doesn't answer, "manjiro, what do you want," i was planning on continuing, until mikey smashed his lips onto mine harshly.

at first i thought about pulling away, but his grip on my waist tightened, as if he knew i was planning to pull away. i finally just accepted it, it's not like i didn't want to kiss him furiously either, i was angry, and now i'm planning to take it out on him. maybe this isn't exactly taking it out on him, but i feel way better now.

maybe i'm just a big hypocrite.

this chapter was kinda gloomy, but next chapter will be happier, AND I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THE MIKEY POV BRUH AS IM TYPING THIS OUT RIGHT NOW UGH IM SO MAD AT MYSELF, but i'm tired and want to take a nap(i'm sorry i'm lazy) BUT MAYBE ILL DO ONE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER. yes ah yes, okay anyways sorry if there's any mistakes, and sorry for the long a/n<33

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