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i woke up to the warm sunlight beaming on my face also, the cat jumping all around me. she then landed on my face and scratched my cheek, i guess that was my sign to get up "ow that hurt stupid cat." i mumbled and sat up.

"i'm guessing you're hungry?" "meow." was all i got in return. i scooted to the end of my bed and stretched a bit until i got up from the bed. i opened my bedroom door with the cat still following me as i was about to leave my room i stepped in something gooey... i sighed really loud and looked down, "today is really not my day is it?" i looked down at the cat that was staring at me confused.

as i was still staring at the cat my face started dripping with blood? of corse i forgot about the scratch. "ughhh." i started hopping to the bathroom with the nasty smelling brown shit on my foot i almost slipped hopping into my bathroom inside of my bedroom but thankfully i didn't.

i washed off my foot and wiped my face off putting a bandaid on along with it. i looked over and saw the cat in the doorway staring at me "this is you're fault." "meoooow." i felt that was her way of laughing at me. after i was done in the bathroom brushing my teeth and getting ready i cleaned up the feces from my wooden floor.

i walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bag of cat food that chifuyu guy lent me last night. i poured some of the cat food into a small bowl i had. i sat it down and turned away to get a bowl of water for her as well. after i was done filling the bowl up with water i turned around to walk over to the small cat i saw her bowl was already empty and she was gone.

i shrugged it off and set the bowl down by her now empty food bowl. i thought about what i need to get for her today and made a list in my notes app on my phone. i had just realized the time it was, 2:35pm. i had wasted most of my day sleeping at least it was a good rest the cat was very quiet when i needed her to be which was surprising for a small kitten usually you'd think they need a lot of attention but no she was just fine as she was.

i should probably get going now. i pulled my hair up with the hair tie on my wrist and started walking back to my room where my closet is. i slid the closet door open and pulled a f/c t-shirt off the hanger and grabbed a pair of baggy jeans. i walked over to my dresser and grabbed a bra and started to get dressed. after i was done i put on some white socks and then put on my f/c high top converse.

now ready to leave i started walking to the front door. as i was unlocking and opening the door the cat jumped on my leg, like she was trying to sneak up on me. i giggled and picked her up. "trying to sneak up on me aren't ya? sorry but you'll have to stay here little one." i threw her on my couch and ran out the door before she could try to run after me. i locked my door and heard her crying which made me sad but i started walking off.

my stomach started growling. of corse i forgot to eat. i'll stop by that cute cafe that old lady owns. she sure is strange though, hopefully she's not mean. as i was walking down the stairs i wasn't looking where i was going my ankle twisted, and the next thing i knew i was falling.

i closed my eyes knowing i was going to hit the concrete. this was my end, ah how embarrassing. maybe i was being a bit dramatic but whatever. but before i could hit the ground a pair of warm strong arms caught me. wait what? i started to open my eyes and as i did i was met with a pair of black emotionless ones. they were sort of scary but warm. i felt a bit of warmness in them.

i was then snapped out of my thoughts by a voice. "watch where you're going next time, i wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to get hurt. right?" he was smirking. he was really pretty. pretty. pretty. "you done staring yet?" how embarrassing. "i was not staring at you, anyways thanks for catching me i guess.." i felt heat rising on my face i was ready to slap myself until i realized he was still holding me from falling. "i've got to get going now.. bye!" i ran out of his arms and started walking once i got far enough to calm down.

what the hell was that shit. he called my face pretty?? he doesn't want me to get hurt? why would he care? i don't even know him. was he being sarcastic? i really hope i don't have to face him again i mean after he had to catch me from falling maybe he even saw me blushing. was i blushing? this is so frustrating but his smirk was so cute but hot at the same time.. no no i'm just going to go to the store like i ORIGINALLY planned. this day is beginning to start off horrible.

sorry if i made any mistakes<3

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