"what do you mean..?"

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"break up with your boyfriend y/n."
"what do you mean..?"
"i mean exactly what i just said."

i really didn't understand what was going on for a second. "i just met you today? why would i do what a random-" before i could finish he pulled me in by my waist and whispered in my ear. "why, you ask? because i'm your boyfriend y/n." he said smirking. this was so sudden i didn't exactly know how to react.

i stayed silent for a second and pulled his hand off of my waist and said, "i just met you maniac?!" i said still processing what he had just said and did. i tried to grab my bags from his hand but instead he grabbed my hand tightly and started dragging me to the direction of my apartment. "mikey?! let go of my hand you weirdo!" i said trying to go the other way while he was still dragging me.

after a bit of screaming, "help i'm getting kidnapped!" i finally gave up and started walking with him. "could you let go of my hand yet?" i asked tiredly. "no." he said in a stern tone. "whatever." i said just giving up. if it weren't for mikey dragging me i think i might have passed out right then and there from me being so tired.

we had finally gotten to my apartment but mikey didn't stop there he just had to come inside and see my cat. "mikey do you really need to come in? i can bring her out here." i said agitated at the stupid blonde in front of me. "no i think i'll come in and see the cat!" he insisted. and he kept insisting until he got his way.

never in my life had i met such a tiresome human being, i mean he drained everything out of me. he reminded me of a lost puppy. an angel too. what a weird combination? but i knew one thing and that was i was not giving this specific lost puppy a home.

after he came inside i started unloading the things i had bought today. there was an actual water and food bowl for cats, a huge bag of cat food, some toys i had to buy for her, a fluffy big bed, cat treats, a liter box, and cat liter. there were some other things i got for her too. i also got food for the house and some other stuff i needed. i looked into the living room from the kitchen, i saw mikey laying on his back holding the kitten up in the air acting like she was flying.

the cat looked terrified. i laughed seeing mikey play with a cat so cutely. "so cute." i said unconsciously. wait what. what!? "cute?" mikey said seeing he noticed what i had just said. i was screaming inside full bloody murder. i wanted to act like i didn't understand him and start speaking another language and move to a different country, but i remained somewhat calm.

"ohh i said uhm.. let's see.. ah! i said cucumber!" i said now knowing i screwed this up even more but my mind kept going to the word 'cum' in cucumber, i really just wanted to fall to the floor and start laughing uncontrollably while saying "cum! HAHAHA!" but that wasn't going to happen in this situation.

"you said cute." he said smiling widely. "so you think i'm cute y/n-chin!" he said chuckling loudly on my living room floor with the cat. "meowww~" the cat said while he was laughing.

"no no no!!! that's not what i said! stop laughing and get off the floor stupid prick!" i said madly. "y/n-chin thinks im cuteee" he said that over and over again now making the cat dance. im supposed to be mad so why am i smiling so much?! be mad!! i started tapping my face a bit. i tried to pull my lips down into a frown but they just kept perking right up again. wait why was i so happy?

"hey mikey you should get going it's getting late." i looked at my phone to see the time, it was 8:45pm. "it's 8 manjiro go home before i throw you out!" i said ready to go to bed. when i looked out into the living room he was asleep on the couch cuddling with the cat.

i sighed deeply. "what am i gonna do with this random dog on my couch?" i whispered. i walked over to them and tried waking mikey up. he wouldn't budge. he sat up tiredly putting the cat in the floor then, he grabbed me and pulled me down with him on the couch. huh!? "mikey?!!? what are you doing?!" i said struggling to get out of his tight embrace.

i stopped moving for a second when i realized how tired i was and how warm it is right now. i slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep unintentionally even though i really hated that i just randomly passed out at times...

mikeys pov:

y/n had fallen asleep in my arms. i didn't really expect her to fall asleep like that. i was going to let her go soon but i guess this works. was she really that tired? i removed my arms from her and slowly got up. when i got up fully i picked her up bridal style. i stared at her for a second. i hadn't known her for even 24 hours but was so attached to her. i don't know why but i felt i had known her my whole life.

i mean looking at her now, she's beautiful. even when she's sleeping. i snapped out of my thoughts and tried to find which out of the 2 doors was her room. it was the second one to the right. i opened the door with the hand that was under y/n's back and walked in the room. it smelled nice in here, like something i could get used to.

i laid her down on her bed and kissed the tip of her nose. it felt natural to do that. i covered her up and grabbed the cats bed from the kitchen and sat it down by her bed. i laid the kitten on the bed and she had already fallen asleep too. goodnight y/n. i said in my head and walked out of the room and out of the house too.

after that i walked over to chifuyus apartment that was right above hers and knocked on it, he should be up. he then opened the door and said "yeah mikey?" he asked confused on why i was here. "can you keep an eye on the apartment right below you for me? the door is unlocked and i don't want anything to happen." i said sternly. "oh sure mikey. why though?" he asked agreeing but still curious. "just someone i care about." i said smiling.

sorry if there's any mistakes<3. this was a quick chapter because i was bored in class.

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