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mikey drove me back to my apartment and it was about 4 something am. i didn't want him out this late so i let him stay over. we walked inside the house, i closed the door and locked it when we were in. my cat greeted us by sneak attacking us like we were her prey or something, she's so cute.

"oh yeah i named the cat angel." i said taking off my shoes while mikey was doing the same. "what made you think of angel?" he asked walking to the kitchen. "i was sad one morning and she started licking my face." i didn't add that he made me think of the name too.

"awh, she's never nice to me." he stated grabbing a snack out the the fridge pouting. "you've only been over two times manjiro." i said sitting on the couch taking my phone out. "hey why'd you call me manjiro?" he asked frowning.

"no reason." i answered truthfully. i turned on my phone and had text messages from an unknown number, i unlocked my phone and checked it.

you should meet me at the tree i used to
help you up.
i just want to talk y/n.

i already told you to leave me alone,
i don't want to just "talk".

incase you change your mind, tomorrow
at 10:30pm i'll be there.
i miss you y/n.

i wish he would just let me move on.

my mood was kind of spoiled now. mikey sat down next to me leaning his head on my shoulder, i didn't mind cause i was kind of bummed out and was glad mikey was here. "you ok?" he asked.

"yeah, can i braid your hair?" i asked looking over at him on my shoulder. "mhm." he hummed. i got behind him on the couch and he slid down to the floor from the couch. i took out his hair tie and started doing his hair.


after about 20 minutes or so, my hands were getting tired so i stopped. i got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, i wanted to make cookies for some odd reason. mikey walked into the kitchen when he noticed i was no longer doing his hair.

he looked so funny when he walked into the kitchen. his bangs were down, and he had one braid on the side of his head with the other down, it was because i redid that one braid about 10 times because i wanted it to look good.

i started laughing, i looked away trying to play it off walking to the fridge, and opening it. "what's so funny?" he asked curiously. "nothing nothin-" i looked back at him and started bursting out laughing, he looked so cute with his bangs down, and one braid sticking out of the side of his head, it was funny but really cute.

he looked clueless for a second which made him even more cuter, but then he looked like he realized something. he walked over to the sink and turned it on, and grabbed the little hose washer thing. it was too late when i realized what he was doing.

he sprayed me all over as i was trying to run, i slipped, and he started bursting out laughing even more. he then slipped too. we were both laughing so hard i swear i almost peed myself.

when we sorta finished laughing i had an idea. "hey mikey! why don't we make a slip in slide?!" i smiled brightly. i hadn't been this happy in awhile, it felt good. maybe too good to be true.

"yeah!" he replied smiling brightly, and suddenly his emotionless eyes weren't so emotionless. i stared at them for a second. "y/n?" he said looking confused. he was so pretty. "oh yeah the soap." i said grabbing the soap from beside the sink.

i poured it on the floor, mikey stood up and started spreading the soap around the kitchen with his feet, and so did i. this may have been really childish, but it felt so right. i know the floor wasn't that dirty because i mopped it the other day and i barely ever eat from my house.

my cat was just staring at us laying on top of my dinning table. "alright let's go to the end and slide together!" mikey said grabbing my hand making me slide along with him, i started laughing with him. we got to the dry spot and started running over to the start of the soapy wet floor. mikey hit the floor first and started sliding, then me next.

when we hit the back of my wall, we slid into each other and couldn't stop laughing, i wasn't even thinking about the mess i would have to clean up, or any of the consequences for tonight, because i didn't care in this moment. i held my stomach laughing, and i didn't notice that mikey stood up.

he grabbed my arms and started pulling me around the floor. my face and stomach hurt so much from laughing. he slipped and slid underneath me, he leaned his back on the cabinets, with my back facing him. i fell down on his stomach not noticing because i was laughing so hard.

he went silent for a moment. i looked up to see why, and we made immediate eye contact. in that moment i knew i couldn't let him go, i found someone special, someone that could make me start laughing uncontrollably, someone that is willing to do something like this with me. not even a week that i knew him.

he looked down at my lips. no, no, not yet. i sat up quickly, too quickly that i almost fell over, but no a hand was on my lower back to make sure i didn't. i started sliding away and he removed his hand off my back.

sorry if there's any mistakes<3. and sorry i didn't update quicker.

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