CH:1 - Do I have feelings for him..?

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Laurence pov:
                           Yeah sure, we've kissed once before in highschool but that was just to test it out...see if we had a spark between us. Nothing happened of course, but we did kiss again in college..not sober but all I remember is everyone playing spin the bottle then us at some point kissing, but this time...this time unlike the others I felt something. It was right after the Romeo and Juliet play, Garroth and I had just kissed so I, the  smart and calm person I am, ran off stage with tears in my eyes. I ran straight into the bathroom, locked one of the stalls, and just..broke down.. I- I couldn't stop.. sure I heard Garreth calling for me from the other side of the stall, then Dante, then Travis..even Aphmau..I don't know why but I couldn't stop crying, I think it was from embarrassment..yeah..I'm just embarrassed..that's all.

Hours later I can no longer hear the others so I decided to get up and leave, sure I could have left sooner but I didn't want the others too see me, once I open the door to the main entrance I freeze as I feel someone almost tackle me to the ground.

"LAURENCE!?' Garroth quietly screams into my shoulder
"G-garroth...I thought you went home" I questioned finally hugging him back
"Why would I leave you here alone?" Garroth questioned finally looking up off my shoulder

I paused and just pulled him more into the hug. I felt my eyes start to water again

"Nonoononononono" I thought
I can't let him see me like this..but I was too late, I was already face deep in his shoulder crying

"Hey,hey don't cry.." Garroth said while rubbing circles on my back
I couldn't even look up to talk to him, god I'm so dumb
"Do you wanna go home?" Garroth questioned "it's late"
I just nod my head yes
"Okay then" Garroth then picks me up and carries me, my face still in his shoulder but now out of actual embarrassment "let's go" he says with a smile

Garroth pov:
====================================                          When we get home I noticed that the only person awake is Travis

"Oh, hey Garroth you're finally home!" He says with a smile "looks like you brought Laurence with you" he slightly chuckled
"Heh yeah..he actually fell asleep a little after he came out of the building so I think imma take him to my room" I say as I'm about to walk up the stairs
"Oh~" Travis says in a flirty ton "you're taking him to YOUR room~?" he questions as my face slowly starts to heat up
"W-well yeah' I try to say as calm as I can..then I break "I mean my room is closer and I don't want to carry him so far because he might wake up and I don't want that so obviously my room makes more since" I say in one breath
"Damn Garroth I was just playing..but hey if you're into that I'm not going to judge" Travis says looking back at the TV

I freeze for a second..what does he mean by 'if you're into that"...does he think that I'm into Laurence? I shake my head and continue my way to take him back to my room. I open my door and place Laurence on my bed, I take off his shoes and put then in the floor, I was thinking about changing him out of his clothes but then realized that, that would probably be a bad idea so I just decided to take the safe route and get a set of clothes and write a note. I leave my room with the door mainly shut, go back downstairs and look for food.

"So did you kiss your prince charming good night~" Travis flirts while putting pizza in the microwave
"N-no" I say flustered
Travis just laughs"do you want some too?" He asks pointing at the pizza
I nod my head yes "put some in for Laurence too..he might wake up" I say as I sit on the counter
"Okay~" he giggles

Laurence pov:
                           I wake up but..I'm not in my room, I look around and noticed that I'm in Garroth's room slightly freaked out I look around a notice a pile of clothes that has a note
'Laurence when you wake up you can just change into these if you don't wanna walk back to yours, come downstairs if you want :)
I smile and blush as I put the clothes on, it's just a pair of black shorts with a blue/gray hoodie. I walk downstairs and see Garroth and Travis sitting on the couch, Travis notices me and smiles

"There's pizza on the table if you want any" he smiles then looks back at the tv
I go and grab some pizza untill I feel someone standing behind me, I turn around and see Garroth
"H-hey Laurence" Garroth says with a stutter "did you sleep well?" He questions finally calm
"Uh..yeah" I say with a giggle "thanks for the clothes~" I say in a flirty ton
He blushes just staring at me as I walk to the couch
Travis looks a Garroth,who now has a face as red as a tomato, then looks back at me
"Oh great Laurence" Travis says in a fake annoyed tone "you broke him"
I just laughed as Garroth gets out of his trance and walk back to the couch. He sit down next to me and puts his arm over my shoulder, I blush red, he giggles as his face in now a light pink
"You like my hoodie?~" Garroth flirts back
'man, Carma's a bitch' I think to myself and I can feel Garroth get closer
"When your done eating come talk to me in my room" he whispered into my ear then waking into the kitchen to then give a dirty plate to Travis
"I don't know about you too but imma head to bed" Travis then winks and walks up the stairs
"Remember what I said Laurence" Garroth says in a more serious tone then follows Travis up stairs

Garroth pov:
                         I walk upstairs and sit in my room to wait for Laurence, I have some questions to ask him..I'm obviously not going to force him to say anything but asking can't hurt. A few minutes later I hear my door open and Laurence standing on the other side, god he's so cute..I mean-..

"So you wanted to talk?" Laurence asked..he seemed scared
"Uh..yeah" I say as I gesture him to sit next to me
He does as I please then starts to play with the sleeves of the hoodie
"Hey, hey no need to be nervous" I say trying to make him feel more at ease "I just wanted to ask you about today"
He freeze's "w-what do you mean?" He stutters
I take a deep breath in "why did you run away?"
The room got quiet
"I-i mean..once we ran if stage and locked yourself into the bathroom" before the room got too awkward I say"was my kiss that bad?"
Laurence giggles " n-not at all Mr. Romantic" he jokes. "The reason I locked myself into the bathroom was because..." Laurence stops mid sentence like as if he had to think about what he was going to say "..I actually don't know why I ran into the bathroom"
I could tell Laurence was telling the truth..he was now sitting on my bed questioning why he ran away into the bathroom.. "can you at least tell me why you were crying?" I asked
Once again Laurence froze "I was embarrassed...I didn't know what the others would think and-"
I cut him off
"Laurence you know I can tell you're lying..but that's okay if you don't want to tell me."
Laurence just sits there with a pink tinted face and looks down back at the sleeves of the hoodie
"I'mma go get dressed in my can stay in here if you want, I can tell you're tired" I say with a smile, grab some clothes, then walk into my bathroom to change

Laurence pov:
                            I watch a Garroth walks into the bathroom and closes his door..
'god I'm so stupid' I think to myself l.. I can't can't even bring myself to actually leave his room to go and sleep in mine..I mean he said that he doesn't mind if I sleep in here so-
I was cut off in my thoughts by the sound of Garroth's bathroom door opening

"Are you still up?" Garroth questions
I just nod my head yes
Garroth giggles "I can tell you're tired so don't force yourself to stay up" he continues as he puts the tv in and lays down next to me in bed.
A few minutes pass and I feel him wrap his arm around me and pull me closer
"Laurence you really should go to sleep" he yawns as he looks at me "your eyes can barely stay open" he pats my head
"I don't need you to tell me when too sleep" I say in a stubborn tone "I can-" I get cut of by Garroth shushing me
"Just sleep.." he says in a calming voice
I want to argue with him but he knows me too well...I start to drift to sleep as he keeps patting my head this the man that I really fall in love with I start to question myself before I completely close my eyes.

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