CH:9 talk

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Garroth pov:
It's been a few hours and Laurence is still sitting on my lap. I know that something's wrong but I don't want to push it. I mean I can tell that something is wrong but I really don't want to push it.
I feel his head shift causing me to leave my train of thoughts behind and put all my focus on him.

"You okay?" I ask as I plant a kiss on his forehead

"Not really"

"Do you wanna talk about it" I question

"I'm still thinking about the guys from the bar last night"

"Shit" I think to myself as I hoped that he would be to drunk to remember

"I just feel so gross..I know they didn't do anything to me and I didn't do anything to them but..but the way they were talking to me made me feel like actual shit."

"There just some drunk losers l" I say not knowing how to honestly comfort him

"Yeah...I just hope they don't do anything to someone else" Laurence sits up and moves to an empty couch cushion.
"We should do something!" He shouts as he gets up from the couch

"Like what?" I question

"Ummm..the mall!"

"..fine. lemme get dressed." I groan as I get up

-im not writing a whole mall ep. Bc I'm lazy buntu can imagine one yourself 💀💀. ALSO time skip to 2 weeks later!-

*~~°°🍓°°~~ NSFW WARNING ~~°°🍓°°~~*

Travis pov:
I found myself once again wondering the streets drunk and alone. I've been drinking a lot lately so I can get Dante off my mind... Im not mad or upset that I like him I just hate the fact that he'll never really like me back.
As I wander the road to my house I see a spot of a familiar light blue hair.

"Travis, are you drunk? Again.." Kaitlyn says annoyed but also knowing what's going to happen next

"Yeah" I hick up as I know the ruten of following her home and up to her room

For the past few weeks I've been hooking up with Kaitlyn and if I end up drunk I know imma end up waking up in her bed. I know it's not the best way to get over someone, expecualy with our abusive past relationships, but I can't help it. I need someone... And if she's that someone than so be it.

This is the 4th time I've drunkenly been to her house but this time it's different. We normally just talk a little, get me some water then have sex and end the night there with some sloppy clean up on my end. But this time, this time I realized that we both looked at these hookups in different ways

" don't put any love into this.." Kaitlyn wines as Travis unbuckles his pants

"Huh?" I say confused

"I mean is this not going to end up wit us getting back together? Or are you just using me like you do to many other girls" she sits on her knees waiting for a response

"Oh I..." Wow I'm to drunk for this
"I didn't know that you honestly wanted anything more" I slur my words

"So you are just using me" Kaitlyn almost yells

"Nonono. I mean I've been using the alcohol but you always lead me to your room, youre the one that stays in control when I'm like this" my heart starts beating fast

"Ok but what about when your sober?" She crosses her arms

"I..we both want to have sex, I don't see the problem. It's not my fault you want something more now" I say as I try to hold back vomit

"Oh my fucking god!" Kaitlyn yells
"I can't believe you just said that"

"I mean it's true..the fist time you wanted it and the rest happened by coincidence! You wanted to have sex with me, we never did anything more than that, barely any small talk and I always left in the morning with no complaints." I say trying to stand my ground

"Travis, you are so lucky your drunk because otherwise I would have thrown you out of the window." Kaitlyn takes a deep breath
"You know what.. you're right.. we never set any boundaries I just wanted something more than this let's..let's just continue like nothing happened "
She finishes unbuttoning my pants and takes off her cloths in a flash. She puts her lips on mine and I move back in shock.

I'm not longer in the mood for this anymore but I'm also to tired to stop her so I let her continue. As our lips press together we start to make out, she starts to move down my body and suck my painfully soft dick. The alcohol is starting to kick back in and the room gets dizzy as I get an erection. I sit up a little and as I try to warn Kaitlyn I throw up on the side of her bed.

She stops sucking me off and looks at me in discust

"What the fuck Travis" she says with anger in her voice

"I-im sorry" I start to tear up
"I-im couldn't help it" I whimper out

"'s fine just..let me call Dante to get you" Kaitlyn says as she gets up to get her phone

"No!" I yell "y-you can't call Dante..h-he'd hate me" I blur out in moans

"Well I need to call someone who can carry Garroth ok" she roller her eyes

"Yeah" I sniffle

after Kaitlyn gets off the phone with Garroth I put my pants back on, over my still hard dick not practically edging myself. Once dressed she helps me down the stairs and waits with me at the front door. It doesn't take long for Garroth to get here as we live across the street. Without a work Kaitlyn hands me to Garroth like I'm some kind of doll and walks right back into the house. Garroth looks me up and down

"You stink of alcohol" Garroth mentions as he lifts me up and Carry's me to my room.
" you want to talk about it?" He questions me as he lays me in bed.

"C-can we talk about it in the morning?" I roll over in my bed and start to take my jeans off to get comfortable

"Sure thing" Garroth says as he walks out my room and shuts the door.

It's now the next morning and my heads banging. I don't bother looking at myself in the mirror and throw some pants on to head down stairs. Once I reach the Living room I see Garroth watching TV

" feeling better?" Garroth questions
"I know you had a rough night"

"Yeah I'm...I'm find just hungover" I say as I lay my head in other couch cushion

"Do you .do you want to talk about it?"

"I..yeah but it's kinda a long story" I say as I rub my eyes

"I can make some coffee..I have all day to talk" he says with a smile

I just nod my head and share a smile back

After Garroth makes some coffee we start to talk but not for long because Laurence find his way downstairs and takes a sleep on Garroth's lap. Not saying a word he barehugs him and almost falls back asleep.

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