CH:12 - "do you remember anything from last night?"

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Dante POV:

I wake up with Travis fully cuddled next to me, remembering the conversation we had last night and the smell of alcohol still filling the room i slowly get out of bed not to wake him and rush out of his room.  As soon as I shut the door I'm met with Laurence heading down the hall.

"Oh uh-" he says shocked

"It's not what it looks like" I start to sweat as I remember that I'm only in boxers

"Yeah.. okay." Laurence says as he walks down the hall, leaving me embarrassed

I  rush to my room and get dressed before I head back to Travis'. I slowly open his door and grab the bag of empty bottles and cans so I can throw it away. I get stopped by Laurence before I could reach the front door.

"What are you throwing away? Didn't we just take out the trash?"

"Yeah but.." I stop for a second not wanting to out Travis' drinking problem.
"I just had some garbage that I forgot about."  I smile as I continue out the door

Once I'm done taking out the garbage I head right back up to Travis' room to get the bowl and glass that was left on his bedside table to bring to the kitchen.
As I finish cleaning his room I hear him start to get up.

"Mmhmm fuckkkk." Travis moans as he rubs his eyes

"Morning." I smile but also a little surprised because it's like 6 am

He looks at me confused as he gets up then takes a deep breath.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I ask
"You were pretty fucked."

"Oh, not really." I watch as he gets out of bed

"Oh..that's fine I guess." I sigh

"Why are you uh...why are you cleaning my room?" He says in a cold tone as he scratches his head

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure you woke up to a clean room after last night." I smile as I take a seat on his bed

"Why? Did we fuck or something?" He says trying to hide a blush

"" I say confused.
I don't know why Travis is having this attitude with me but it's kinda pissing me off. He's acting like a dick for no reason..or am I just overreacting?
"Do you really not remember what happened?"

"No..i don't" he rolls his eyes as he starts to take off his shirt

" got so shit faced that I had to get you food from downstairs and help you get into your bed." I say kinda annoyed
"I then went ahead and cleaned up all of the empty bottles and cans that you had laying around on your floor." I say with more anger in my voice
"You then told me how you felt about me and-" I get cut off by Travis tackling me in his bed

"Shit! I-" he pauses
"I.. didn't know that I actually said those things to you..I thought I just had a shit dream." His eyes start to water
"I'm sorry I didn't want you to know that shit and I'm sorry that you had to see me like that." He cry's
"I'm so fucking sorry."

I don't even know what to say as Travis is laying on top of me crying his eyes out..I hate to see him like this and I hate even more that I don't know how to really help him.

"Travis it's fine." I pull him into a tight hug
"It's no big deal, if I didn't want to clean up after you then I literally wouldn't. Ok? I WANTED to help you." I smile
"And remember...i- I like you too." I blush as he looks up at me

" you really?"

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I??"

"I-i don't know." He giggles

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