CH:6 - the aftermath

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Laurence POV:
As I wake up I roll over out of bed and look at the bedside clock that Garroth has had in his room since highschool, the clock reads 1:00AM. I rub my eyes as I think about what happened not so many hours ago...
"Did we really..." I whisper to myself as I push my face into the palms of my hands. I fully get up out of bed and walk to my bathroom and start to brunch my teeth. I look into the mirror and start to think more in detail about what I did with face starts to heat up as I go over step-by-step of what we, I, did. I walk to my room and put on some new shorts, finding the shortest pair that I own, and I put on the hoodie that Garroth gave me the night if the kiss. I walk back to Garroth's room and I sit on the floor and look up at the t.v. mounted on his wall. He likes to sleep with the t.v. in but sometimes in the middle of the night he turns the volume all the way off. So I'm left sat on the floor having to guess what's being said on the t.v. which I'm fine with.
After some time I take a look back at the clock and it reads 2:00AM. I sigh at I rub my eyes not being able to sleep...I'm starting to..not 'regret' what I did with Growth but.. "what if he really doesn't feel the same?? What if he's not actually gay and was using me as a experiment.? What if he hates me when he wakes up?"
I keep having fights with these thoughts untill I hear a creek. I look behind me at the bed and Garroth is still sleeping. I then glance at the clock and it only says 2:30AM....I really wish I could go back to sleep but...I don't think I can. I get up and decide to go downstairs to make some food or something to distract myself. I walk down the loud ass stairs creaking at almost every step. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Travis sitting on the couch with a pillow shoved in his face.
"Travis?" I question in a whisper, causing him to jump at the sound of his name.
"Oh...uh..w-what atr you doing up Laurence?" He says with a sniffle
I walk closer to him and I catch him wiping tears away from his eyes.
"Are you okay?" I ask with concern in my voice
"Y-yeah..why?" He lies
I take a seat next to him
"Come don't have to tell me everything but can you oleas tell me something?" I ask and I rup circles on his back
"It's just.....idk.. I'm kinda embarrassed.." he says in a whisper
"You can dumb it down if you want' I say with a slight chuckle trying to brighten the mood
"It's just...okay don't laugh but..I think I'm gay.." he says, rushing the last part
The room gets quiet
"Well not 'gay' but.. I think I'm bi.. like I've been in love with plenty of girls but I would be lying if I said I NEVER did anything with guys." He pauses "..I mean you know I've I had a thing for Katelyn." He stops waiting for me to respond
I nod my head 'yes'
"And I have realized that it was really toxic..with me and her so I tried to move on...Dante was really helpful with that..he always is" he smiled
I start to put things together and I think I know where this is going
"Long story short I've liked Dante for a long time.. probably since the day we met and I've fallen so much more for him now and I'm scared if what he'll think of me.. I know he's not homophobic or anything but I'm just scared to tell him you know ." He says as he furrows his eyebrows in worry
"Does...does he not know about you being bi?" I ask
Travis shakes his head 'no' and puts his head down
"Your actually the first person I've ever told...other than the other guys that I've been with." He chuckles and he rubs the back of his neck
"Wow I... I'm glad that you felt safe enough to tell me" I say with a smile
He smiles back
"I don't want to bring the mood back down but....why were you crying again?" I ask not really understand how the tears started
"It's just that...I thought I got over my crush on Dante but then my feelings snuck back into my heart and I don't want to fuck up our friendship." Travis says as he plays with his thumbs.
"Between me and you" I start " you and Dante would make a cute couple " I say with a smile
Travis blushes
"Enough with me and Danteeee" he says dragging out Dante's name "let's talk you and Garroth" he says fixing his sitting by crossing his legs.
"W-what do you mean??" I question as my face heats up
"I meannn you have been sleeping in his room recently and you guys have been much closer than ever" Travis points out
"I mean.. we've always been this close" I argued
"Yeah but Garroth isn't normally this cuddly at all times." Travis argues back
I sigh in defeat "okay fine" I paused"I might have some feelings for Garroth" I say with a blush as it's.y first time saying that out loud
"I FUCKING KNEW IT" Travis loudly whispers
I shush him "we don't want to wake everyone up" I say as I turn my head to look at the time "it's 4:00AM literally anyone can get up at this point" I say as I get up from the couch and stretch
"Your right" he says as he turns the t.v. on
I walk over to the kitchen mad make some breakfast for the two of us. As we eat u hear footsteps walk down the stairs. both of us look over, our hearts racing to see who it was. Travis smiles wide as he sees dark blue hair peek over the stairs. I put my focus back in the t.v. as Travis gets up to talk to Dante in the kitchen. I tune out there conversation don't really hearing anything of interest untill I feel the cushion next to me shift. I look over and see Garroth sit next to me, his face has hunts of pink.
"H-hey" he gets out trying to start conversation
"Hey" I blush thoughts going back to last night
"Can we uh...c-can we go back to my room for a moment?" He questions
I nod my head 'yes'
We both get up and walk over to his room. As I walk he he closes the door behind us and takes a seat on his bed, I follow after.
"So...I just.." he pauses " I think I should apologize for yesterday" Garroth finishes
The room gets quiet
"I-i just feel like I forced you leading you on and messing with you even after knowing what kind of effect it had in you." He admits " I got kinda carried away and I didn't think that I was going to take it as far as I did." Garroth apologies " I just feel that I put you in an unwanted situation"
I sit there in disbelief that he's apologizing for that.
"No-no its fine really..if I didn't want to do anything then I would have gone to my room." I say "I..I kinda wanted to that to happen.. maybe not in THAT exact way on the couch" I giggle 'but I...I do have feelings for you." I admit
We're both left in shock after I admited my true feelings. We sat in the quiet for a little until Garroth moved closer to me. He bit his lip as he moved closer to my face.
"I like you too" he says as he got closer to me
He bit his lip as our faces got closer together. I move on top of him as we start to kiss, Garroth starts butting my bottom lip wanting to take control. I let him in and he takes full control. Unlike last night he knows what he wants. As we kiss he pulls my hoodie and shirt off and starts moving to my neck. He starts to leave hickeys all on the right side of my neck then moving lower to my collarbones. I stop him just after a few minutes..
"..h-hey don't go in and start marking's still morning" I laugh as I get up and put my clothes back on
Garroth's pouts as he gets out and places a kiss on my forehead.
"So does that mean I can bite you later on?" He questions making me blush hard
"F-fuck of" I stutter
Garroth sits down and watches my every move tracing my body with a smile.
"Can we make this official?" He asked "I mean I really do like you" he smiles
I blush "of course" I smile and plank a kiss on his cheek "I'd love for you to be my first boyfriend" I say with love in my voice.
I watch as Garroth gets up and we put our hands together as we leave his room.

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