CH:3 - the movie

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Garroth's pov:
We go down stairs to watch a movie, thinking about what kind of movie we'd be watching I look at the TV and see that it's a scary one...'good thing I'm soooooo into scarry movie's..' I sarcastically think to myself as I roll my eyes. I look over to Laurance and I see him smile wich causes me to giggle because I know how much of a pussy he is.. he's got to be kissing sleep goodbye.

We all take a seat in the living room and REALISTICALLY we all should be able to sit on the couch but nooooooo, Travis sits on the right side of our 'small' L-shaped couch and of course he's taking up the whole side, Dante's taking one for the team and is sitting on the middle cushion but he's curled up in a ball with a blanket that earlier he took from his room, I'm sitting on the left side trying not to get dragged into the Dante blob, and sadly Laurence has to sit on the floor but he decided that the best most comfortable place on the floor is between my legs practically in my lap.

"Okay lady's you ready to watch the movie?" Travis asks then clicks play as we all respond.

10 minutes into the movie I find myself twirling and playing with Laurence's hair and him slowly leaning into it. I see him start to smile as he tilts his head back into my lap going more into my head pats.

Halfway through the movie Dante starts to get tired but finds that he can't lay down so he starts to 'fight' with Travis so that they can find a way for them both to lay down finding a conclusion with them literally cuddling on top of each other...'man..I wish that was me and Laurence..' as I think to myself I feel the warmth from my lap leave and sit next to me.

"My fucking ass hurts from sitting on the floor" Laurence says has he puts his head on my shoulder
"I could have given you a pillow" I say as I put my hand back on Laurence's head going back to swirling his hair
"Nah it's fine now" he says with a smile

As soon as we look back at the TV a jump scares happens and I feel Laurence wrap around me and put his face on my lower chest. I take a pause but smile then put my hand AGAIN back onto his head but now just giving him lil pats.

As the movie gets closer to the end I found that I'm the only person away with Laurence laying in my lap and Dante and Travis still cuddling. I slowly get up and take a picture of Travis and Dante so I can annoy them about it later, I do a little stretch before I go ahead and pick up Laurence and bring him back to my room. Sure I COULD have left him downstairs on the couch but I felt like being nice and also SURE I could have carried him to his room but that's all the way down the hall and I'm already risking it taking him to my room from the stairs so my room will do. I walk into my room and gently place him onto my bed, as soon as I put him down he curls up in my blanket and smiles as he buries his head into my sheets. I smile then get into bed, before I get under the covers I get kinda hot so saving my time later I take off my shirt so that I don't wake up sweating. I Lay down and take one last look at Laurence then turn back around and close my eyes..I really want to give him a little kiss on the cheek, he such a cute sleeper. As I think about the little things that I wish I could do to Laurence I start to here his soft little sores, I smile then start drifting to sleep.

Laurence pov:
I slowly get up and for the second time in a row I find myself not waking up in my room but in Garroth's, I found myself strangely close to him then realizing that I have my arms wrapped around him, as I unwrap my arms and turn around to get off the bed I feel the mattress move once more and I feel arms wrapped around my waist.. I start to blush as I practically get dragged back into bed and into Garroth's arms.

"Stay a little longer" Garroth says in a saddened whisper

I paused and blush even more as he tightened his grip. Right as I start to get comfortable I realize that he's been shirtless the whole time and my face gets a bright red...I can't find a way to calm down so I come to terms with the fact that I'll have to stay awake as Garroth holds me like I'm his teddy bear.

Some time passes and I feel his grip loosen. I slowly try to move his bear arms off of me but he has a grip on the shirt that I'm wearing so, like the smart person I am, I find a way for me to wiggle out of my shirt and a way out of his arms. Ounce I'm out of my shirt and out of bed I turn to see Garroth cuddling with my shirt curling into a ball. I smile as I loon at him then I sigh as I start to hear Travis yelling for me from down stairs. I honestly don't want to go and get myself a new shirt so I go to Garroth's closet and 'borrow' one of Garroth's. I run down the stairs and I find Travis trying to wiggle his way out from being underneath Dante on the couch. I giggle then walk into the living room so I can start to help him out of the situation that is similar to the one I JUST got out of.

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