CH:14 - a painful morning

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Dante's POV:
   I wake up with pain flowing all over my body pounding in my head. I slowly start to get up and walk out of my room into the guest bathroom. As I do my normal morning routine I finally take a good look in the mirror and notice all of the hickeys covering my body. I honestly don't remember much of last night and it's kinda embarrassing to wake up looking like this. I just hope Travis doesn't see any of them...even though we're not "official" or even considered "dating", I do really like him and I don't want my drunk mistakes messing everything up.

I walk back into my room and walk to my closet and start to get dressed, I throw on some shorts and a hoodie. After getting dressed I walk over to my bed to grab my phone, as I get closer I notice that there's someone sleeping.
"Fuck" I think m as I walk closer to my bed
I really hope I didn't bring someone home, that would actually ruin any chance of getting with Travis.

As I reach my bed I take a peak over the covers and let out a sigh of relief once I see a patch of familiar white hair. My sigh if relief then turns into total stress once I realize TRAVIS IS SLEEPING IN MY BED. he probably saw my hickeys and was probably the one that had to take me home...

As I'm in my head trying to force myself to remember ANYTHING from last night I hear a creak coming from my bed. I catch my breath as I watch Travis sit up and rub his eyes. We soon make eye contact and watch as a small smile falls on his lips.

"Morning." He smiles with a crack in his voice
"Surprised you got up so early.' he chuckled

"Oh yeah...I feel like shit but I should be fine after some Advil." I smile

"Yeah." He says as he gets out of bed
"I'll give you your clothes back once I change." He smiles

"Yeah uh... about that." I say as I take a seat next to him
"I uh..dint really remember anything from last night." I blush out of embarrassment
"So if I...did anything stupid or whatever then I'm sorry." I frown

"I'm not surprised you don't remember anything." Travis chuckles
"You got pretty shit faced." He pauses
"You didn't do anything to bad though, I actually had a great time."

"Yeah? That's good." I smile

"Anyways, we can talk more about it later if you want. I'mma go and get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs yeah?"

"Yeah.. sounds good." I smile as we both walk out of my room

I head downstairs and is met with Garroth making breakfast.

"Morning." He smiles

"Morning" I say as I throw myself ontop of the kitchen counter

"Dude look like shit." Garroth chuckles
"I heard you got pretty fucked last night. Surprised I didn't run into you at all."

'shit' I think to myself
'i probably embarrassed myself in front of everyone' I blush

" heads pounding." I sigh

"Here, here's some Advil and breakfast is almost done." Garroth smiles

After taking the Advil and eating breakfast my head starts to feel better but my body is still aching. I wish I could remember who I did stuff with but it honestly might be better if I don't.

I decided to sit in the living room as the others wake up/eat breakfast. I'm mainly waiting for Travis to come and talk to me about last night. If he remembers what I did then he probably knows who I did as well... maybe he'll forgive me and help me connect the dots.

"Hey Dante!" I hear a voice say from the living room entrance

"Oh, hey Travis." I smile
"Can you please help me remember what I did last night?" I try to pass it off as a joke but on the inside I'm dieing from embarrassment

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