CH:8 - Hungover

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Garroth's POV:
When I wake up I feel a banging in my head. I walk to my bathroom and take an Advil and the banging goes down. I look over and smile as I see Laurence sound asleep. I realize that I had never changed out of my clothes so I walk over to my closet to put on some pajamas as I'm not planning on leaving the house.

After getting dressed I walk downstairs and start to make some coffee. As I wait for the pot to finish I hear footsteps walk downstairs. I look into the living room to see Dante and Travis sitting together on the couch watching the t.v.

"Do you guys want some coffee?" I ask as I stand in the door frame
"Yeah sure" Travis says as Dante shakes his head 'no'
"You can get me some food head is killing me" Dante says as he leans his head back with a groan.
"I'm not your whore..get your own dam food" I say as I walk back to the kitchen
"Oh come onnn pleaseeee" Dante dragged out
"Yeah makes some breakfast"

We all look at the stairs to see Laurence rubbing his eyes

"Fine" I sigh in defeat as I hear Dante silently chering on the couch

Once I'm done cooking I walk to the living room to tell he boys that food is done. Once I reach the stairs I see Travis and Dante almost in shock as Laurence's face slowly gets darker.

"Oooooooh is this the guy that did this to you?" Travis says as Laurence shives his face in his hands.
"Huh?" I say confused as to what's going on
"I mean if you didn't want us to know that you guys were fuck buddies, maybe wear something that doesn't show off the past evidence" Dante says trying to hide a smile

I look over to Laurence and notice that he's Wearing a white tank top clearly showing the dark purple spots from yesterday. I flush red as Dante and Travis starts to laugh.

" I mean shit. Who forgets that they have THAT many hickeys" Travis laughs
"My heads pounding..I wasn't thinking straight" Laurence blushes
"You weren't thinking straight when you got them to huh?" Dante laughed
"Shut uppp" Laurence blushes

Laurence POV:
"You don't even know who gave these to me" I say trying to make them shut up so I can eat and lay down in Garroth's room to rott
"Ohhhhh but we can make a good bet" Travis winks
"Did you not see the way big guys face lit up as he saw the hickeys" Dante butts in

I guess there right..we did make it pretty obvious but still

"Anyways.." Garroth says trying to change conversation
"Foods done in the kitchen if you guys still want it" he finishes walking back to he kitchen

I practically run in after him not wanted to be left alone with the 2 dumbass'

"In so sorry for letting it out " I say in a blur
"It's not your fault" he says with a smile

The other guys walk in and make there plates as I take a seat on the cold counter top. As I wait for the guys to take a seat at the table Garroth hands me a cup of coffee, I smile as I go to take a sip. As I look up he plants a kiss on my cheek. The guys stop from eating there food a look up at us as my cheeks turn a light pink.

"What?" Garroth says dumbfounded
"If you guys already know that we're together I'm not going to hide it anymore" he practically rolls his eyes as he takes another sip of his coffee
" I mean fair" Travis shrugs and continues eating

As we finished eating I walked back upstairs and stole another hoodie from Garroth's room (adding to my collection making it 2 of my boyfriends hoodies....did I just call him boyfriend?? Omfggg) then going to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see all of the hickeys have gone down a little and sigh. I throw the hoodie on and brush my hair. I'm trying so hard to not remember what happened last night but the 2 guys at the bar keep popping up in my head. I almost tear up but the knocking at my door takes me out of my trance.

"Dude hurry up I gotta get dress." Dante says " I have places to be today" he rushed

I open the door and walk twords my room

"Sorry about that" I say as he rushs past me

I walk to my room to change into some pants. The thought of last night has really ruined my mood...u just don't feel up to anything right now but I know I shouldn't sit and rot all day.

I finally decided to get out of little depression and walk downstairs to see if there's anyone there. I see Garroth and Travis watching something on the couch and talking. I walk over to Garroth and sit in his lap cuddling onto him, almost like a bear hug.

"Someone's clingy" Travis giggles
"You okay?" Garroth questions

I look up

"Just a little tired" I say as I shove my face in the corner of his neck.

Garroth rubs circles on my back as he and Travis continues to talk.  I try to close my eyes and sleep but I can't find myself to clear my mind so I'm stuck listening to the t.v trying to tune out the conversation being held.

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