CH:11 - how I decided to handle my problems

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Dante's POV:

I sit and watch Travis get up and leave the bathroom heading back down stairs. I start to put everything back into the medicine cabinet and melt at the thought of Travis, remembering that he has feelings for some girl...

I have no real reason to be upset at the thought of my best bro liking someone but I am.. I have been getting really close to Travis ever since we've started living together and I know I'm starting to develop some kind of feelings for him. How could I not though? He's kind, and funny, and is really pretty inside and out. My heart flutters just thinking about his emerald eyes and cloud like hair. I never really felt this way before about any girl that I've been with. Maybe it's because I know I can't have him? I never have problems getting any girl that I want but because he's something that I can't have it's been driving me crazy.

Cleaning up the bathroom and my mind running around Travis has made me start to heat up and feel flustered. As I start to head downstairs I take off my hoodie causing the cooler air to hit my warm skin. I walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water, as I'm filling my cup I start to get the feeling  if somebody staring at me. I turn my head and I can barely make out Garroth and Travis looking directly at me. As soon as our eyes meet they both simultaneously look away. Causing me to wonder what there talking about.

After I fill up my cup I walk over to the couch to see what there talking about but once I reach the entrance to the living room they stop their conversation. I pause for a second then carry on my way to the couch. I sit next to Travis causeing him to finally look at me. Once we meet face to face I can see how red his skin is and I can feel see his eyes looking all over my body. As I was about to say something Garroth starts to laugh.

"Garrothhh shut up!!" Travis hits Garroth's wrist to make him shut up

"I didn't say anything " Garroth says catching his breath
"I just think u need to take some deep breaths, your starting to look like a tomato "

Travis groans as he starts to hide his face in his hands. 

I take my cold water and press the cup against a part of Travis' face that is still visible causing him to jump. He then looks at me in shock as I I put the edge of the cup to his lips and he starts to take small drinks. 

I watch as his face starts to visibly cool off and smile as I watch him focus on the water. I then look up and is instantly reminded that I'm in the living, feeding my Best friend water, as our other friends watch in shock. Laurence's eyes are wide open and I can feel a blush form on my cheeks. I then look at Garroth and is met with a he knows something that I don't.

I get pulled out of my train of thought as I feel Travis move the cup out of his mouth. I pull all of my attention to him and smile.

"Better?" I ask as I take a sip from the remaining water

"Y-yeah" Travis stutters causing Garroth to give him a little nudge

"Dante I uh-" Travis starts
"I-" all attention is in him
"Nevermind..I forgot." He finishes looking at the TV that's not even on

"Okay..?" I say obviously confused

"I think imma go to my room" Travis says before he gets up and walks to the stairs

                           ----time skip -----


I've been in my room all day because I can't hid my feelings for Dante anymore. Every time I see him I fall more and more for him. I feel like imma accidently tell him and ruin everything we have. I've started drinking this afternoon and I haven't stopped. I would really hate for anyone to see me like this.. honestly. I've just been watching T.V and mindlessly opening drinks, once one is finished I quickly open another. I'm not just drinking beers ether, I finished the rest of my pack a while ago so I've just been going from wine to finishing off whatever I have lying around. I have multiple bottles on my floor and I'm really feeling the buzz, expecualy because I haven't eaten anything other than whatever I had this morning.

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