CH:5 - sick p.2

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*~~°°🍑°°~~ TW DESCRIPTION OF VOMITING ~~°°🍑°°~~*
Garroth POV:
I wake up and feel instantly sick, I get out of bed trying my best not to wake Laurence, and run to the bathroom. Once I reach the toilet I get on my hands and knees and start vomiting. Because I didn't eat breakfast this morning and all I've had today was water, that's the only thing that came out. In a mixture of dry heaving and puking up water I can feel myself get dizzy, I take a quick look in the mirror and I can see that I'm a mixture or red and pale.

Moments later I hear a creek coming from my bed and slow but soft footsteps walking closer to me.
"Garroth are you okay?"
Laurence asks me in a calm voice
As I try to answer him I start throwing up even more. I don't even know where all this water is coming from at this point.
"I'm taking that as a no"
He slightly giggles trying to brighten the room
"Do you want me to get you anything?"
He asks in a soothing tone

At this current moment the thought of putting anything inside of my body makes me want to throw up so I just shake my head 'no'. He sighs and starts to sit down on the floor next to me and starts to rub circles on my back to calm me down.

*~~°°🍑°°~~ SAFE ~~°°🍑°°~~*
After a while I can feel myself get better and I wipe the spit off my mouth and signal to him that I'm about to stand up. Once up I flush the toilet then wash my hands, as we.start to walk to my bed I look at the time and realize that it's not mid-day. I hear Laurence's stomach growl as he looks up at me embarrassed.
"Are you hungry?"
I ask him already knowing the answer
He says says grabbing his torso
"Then let's go get you some food"
I say standing up and walking to the door
"Do you want anything? I don't want to drag you downstairs if your not going to get anything"
He says in a slur
"I can go for something small I think..I need to get something in my body."
I say with a smile gesturing for him to go out the door

Once we get to the kitchen Laurence gets up both bowls of mixed fruit and glasses of water. We sit and eat at the kitchen table and I start to feel better.

After eating I put our bowls in the dishwasher and we both head up back to my room. Before reaching not even half way up the stairs Ithe doorbell rings.
"Do you want me to get it?"
Laurence asks
"No I can."
I say as I start to head back down the steps but still hearing Laurence's footsteps following behind me

I open the door to see a short pink haired girl with her hot topic counterpart.
"Hey, Garroth!"
KC says as she hops in excitement
"Oh l, heat guys..what are you doing here?"
I question because it's not often Zane will come by unannounced
"Travis said that you were sick so we thought that we should make you some soup and bring it over to you guys."
Zane said as he gives a pot of soup to Laurence
"Holy shit this is hot!"
Laurence yelps as he walks to put the pot on the counter
"Sorry Laurence we just made it"
KC says as she leans over to look at the room behind me

I look at the smile on Zane's face as he looks at the short strawberry sented girl Infront of him. How does one person make someone so happy? I think to myself then I star a new train of thought to Laurence. The thought of him even standing next to me makes my heart do I know if I REALLY love him I love him? No.. I can't. He's my beast friend...but can't he be more?

Once I get out of my train of thought I find that I've ended up wrapping my arms around Laurence's waist as he's holding onto my hands. He's been holding conversation with Zane and KC with it coming to an end.
"It looks like you've been feeling better though."
Zane says as he looks at me want me to join in conversation
I feel Laurence put his hand on my forehead
"Oh he's definitely cooled down since this morning"
He says with a smile
I hide my face into his shoulder to hide the fact that I'm blushing
"That's good!"
KC says in her normal happy go lucky voice

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