CH:2 - slowly falling for him

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Laurence pov:
                           I wake and slowly realize that that I'm cuddled up close to Garroth, seeing that I have my arms wrapped around him I found it easy to slowly get up without waking him. I get up out of his bed and slowly move to the door, before leaving I look back at him just to make sure he's still asleep and..I smile..
'god he's cute when he's asleep" I think to myself before quickly moving out..
'what am I thinking?.. Garroth is my best friend and I shouldn't be thinking this way about him' I keep repeating to myself until I get to my room.
Once I reach my room I grab a new pair of clothes then I walk into the shared bathroom I have with Dante, because we have 4 people living in the house Garroth and Travis have the bigger rooms that both have it's own bathroom leaving Dante and I to share a bathroom, I don't mind sharing with him..he's actually pretty clean. Besides the point, I walk in and take a warm shower, trying to forget the kiss ass I brush my teeth. Once I'm done getting dressed I unlocked the door and started to blowdry my hair, I soon hear Dante snickering as he walks into the bathroom

"So.." he starts " how was sleeping with Garroth~?" He later cooed making me freeze
"What do you mean?' I question like as if I don't know what he's talking about
"I saw you walk out of his room..I'm not blind" Dante quickly responds as he reaches for his hair brush
"I just fell asleep" I replied unplugging the blow-dryer "I don't know what you think but, nothing happened"

I then start to walk downstairs and make breakfast, we don't have too much so I decided to just make some cereal. As I was rated Dante came down stairs, some minutes later Travis came down.
I finished eating, put my dirty bowl in the sink, then walked to the couch to watch some garbage tv. After Dante and Travis finished eating they soon joined me on the couch, about and hour later Garroth decided to finally wake up. Dante and Travis just snickerd to each other as they both would look at me then Garroth.

"Okay" I whispered under my breath only loud enough for them to hear me
I stand up walk to Garroth and put my arms around his body "morning~" I coo obviously putting on some fake morning voice
He pauses then continues to make his bowl of cereal "morning~" he copy's the same voice I did
"Wow Dante they make such a good couple" Travis says in a painfully sarcastic tone
"Wow. You are so right" Dante plays along

We all laugh it out and continue to watch whatever was on the tv.

Garroth pov:
                        After hanging out in the living room I decided to go back upstairs and get dressed. I walk into my room, make my bed, grab some new clothes, then go into my bathroom and fix my hair. As I finish I can hear someone knock on the door

"Hey Garroth I think I left my shoes in here" I hear Laurence say
"Oh yeah.. they should be by the bed" I say as I open my bathroom door
"Yep!" He says "thanks"
"No problem" I say as he leaves my room

'god he's so cute' I keep thinking to myself as I walk back down stairs.

"Where did the others go?" I ask Because the only person that's now in the living room is Dante
"They went to Aphmau's" he replied "they needed to ask Kaitlyn about the play" he finished
"Oh, okay" I say as I sit back on the couch

As I sit on the couch the more I think about what had happened last night.. I just seeing Laurence cry made me upset..he seemed so as if he lost something. I try to not think about him crying but then my hard just goes to him lying. Why would he lie to me? I mean I don't expect him to tell me everything about what's going on but...but I can only think that it's my fault that he was upset. Was it about the kiss? No, it couldn't be..could it? I mean yeah we've kissed before so this inst new..then again we didn't plan this kiss..ugh! I'm just over thinking things! I just need to not think too much into's not like I like him.. right..that would be crazy..

"Hey good?" Dante asked, knocking me out of my thoughts
"Yeah..I'm fine" I say "I'm just thinking"
"Oh?" He questions "what are you thinking about" Dante then turns to face me
"Just..last night Laurence looked so..hurt?" I say "he just..seemed stressed"
"Have you tryed talking to him" Dante questiond
"I did" I say "but he wouldn't give me a straight answer" I start to think what he said
"Well he was probably just tired" Dante states "try talking to him more later"
"Maybe I will" I state

Hours later and I'm still thinking about Laurence. He's just filling my mind and the more I think about him the more I want to be near him. Speaking of Laurence he walks into the living room.

"You were gone for a while" I joke as he sits next to me on the couch
"Yeah.. Katelyn was really excited to show us how the play did and...don't get me started on Kawaii~Chan."
I giggled as he scoots closer to me.
"You tired?" I ask
He just nods his head yes
I can feel my face heat up as he puts his head on my shoulder.
"Where's Travis?" I ask looking down at Laurence trying to make him more comfortable
"He's still with Katelyn" he sighs

Now we're just sitting on the couch cuddling..I can already tell that my face is pretty red. Without realizing I started to play with his hair, it seemed to calm him down.
Minutes later Travis walks through the front door. He just smiles

"Heyyy lovebirds~" he says with a grin
"What do you want Travis" I question
"Well only if you were there" he pauses "The things KC would do to see you And Laurence cuddled up like this" he laughs walking up the stairs
"W-what is that supposed to mean?" I question as my face gets more red, Travis doesn't even respond.

I feel Laurence wake up.
'shit' I think to myself

"Sorry about falling asleep" Laurence rubs his eyes and yawns " I heard wat Travis said...don't think to much into it." He jokes
" in curious' I say as I watch him get up
"Let's just say that after the kiss KC started to ship us as well" Laurence says as a blush appears on his face

My heart starts racing as I start to think about KC shipping us.. I know KC is crazy about those things so this will probably live with us forever. I sigh

"I mean I don't mind~" I hear Laurence say as he starts to play with my hair
I blush.
"I mean out if the guys, your the one I would rather be shipped with~" I say back making us both laugh

Time skip:

Some time has passed and it's now night, everyone has already eaten dinner and I think most people are in bed. Nothing has changed and Laurence is still on my mind.. as I think about what he said about Kawaii~Chan shipping us, he walks in

"Hey Garroth?" I hear Laurence question "you up?"
"Yeah I'm up." I respond sitting up in my bed "you need anything?"
"Yeah.." he says nervously, walking over to me and sitting on my bed "I just wanted to say sorry about the other night" he smiles "I shouldn't have lied to you about why I ran into the bathroom crying"
I paused and just looked at him. Laurence isn't looking at me though..he's looking down at the floor playing with his hands.
"It's just that" he continues " I was thinking about alot and I just overwhelmed and-" I cut him off
"Laurence it's okay" I say with a smile as I pull his face to look at me. "If you don't want to tell me something then don't force yourself to do it"
He just smiles.

It's now been minutes and we are still just looking into each other's eyes.. his perfect eyes.. he smiles.

"Garroth?" He questions
"I-" he gets cut off by the door opening
"Oh hey guys.." Dante says in a surprised voice. "Travis wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie with us looks like you guys are busy.." Dante says as he's about to close the door.
"I'll watch a movie" I hear Laurence say as he gets up then looks at me
"I'll go too" I say with a smile.

We all walk out if my room down to the living room. As we watch the movie I finally come to terms with myself..I think I'm in love with Laurence.

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