CH:10 - problems

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              I stop my conversation with Garroth as I watch Laurence cling onto him.

"You good Travis? You stoped mid sentence." Garroth asked confused

"Yeah it's just....I don't want him to hear my.."problem"." I say, now looking out the window

"Oh.. I'm sure he's not even listening and will probably fall asleep." Garroth brushes off
"If it's really a problem we can have the conversation later" he adds a smile

"No, not it's fine..I mean everyone will figure it out anyway." I say slightly annoyed.

I'm not annoyed with Laurence being here, that's not the problem..the problem is that people like to spread details about other people's busines. I love my friends, really! It's just that things can spread like wildfire.. especially when it's about relationships.

"Ok, where we then?" Garroth ruins my train of thought

"Oh right!"
"So basically you know how me and Kaitlyn used to date?"

Garroth nods his head 'yes'

"So our relationship has never been 'perfect' and we both have done our wrong doings." I ramble
"And now you know how I have these feelings for Dante?" I remind him like as if I don't make my feelings PAINFULLY obvious

"Yeah..? How do these two things go together tho? I see no real problem so far, expecualy because your no longer dating Kaitlyn" Garroth shakes his head

"Well..." I say moving my direction back at the window

"Travis... please don't tell me" Garroth groans

"Okay I'm not dating her but after the night you caught me crying I ran into Kaitlyn and we started talking and one thing led to another..." I shamefully let out
"It''s not like I really wanted to do anything with her it's just that she hasn't been with anyone really since we last broke up and I needed a distraction from Dante...and Kaitlyn was one of the least harmful options.." the more I talk the more my voice gets closer to a whisper
"So we did some hookups and I guess she wanted more than that." I say almost shameful

Garroth is left is shock
"When...when did you figure out she wanted something more?"

"L-last night." I start to pinch my shoulder to give my hands a distraction

"Is that why she needed me to get you"

"Kinda..I also threw up in her bed as we were about know" I start to pinch my arm harder

"TRAVIS!" Garroth yells completely disappointed

"Its not like I wanted to..I was just really stressed and it just.. happened"

"Stressed about what?" Garroth pushes his brows together

"Well when we got to her room that night I got on her bed and started unbuckling my pants then before we did anything she basically said that she wanted something more then we started arguing and she blamed me for using her and that the hookups were my fault, there not by the way she wanted them more that I did. Besides the point..but after the argument she decided that we should just forget about it and starts to suck my dick. The heat of the argument and the blood rushing down my body made my head spin and it just came out..." I say looking back out the window almost waiting for someone to save me from this mess

"Oh Travis...I mean you kinda were using her but it seems she was young you too."

"Yeah I know." I frown
"Sorry for forceing you to get me...she wanted to call Dante but I know how pissed he would be " my eyes start to water

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