CH:4 - Sick

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Laurence POV:
Travis says as he catches his breath from being squished under Dante
"No problem"
I laugh as I walk to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal
I place my bowl on the end of the counter and make Travis a bowl as well knowing he'll want one. I take both bowls and put them on coffee table so we can sit on the floor and watch some TV as we eat.
Once we're done eating I take our bowls back to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher, as I put the bowls away I hear a thud hit the ground. I turn around and see Dante holding his pillow and Travis dramatically laying in the ground.
"Do you want something to eat?" I laugh
Dante nods his head 'yes' and I pour him a bowl of cereal. As I take the bowl to Dante I take a seat and stretch my legs out where he once was sleeping as he takes my place on the floor.

Gareth's POV:
I wake up to the smell of Laurence and smile as I pull my arms into a hug to slowly realize that I'm only holding his shirt. I frown as I get up and go to my closet to get a shirt. As I stand Infront of my closet doors I find myself still warm so I decide to skip the shirt and just head downstairs. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I feel someone staring at me, I peak over the railing and see Laurence staring at me. I feel myself get red but at the same time I start to feel embarrassed... maybe I should have put a shirt on before I came down. I'm no longer feeling hungry so I decide to make myself some coffee, as I put the coffee in the coffee machine I see a pair of thighs lay flat on the counter.
"Are you going to eat?"
Laurence questioned as he starts to play with my hair
"Not really hungry"
I say as I scratch my back
He frowns "okay but.. aren't you cold?" He says as he furrows his brows "I know I'm not wearing the warmest clothes but it's still to cold to be shirtless"

I stare at his shirt then his shorts then I go lower to looking at his thighs. I blush as I catch myself staring then respond

"I'm actually really warm"
As I finish my sentence Laurence takes his hand off the top of my head and moves it to my forehead
"Garroth your burring up!"
He says in a louder voice from our once soft tone. Dante and Travis look into the kitchen with a worried look
"Are you sick?"
Dante asks with pity in his voice
"I'll get the medicine from my bathroom cabinet"
Travis says as he walks upstairs

"Guys I'm fine just a little warm"
I say as Laurence gets me a wet, cold cloth to put on my forehead
As Dante moves from the living room to the kitchen with empty bowl in hand he puts the bowl in the sink then turns to face me.
"May I?"
He asks with his hand out to feel my forehead
I nod my head 'yes' as he proceeded to place his hand on my face
"Dude you fucking boiling what the fuck-"
He says confused to how I don't seem to notice
Laurence moves Dante away to put the cold cloth on my face, as he sits back in the counter he rubs the cloth practically washing my face.

A few minutes later Travis finally comes back down stairs and gives me some medicine. Travis feels my face this time
"You should really get some rest or take a cold shower your getting warmer"
Laurence moves Travis out of the way to feel my face one more. As soon as Laurence puts his hand on my forehead he's gets a worried expression on his face.
"Come with me imma run you a cold bath"
Laurence says as he jumps off the counter top and grabs my wrist to drag me upstairs to my bathroom in my room.

Once upstairs

Once we reached my bedroom door Laurence asked
"Do you want me to run you a bath or a shower?"
In the most serious tone
"Uhh shower" I giggle
Once he drags me to the bathroom I take a seat on my toilet as he starts my shower. I wait for him to leave so I start to take my clothes off.  Once I step into the shower I start to feel a little dizzy but I decided to ignore it.

Laurence's POV:

nce I leave the bathroom I decided to go and get dressed in my own room. Wanting to keep the shirt that I took from Garroth on I grab a pair of sweatpants and put on some clean socks. Once I'm all dressed I decided to go back to Garroth's room to make sure things are still okay. As I get closer to his room I can still hear the water running so I kniw he's still in the shower so I decided to take a seat on his bed and quietly watch some TV.

After a few minutes of hearing water hit the bottom of the shower I suddenly head a loud thud. Worried I rush to the bathroom to find Garroth laying on the floor if the shower. I rush to turn the water off and then I put a towel over his body.
"Holy shit are you okey?"
I ask worried
"Y-yeah I'm fine...just got dizzy that's all"
Garroth says as he starts to dry himself off
I help them get up and dry off the rest of his body, then I help him walk slowly to his bed and have him sid down as I get him clothes to change into
"I can get the clothes myself"
He says almost embarrassed
"I don't want you to pass out again so I think it's best if I do it"
I say as I look back asn smile
I don't want him to overheat to I give him a pair of basketball shorts and a t shirt. As I watch him get dressed he asks if I can get him a bottle of water. As I walk down stairs into the kitchen Dante walked up to me
"What was that thud? Are you guys alright?"
He asks with worry in his voice
"Garroth passed out in the shower but he's fine now."
I say as I fill my cup with ice
"Oh shit...keep an eye on him"
Dante says as I now fill up my cup with water
"Planning on it"
I chuckle as I start to walk back up the stairs
I give Garroth his water and he starts to drink it like he's been dyeing of thirst. I sit next to him in the bed and feel his head's still warm but not as hot as it was earlier this morning. I sigh in realf knowing that he's starting to slowly feel better even though he literally passed out moments ago. Once I leave my train of thoughts I feel arms wrap around  my lower torso.
"You shouldn't be in here with me"
Gareth says sounding tuer as ever
"I don't want to get you sick as well"
He says in a soft voice
"Trust me I rather be in here and risk getting sick than worrying about you out there"
I say as I feel his arms unwrap from my waist
"Aww..your worried about me"
He says with a smirk as I start to blush
"Oh shit up"
I say as I get dragged down into bed
"Well if you're going to stay in here then you can cuddle with me so I can sleep"
Garroth argued as he hugged my waist and put his legs over mine
Not even moment later I hear Garroth's tired voice
"I love you"
He almost whispers then falls right asleep.
I start to blush hard but then find myself drifting to sleep as well.

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