CH:7 - Keeping this between us

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Laurence POV:
Before we go downstairs we go to my bathroom so I can see the hickeys that Garroth gave me. Once I reach the mirror I pull off my hoodie and instantly see dark purple spots forming in my neck, I can see Garroths eyes get big in aw of how fast the hickeys turned purple. I continue to take off my shirt only for there to be a trail of dark purple spots all over my torso. I've always been attracted to the ways hickeys looked but because these were given to me by Garroth they looked 10 times better. Out of the corner of my eye I see Garroths face get red as he looks my body up and down.
"I-im so sorry" he starts
"I didn't mean to leave so many and I didn't think that they would get so dark so fast" he finishes and starts to hide his face in his hands
I start to giggle and he looks at me confused
"It's okay really...I honestly like the way that they look" I says with a smile
This calmes Garroth down as he lets out a deep breath he moves to stand behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.
"Might wanna get dressed before one of the boys comes up and sees you like this." He whispers into my ear
"What are we going to tell them if they see?" He brings his head up and looks at me through the mirror
"Should we not tell them straight up?" I question moving my head to look up at Garroth
"I really would love to tell the boys about us having sex but I think we should let them know when you don't have evidence of in all over your body" Garroth says as he kisses me on the forehead
I giggle and start reaching for my cloths. I understand where he comes from and it's not like we're going to keep this 100% a secret so it doesn't bother me none. I get dressed and we walk downstairs.

Garroth POV:
As we walk downstairs I can still see the hickeys on Laurence's neck so I put the hood of his hoodie up so it gets hidden more. We walk over to the couch and watch some t.v. with Travis and Dante.

It's about mid day now and we haven't moved from the couch. I look over to see Dante sitting in the corner of the couch with Travis in his lap. Travis seems to be sleeping holding onto Dante's hand. I smile as I see how lovingly Dane is looking down at Travis, using his free hand to get the top of Travis' head. I then look over to Laurence, he's sitting on the ground between my legs even though there's room for him in the couch. When I look down I find myself looking over his body landing at his thighs. He's wearing the shortest pair of shorts I've ever seen that barely covers his bottom half, he could wear just a belt and it wouldn't make any difference. I feel him standing up knocking me out of my trance.
"Imma get something to drink, you want something?" He asks as he walks closer to the kitchen
"Sure, just get me whatever" I say with a smile
As I watch him walk to the kitchen I find myself only checking out his ass. The hoodie is a little long on him practically covering the shorts that he's wearing. I found myself mesmerized by the way his thighs moved as he reached in the fridge door something to drink. I get knocked out of my trance by Dante's voice.
"Yo, can you get me a beer since your in there?"Dante asks
"Yeah I was going to grab one myself" Laurence responds
"Hey" Dante whispers
"I know your staring at his ass" he giggles
"S-shut up" I try to argue
"I mean he's practically flaunting it with those shorts." He says as he puts his attention into Travis
I was going to say something untill I felt something cold hit my face.
"What the-" I get cut off
"Here's your beer" Laurence says lifting the cold bottle off my chest and into my hand
"Thanks" I say as he hands Dante his drink as well
Laurence takes a seat next to me on the couch putting his legs on the end cushion and leaning his back against my arm. As I take a drink from my beer I feel Laurence's head fall on my shoulder.
"Hey..I saw you checking me out as I was getting drinks" he says with a wink
I almost choke on my drink as I can feel my face get bright red.
"It's fine...I put these on hoping you'd do something." He winks
I can't even speak. He...he WANTS me to do something??? W-what does he want me to do? Should I do something here? Now in front of Dante ( and Travis ig)??
"No need to get all hyped up about it" Laurence says as he changes his seating position to sitting in his knees.
He grabs my hand at put it on his upper thigh. My palms instantly get sweaty and I ruch to look over to Dante and Travis making sure that there not noticing what's going on, on this side of the couch. Laurence moves my hand further up his thigh but stops where his shorts start.
"If you want to go further I won't stop you" Laurence says with a wink
"I'm not going to force you to go any further if you don't want to though"
I let my hand stay on his thigh as he goes back to facing the t.v..

We all finish our drink around the same time and as Laurence starts to stand up to get us more I tighten my grip on his thigh causing him to jump a little. He looks over and to me and blushes causing me to push my hand up his thigh a little more. I look over to Dante as he's sitting frozen in place.
"You good?" I question
He looks at me then down at Travis who seems to be waking up. Travis moves his head gently up off of Dante's chest and rubs his eyes.
"Mmmh" he moans as the sun hits his eyes
"Morning sunshine" I say with a giggle
"Fuck offfff" Travis says as he pushes his face into Dante's shirt
Dante's face turns a lush pink as he moves Travis out of his lap and runs to the kitchen
"I-im getting us more drinks!" Dante yells into the living room
"Travis you want one" he asks
Travis nods his head 'yes' and Dante scrambles in the fridge for more beers
As this all happens I haven't noticed what I have been doing to Laurence. I look over and see my hand far up his thigh rubbing small circles into his skin. I look up and see his face covered by a pillow. I lean in and hear faint moans coming from the pillow. I stop as I start to see Dante coming back with drinks, I take both mine and Laurence's beers as Dante goes and sits next to me letting Travis have the spot that he once had. I feel Laurence take his beer out of my hand and we all go back to watching t.v.

It's been a few hours and we all decided to go out to the bars if we're going to be drinking all day. None of us thought of changing so we all just walked out and went to the nearest bar the we could find.

As we got more in town i felt Laurence grab my hand and pull into my arm.
"I feel people staring" he says looking down at his feet
I pull him closer to me as we walk into the first bar that we see. We all take a seat at a booth and order drinks from the bar. There's karaoke going in so we all take turns making fun of all of the hireable dunk singing.

A few hours go by and we've moved from our booth to dancing with the crowd. We try to stay as close as possible to each other even though it's a pretty crowded bar. After a while I look over to see that I've lost Laurence and I tell the guys that imma go look for him. He wasn't far as he's practically an arms reach away. As I get a better look he looks to be almost crying...
"Hey pretty boy" a drunk man says
"How much you charge for a blowjob in the bathroom?" He continues
"I bet he's free" another butts in
'wuth those shorts he's practically begging for something to happen " he laughed
I get mad as I hear the things being said to MY Laurence. I rush over and push the guys away from him. We all got drunk pretty early on but im not much of a light weight so I'm just a little tipsy making my push not that strong but doing the job anyway.
"What the fuck do you think your doing big guy" one if the guys scoffed
"Leave him alone" I slur
"Or what " the other butts in
I pause as I make fists with my hands
"Oh you can't do shit big guy" they both laugh
Dante and Travis move there ways over to us and push us out of the bar. There more drunk then I but my anger got the best of me. We all try to walk home as fast as we can but it takes longer than I would have liked because I have to watch babysit the other guys as I'm the 'sober' one.

Once we get home Dante and Travis run to there rooms leaving me and Laurence at the door. Once we left the bar I didn't really talk to Laurence as I was distracted with the others. I turn to look at him as he wipes tears falling from us eyes.
"You okay?" I question softly
"No-no" he hiccups
He's pretty drunk as he's a light weight and drank more than the rest of us but I still need to make sure that he's okay with what had happened.
"Is it about what happened at the bar?" I worry
He just nods his heat 'yes' as the tears start to flood down his face
I hate seeing him cry. It rarely happens but when it does it completely breaks me..always have. I pull him into a hug..
"Do you wanna talk about it?' I question
"I just....I felt so weak when the guys started talking to me." He starts
" I felt like I was alone.." he cry's harder and pushs his face into my torso
"I-im so sorry " I start as I rub circles on his back
"I'm hear now though" I say
We stand there for a little until he stops crying and moves his head to look up to me.
"C-can we go back to your room" he hiccups
We start to walk to the stairs but Laurence is a little to drunk for him to handle himself. I pick him up so I can carry him up the stairs otherwise he might fall down them and we don't need that happening. Once we reach .y bed I put him down and he instantly falls asleep. I leave him to sleep and walk over to his room to grab him a change of pants so that he feels more comfortable in the morning and not reminded of what waid said to him. Once I get back to my room I wake him up so he can put the pants in himself as I'm not comfortable undressing him. He barely opens his eyes and half assed put took his shorts off having me to help him but his new ones on. As he starts to fall back asleep his eyes shoot wide open. He sits up and waddles his way to the bathroom and starts throwing up. I rush over and help him.

After a while we were able to get back into bed and sleep. I kiss him goodnight and fall asleep.

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