Chapter 7

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I briskly walked back through town, people only glanced up for a moment to acknowledge my passing. They assumed I had an overnight show at Mary's. This assumption proved vital in my getaway. The shops and corridors became more sparse as I felt sand replace the dirt road underfoot. 

I narrowed my eyes, scanning the dark sea for the Black Pearl. 'No,' I thought, 'They're not so stupid as to make it visible to the British. Those bastards attack anything that moves.'  The sand became softer and more malleable, slowing my gait. I kept close to town in case any soldiers happened to be patrolling the Eastside. I spotted the pier and felt a pit in my stomach. 'No turning back now.'

I saw two figures beneath the dock and hurried my gait, glancing behind me for any trace of followers. The pirates' faces came into view and so does a dingy bobbing against the crashing waves. "I haven't been followed. But Admiral Norrington saw us together, he knows you're a pirate." I told Barbossa and motion for us to go. "Let's get this bloody boat moving." They both seemed unnerved. 

Jack eyed me up and down. "Look at you, Love," he smiled. "You are a pirate's sight for sore eyes."

"Aye," chimed in Barbossa. 

I rolled my eyes at the pair of them. "Shall we go?"

"Aye," Jack snapped to attention, untying the dingy from the dock. 

"Do ye have it?" Barbossa inquired, referring to the map. 

"I do, but you're not getting it til i'm on that ship." 

He chuckled low. "My apologies, me siren." 

I smiled curtly and helped situate the dingy in the water. 

The waves splashes my legs warmly and I breathed in the salty air, taking in a peace I hadn't known in years. The sea lapped my skirt and Jack extended a hand to help me into the dingy. I took a seat next to Barbossa as they each grabbed an oar and began rowing. 

As we got further and further out to sea, there was still no ship of legends to be seen, and I began feeling alarmed. "Can I be frank for a moment?" I asked. 

"Aye, Love." Jack nodded.

"What's on yer mind, Missy?" Barbossa inquired. 

"Well, as I don't see a ship anywhere in sight, I'm getting a feeling that maybe you two aren't who you say you are and could very well steal my map and toss me to a watery grave."

Jack laughed. "Is that so? Well, I hadn't thought of that darlin' you've made me whole plan a lot easier, eh?" He shook his head, smiling. "I remember you in nappies remember?" 

I chuckled, steadying my nerves. "Right. You look so different, but I knew there was something familiar about you."

Jack blushed, nodding. "You were, and always will be unforgettable, Floria Baudin."

I blushed, looking at the ocean.

"So where'd you come up with Sparrow?" I asked at last.

Jack stopped rowing for a moment and rolled up his sleeve to reveal a faded tattoo of a sparrow in flight. "That," he began "is a tale for another time, Love." He winked and I nodded, understanding he was implying the need for more privacy.

"I'll hold you to it." I smiled coyly and continued scanning the line between sea and sky for the Pearl. The water's calming rhythm and the exhaustion I felt from the night's events lulled me close to sleep. I tried concentrating on the stars above flickering with diamond-like shine, but even this proved futile in rousing my tired mind.

"Best not be gettin' too comfortable, Miss Baudin," Barbossa's words brought me out of a fog. "Feast yer eyes."

I snapped to attention and saw Jack studying me, with an eager glimmer in his eye. "Take a look behind you, Darling."

I swivelled around, causing the dingy to rock from side to side in my haste. I was faced with a massive black vessel with tattered sales flapping confidently in the raucous wind. It gave a new meaning to the color 'black.' A torn flag unapologetically displaying a skull and crossbones flapped at the tip. This was the largest ship I could ever recall beholding. It had an air of freedom unlike the uniform ships of the British fleet that inhabited Port Royal. I began studying my new refuge from every angle, wondering what my parents would think at this change of fate.

"You still believe you're in for a watery grave?"

I whipped back toward Jack and shook my head, smiling. "The stories don't do it justice."

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