Chapter 11

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This went on for the days leading up to Tortuga. I'd wake just as the sun was beginning to rise, join Bo'sun and Ajay in their music-making. They had recruited a friend of Ajay's, a lanky bald fellow named Jaheim, who could play anything with strings. He sang beautifully too. We'd announce each day with song and dance, some familiar, some we created.

I would then join Jack, navigating our ever-shortening voyage to Tortuga. I'd follow him about the ship, and had begun to learn each part's corresponding name. I even helped Ajay climb the mast and adjust the mainsail once. After supervising the crew, Jack asked me to dine with him, which I did. We spent the remainder of our days generally getting to know one another, basking in each other's intimate familiarity and exciting novelty.

He never pushed me for more physical affection than kisses and embraces. We both knew, or at least I did, that the overwhelming rush of emotions bursting from our reunion could cause us to act hastily. And so, he'd return me to my small cabin at nightfall, planting an ever-growing passionate kiss on my awaiting open mouth. This past night, he had pressed me against the wall next to my door, the warm planks holding me steady as he planted love bites down my chin and neck. I had gripped the back of his head caressing his long strands of dark hair. He chuckled low, breathing that musky scent into my neck, sending me into a spell. "Until tomorrow, Dear One." He whispered in a panting voice. I had floated dreamily through the doors and fell into the small bed, letting its residual creaks lull me to sleep.

Today was different. I woke to the glinting sun's rays that never ceased to make me lounge in bed a while longer, mesmerized. This evening the crew of the Black Pearl expected to dock in Tortuga.

After dressing in a knee-length flowy black skirt and tan off-shoulder blouse, I made my way onto the deck where Ajay was softly drumming. Jaheim was tuning a ukulele, his long fingers skillfully whisking over the instrument with acquaintance. Jack was speaking with Bo'sun, casually leaning his back against the rails with his shirt unbuttoned so his tanned complexion glistened in the sun.

"Eh, Flori," Ajay called in greeting.

"Good morning Ajay, Jaheim, Bo'sun." They all nodded their heads. "Jack," I drug out his name with playful emphasis. "You're up bright and early."

He yawned and stretched his arms overhead. "Aye, Love. I was just talking to Bo'sun here, making sure the lads are prepared to land."

I lean against the railing next to Jack, squinting against the sun that had already begun to make me sweat. The crew was hard at work, readily making the ship equipped to land. Though the Black Pearl was far from a small vessel, I could imagine being stuck on it for too long would leave one feeling isolated and restless. People aren't meant to be held in one place for too long.

"I thought before we land, you and I could practice some defense skills."

I look to Jack, his warm eyes twinkling. "My father taught me to defend myself," I look back to the sea. "Though I will admit I must be a bit rusty." Working at Mary's had made me skilled at fending off unruly patrons in close proximity. But flamboyant swordsmanship that closely resembled art, I could stand to learn more of.

Jack whipped a sword out from his belt. It was smaller than his, thinner than any of the men's swords on Port Royal that I had handled. "I had this fashioned for you by a Spaniard. Kind of a small fellow, but the blade cuts just like the rest."

I took it from him. It was light and nimble. I tested it out by making striking motions my father had taught me long ago. "Thank you, Jack. You didn't have to go to the trouble."

"Never mind that." He said, his eyes beaming at my appreciation. "Come now, on guard."

With the grace of a cat, Jack side stepped behind me and held his sword out in challenge. He jabbed, and I blocked with clumsy remembrance. We sparred for a while, Jack correcting my blocks and encouraging offensive strikes. Dancing had kept me light on my feet, for which I'm grateful. Ajay was drumming a beat used in battle, which made me chuckle and lose my guard. Jack quickly disarmed me. My sword twirled up in the air and was caught by Jack, who tossed it back to me. "Never take your eye off the enemy, Love." He said half-joking and began striking again, with more force this time. We practiced for I don't know how long, until sweat was dripping off my forehead, and my shoulders held heat from the sun's rays.

As I was going in for a midline jab, I felt two arms circle around me, pinning my arms to my sides rendering me unable to move.

"What's the meaning of this Hector?" Jack asked surprised.

I struggled to free myself, but it was in vain.

"I'm teachin' ya the most important lesson of the day, Lass." Barbossa hissed so that only I could hear. "Always mind yer backside."

"Enough." I squeezed through constricted lungs.

Barbossa released me as some crew members snickered with some known sentiment.

"Eh, that was no fair fight." Ajay called.

"An' who said fighting were fair, ye mangy bilge rat?" Barbossa lashed.

The deck grew quiet, the tension that I had sensed on my first evening of arrival filled the air around us. Finally, Jack asserted his leadership. "I believe you've got the hang of it, Darling." He said to me, gently squeezing my shoulder. "Back to work, lads. We make port at sundown."

He whisked by me and whispered something in Barbossa's ear. The two of them disappeared down into the cabins.

I joined Jaheim and Ajay who were hoisting some rope. I grabbed the end of it and began helping them in the one task I was getting skilled at. "What was that about?" I asked Ajay.

"Oh, Flori." He shook his head. "For a while now, the captain and his first mate been arguing. As the ship get more and more wealth, the tension rise." We grunted as something dropped to the ground that I had forgotten the name of.

"What do their disagreements have to do with me? Why does Barbossa find every opportunity to pester me?"

Ajay motioned for me to walk toward the railing, away from open ears. "If ya ask me, I say be careful of that one. He's got a lust for power behind those eyes. An' you." He pointed to me and eyed me with concern. "You got the captain smitten, we all know. That's one more thing Captain Jack got that the first mate don't." We both glanced toward the cabins.

"What do we do about it Ajay?" I felt a knot grow in my stomach and heard the unfamiliar pleading tone escape my throat.

Ajay clicked his tongue and shook his head. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he said. "I been crewing the Pearl with Captain Jack for years. I respect him, but if he don't make his claim to the Pearl with more fervor," he made a fist in emphasis. "He might lose his ship. An' you, Flori." He touched my shoulder firmly. "You are a free spirit like the ocean." He glanced around us. "A woman like you, be a thing that those who yearn for power wish to keep inside a box." My widening eyes caused Ajay to lower his hands in an effort to calm me. "Now, you don't hear these things from me. We can keep an eye out for you." He motioned to Jaheim who had been listening. "But you watch yourself." He warned. "I see the warmth you have for the captain; I say encourage him to show his leadership. Make him see that all this he built could be lost."

I nodded and smiled at this unlikely friend.

I made my way down the dark corridor toward the cabins, the fire in my stomach growing as I tried to stay silent. My suspicions were confirmed. 'Just my luck, getting aboard a ship during a power grab.' I thought. I hear footsteps and muttering voices in front of me and quickly dart inside my room, holding the swinging doors steady.

I held my breath as Jack's voice becomes clear. "You will take orders and leave her be." He sounded angry. "She's the child of fallen pirates. Not some common strumpet for you to toy with."

"An' what exactly are you doin'?" Barbossa retorted. "Ye think the crew don't have eyes?"

My heartbeat quickens. I hadn't thought of how the crew would react to mine and Jack's affection. Or whatever it was. Why would it affect them? Their voices drift away as the footsteps head out onto the deck. I pace the room, planks creaking underfoot. What had I gotten myself involved with? As happy as I was to be reunited with a key figure of my past, a lifestyle I grew up with, something inside me sensed danger.

"Land, Ho!" I hear Bo'sun shout from the deck, followed by a chorus of hardy cheers.

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