Chapter 12

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A/N: tiny bit of smut at the very end. 

The pirates' cry pierced through my clouded mind, pulling me onto the deck. Ahead lay a massive black rock with clouds encircling it, seeming that a perpetual thunderstorm always lingered but never delivered. Though it was midday, the isle itself was shrouded in dark, mirroring a pirate's wish to be concealed from the noose. 

The crew was busily preparing to make an early port as I continued to study Tortuga from the stern. This island had no markers of British royal influence as Port Royal did; no military vessels lined the dock. Ships even larger than the British bobbed in the dark waters, their black pirate flags proudly displayed for all to see. I felt nervous excitement fill my stomach; suddenly missing the warmth and familiarity of Port Royal. I had never considered myself sheltered what with my past, but this stark contrast to the reality I had been living for fifteen years was apparent. 

I glanced behind me at Jack who held the wheel in his hands across the ship. He flashed me a gold-toothed smile and a knowing nod which eased the butterflies I felt tingling in my stomach that caused my fingers to tremble.

We slowly made our way into the center of the isle which was eagerly open awaiting pirate vessels. Details became more visible as we edged closer, pubs and taverns lined the streets, tattered men and scantily dressed women stumbled about drunkenly, some haggling over treasures and knick knacks. One man lay asleep in the middle of a crowded street, body spread wide like a starfish with a bottle in his right hand. I couldn't help but laugh in my surprise.

"Floria," Jack appeared beside me holding the small of my back. "How'd ya like to help me go round and gather supplies. I'll show ya the best spots on the island. Favorites of your parents and mine own sweet spots." Jack was grinning wildly with the prospect, so I nodded keenly anticipating a sight that connected me to my pirate lineage.

"That'd be lovely Jack." I smiled at him and touched the pendant of my mother's for comfort. The heat that came from it seemed to encourage me forward, into a new facet of the pirate world.

Once we docked, Jack instructed some crewmates to gather one various supply need or another, food and drink for the journey ahead being the most important. The sun was high in the sky, heating the sand below my feet which added to the sweat that accumulated on my brow. I wiped my forehead and squinted at shop after shop lining dirty streets.

"Shall we?" Jack held out the crook of his arm, which I took and we started down one of the streets, parting thick crowds of booze-smelling pirates trading goods. I held a stern gaze with the male-dominated crowd, intimidating any potential harassers from starting something with me. Besides the occasional "Oi, lass," the crowd allowed us to pass with passive curiosity. Jack and I ambled from shop to shop, him telling me who owned this or that, what goods they sold, any personal connections they had to my parents or himself. I listened attentively, eyeing and touching everything in sight from fruit to jewelry to hand-crafted weapons. I passed my hand through a string of cloud-like silk scarves, their vibrant colors emitting scents of exotic lands, spices and herbs.

"Would the beauty like a headscarf?" A tall trader with an accent I couldn't place asked with a gleam in his eye. "I suggest the burgundy wine hue. A beauty that is stark and unforgettable as is she."

I blush and open my mouth to politely decline the man when Jack flips him a small bag of gold coins.

The man smiles greedily. "A wise choice, good sir." he mumbled.

"Jack," I stare wide-eyed. "You didn't need to-"

"Let me tie it for you." Jack carefully snatches the scarf from the rack and wraps it behind my head, letting my hair loose from the tie I had wrapped around it. Locks cascaded down my back, kept in place by the new treasure behind my ears.

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