chapter eleven

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it was the next morning, Sunday.
i wake up wrapped in someone's arms so i look around at my surroundings to see Rudy asleep beside me holding me close. as i'm looking i notice people scattered around my bedroom, Madelyn and Chase on the floor cuddling, Madison is at the foot of the bed asleep, and Jonathan on the floor with the others.
i try to get up slowly trying not to wake anybody up but i fail as i feel Rudy move and mumble something to me with his eyes shut but it wasn't understandable. i kiss his cheek as an apology for waking him before i get up and step over the three on the floor as i head towards the kitchen to see the mess that was scattered everywhere along with it in the living room as well. i groan as i start to clean up quietly.
"want any help?" Madison asks while walking towards me.
"you don't have to but you can if you want" i tell her as i pick up beer cans and throw them in the recycle bin.
she nods and starts helping me, before we know it everything was cleaned up. i thank her and head to my coffee machine and start brewing some.
"last night was so fun, thanks for inviting me" she tells me as she sits on the counter.
"of course, you know you're always welcomed here" i respond with a smile as i pour creamer into my coffee. "want a cup of coffee?" i ask.
"yeah i'll take one thanks" she responds with a smile.
"you're welcome" i say before handing her a cup of coffee.
i sit beside her on the counter as we chat about last night reminiscing which turns into a conversation about crystals.
"if you could be any crystal, which would you pick?" she asks me.
"hmm.. maybe a rose quartz, full of love and beautiful. what about you?" i say.
she tells me and we soon talk about which crystal our friends would be.
"morning" we hear someone say.
we look over towards the voice and see JD.
"morning" we say in union to him making us all laugh.
"there's coffee over there if you want some, and whatever you want to add is in the fridge" i tell him with a smile.
"alright thanks" he says heading to the coffee.
soon the others get up and make their way to the kitchen.
Madelyn and Chase making a cup of coffee, Rudy standing between my legs with his arms wrapped around me and his head laying on me clearly still tired.
"are you sure y'all aren't dating? because if i put two and two together it just makes sense" Jonathan asks.
"yeah i agree with JD, and you guys are hanging out one on one?? without us?? kinda sus if you ask me" Madison adds.
"people can't hang out together?" i ask.
"not when they're this affectionate" Madelyn says.
"and in denial that something is clearly sparking between you two" Chase adds.
"we're just friends, calm down" Rudy says as he lifts his head.
him saying we were just friends made my heart hurt like a bitch.
"yes because friends hold each other, have to be touching in someway, and kiss each other every now and then" Chase says.
"mmm just sounds like me and the girls tbh" i say joking
the girls nod with a laugh.

we talk some more before they all leave, leaving Rudy and i to be alone.
i look at him debating if i should ask him or not.
"hey Rudy?" i ask looking at him from the kitchen.
"yeah?" he responds sitting on my couch watching tv.
"what are we?" i ask playing with my necklace due to nerves.
he looks at me. "i'm not sure... i don't want to assume anything" he says.
i nod, "well how do you feel about you and i?" i ask looking away scared for his response.
"hopeful. i want to be able to say there's an us, and be able to call you mine. i want to hold you and kiss you whenever i want." he says without hesitation making me look at him again with a smile.
"i feel the same way, i've felt this way ever since i laid my eyes on you and when we hung out together for the first time just us two, the feelings got deeper" i tell him.
he walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, "well then Kennedy Nalia Rodriguez, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks looking me in my eyes.
i wrap my arms around his neck not breaking the eye contact, i nod and say "it would be an honor."
we kiss and i can feel him smile in the process, this kiss felt different then the other times. it had meaning to it, it was full of love and passion.
we pull and look at each other just enjoying the moment.
"you're so gorgeous" he says as he admires me.
i blush and look away to hide my face.
"awwhh did i make you blush" he says teasingly.
"wouldn't be the first time" i admit making him laugh. he kisses my head before resting his head on mine.

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