chapter five

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we had already filmed a bunch for the first episode, now we we're closing the episode out which was John b opening the bag.
so we were all on the boat again and have just been shot at, we arrived at a dock and John b parked the boat so we could all get out.
we stepped off the boat and headed towards the hut looking thing on the dock after JJ had tied up the boat.
"what do you guys think it is?" Kiara asks while leaning against the side.
"well it's gotta be money or something, right?" John b says as he's on the ground with the bag.
"that or a couple of keys with street value to the low- to mid-mils" JJ adds.
"can we please just open the bag?!" Pope says.
"wow, Pope. that's a rare outburst of emotion" i say.
"okay, you guys are literally killing me with anticipation, just open the bag" Pope adds.
"jeez" JJ adds also.
"we almost died over this" Pope continues.
John b is opening the bag and grabs out a silver tube so he opens that and flips it over making something fall out onto his hand.
he opens it staring at it.
"oh, wow. yup. that's about right. good job everybody. we found a compass" Pope says upset.
"dude what? it's not worth anything." JJ tells John b as he takes his hat off.
"this was my fathers..." John b says in a whisper.

"anndddd CUT" the director says. "good job everyone" they add.
we all smile. i take the hat out of Rudy's hand and place it on my head.
"i could totally pull off being JJ, no?" i say holding finger guns up and pointing them towards everyone.
"yeah i see it" Madison says with a laugh. "as long as i'm your love interest though" she adds with a wink making me smile and laugh.
"of course i wouldn't want it to be anybody else" i respond winking back.
"okay love birds calm down" Jonathan says laughing making the guys laugh.
"LETS GO PLAY POOL EVERYONE" Madelyn screams excitedly as she walks towards us.
we all agree and head to the trailers to change first. after we finish we go to where Madelyn and Austin were, who we meet durning the fight scene.
"woah it's so cool in here" i say walking in.
"LETS PLAY" Madison says to all of us while handing out pool sticks.
we play for a bit then it turned into taking selfies because why not.

location: balls

kennedyrodriguezlocation: balls

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tagged: madisonbaileybaberudeth, madelyncline and 562,790 others liked

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tagged: madisonbaileybabe
rudeth, madelyncline and 562,790 others liked.
(ik it's not actually madison just act like it)
kennedyrodriguez: 🎱
rudeth: yo who's the one in the purple shes cute
-> kennedyrodriguez: idk she's right beside you i think
itschasestokes: AHAHAHA "BALLS"
-> kennedyrodriguez: 😏😏
madelyncline: i call photo dibs with you next
-> kennedyrodriguez: i'd be honored
jonathandavis: favs
-> kennedyrodriguez: we <3 you
user: AHHH

Madelyn, Madison, and i are on the floor laying down chatting about a potential cast dinner tonight.
"CHASE" Madelyn screams not wanting to get up.
"YES" he screams back coming over to us. "woah cuddle sesh on the floor, me and the guys should have one of these" he adds in laughing.
we all laugh at what he says making the guys surround us.
"SO we are hungry and since we're all here we want to know if you all would like to join us for dinner" she asks with a smile.
"i'm down" Chase responds.
"me too" Jonathan adds.
they all agree to go so the three of us girls get up excited.
"YES" Madelyn says. "i'm so hungry i could eat all of you" she adds.
Madison and i laugh.
we all head towards the cars and go to the dinner spot.

we all get there and sit down at our seats. i was sitting in between Madison and Rudy.
we all order drinks and start talking.
"would you rather be an elephant or an ant" Madison asks us.
"an elephant" Rudy answers.
"i wanna be an ant" i reply also.
"really? why?" Madison asks me agreeing with Rudy.
"you can break into people houses and just look around idk" i respond.
"why would you want to break into someone's hous-"Rudy starts to say but i cut him off.
"man idk i'm just saying whatever comes to my head" i say with a laugh making the other two laugh.
everyone else was chatting as well and apparently taking a photo.


itschasestokes, madelyncline and 600,729 others liked

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itschasestokes, madelyncline and 600,729 others liked.
obx: group dinner lol
user: FAV CAST
kennedyrodriguez: wait wha i didn't even know you guys took the photo-
-> rudeth: you were busy staring at me 😌
-> kennedyrodriguez: in your dreams
itschasestokes: haha i posted this

i look at Rudy who was staring at me because of what i responded to his comment with.
"really??? in my dreams??" he asks.
"yes in your dreams" i respond with an innocent smile.
"welp i guess my dreams are gonna be good tonight" he adds.
"and why is that?" i ask still looking at him.
"because you'll be in them" he says which makes me smile and put my hands on my cheeks.
i feel my face getting hot so i look away trying to calm myself down.
"awwhhhhh Rudy you made her blush" i hear Madison tell him.
"hell yeahhhh" he says as if making me blush was an accomplishment.
"she totally likes you" she adds as if i'm not sitting right there.
"nah i doubt it" he responds.
"i'm literally right here" i state looking up.

was Madison right?? was i falling for the person i met like 12 hours ago???

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